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PetrolHead (DayZ)

Mouse glitch

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For some reason when I open DayZ, my mouse doesn't appear but it only does it so often so i never really thought about it too much but it has started to really bug me. So any help would be appreciated :)

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Guessing you mean no cursor on main menu?


Tried tabbing out then back in?

Defo running in fullscreen mode?


Could try verifying game files through steam, or last resort try a reinstall.


Never had this on dayz but have on other games, the tabbing thing seems to work most :)

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Hid your other topic, one will do. Moved to Troubleshooting.

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Thanks for the help, but it still doesn't work i completely reinstalled steam and the game, tried tabbing in and out but the cursor still is not there.

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i have same issue when i have overwatch or other program (with overlay) open.. do you have any of those open (TS, mumble, fraps, etc)?

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Are your 3D and interface resolutions both set to you native values?

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