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About Amachie

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  1. Amachie

    Separation Anxiety

    ah, screw copters, give us at least bicycles! 😀
  2. Amachie

    Strange Sound in 0.46?

    yes, sometimes gas stations explode and the sound is carried even from solnichny to novod..
  3. Amachie

    Strange performance issue please help

    http://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/ Download GPU-Z and make screenshot from first tab and post it here.
  4. Amachie

    City office

    and oh the irony if estonian government should work under the red star..
  5. Amachie

    City office

    actually it is normal tenenment which was built for factory workers during 1950´s.. :D
  6. Amachie

    Strange performance issue please help

    use the search in the forum and you can find plenty of tweaking videos which give fps boost. with crappy pc-s there is no chance to get good picture as arma 2 engine is badly optimized.
  7. Amachie

    City office

    Is it based on that building? :) https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/10516682_876521669042338_4601707900967253755_n.jpg E: better picture http://www.upload.ee/image/4138228/house.png
  8. Amachie

    Where do I find the AKM?

    Hells High, go to the military base near vybor, south from NWAF
  9. Amachie

    Where do I find the AKM?

    seems that AKM-s are in barracks only... and do not paint 75drum, it will turn into 30 mag
  10. Amachie

    Mouse glitch

    i have same issue when i have overwatch or other program (with overlay) open.. do you have any of those open (TS, mumble, fraps, etc)?
  11. Amachie

    Not letting me in the server

    i bet thats in wrong subforum. just try to verify ingame cache from steam-> Right click on ArmA2->Properties->Local Files -Tab-> Verify Integrity of Game Cache
  12. Amachie

    Low FPS, Computer Crashes. Need Help!

    Yes, low-med settings, 50-60 fps in forest and 20-30fps in towns. Maybe bit more, afterall you have 2gen newer GPU than i have. *you forgot to write in italic
  13. Amachie

    DayZ Standalone- Steam: Preparing to launch

    Proto, is your HDD ok? (defrag and scan with smart, let me know of results)
  14. Amachie

    Low FPS, Computer Crashes. Need Help!

    Yes, it is good enough. However, i´d recommend that you buy some SSD also (60GB version is enough), where you can run OS and DayZ. 2TB HDD as primary can make things slow (even if you do partitions). But right now, with your old CPU and 2GB of RAM (which is DDR2?) you can´t play DayZ without issues. BTW, why AMD platform? If you are going to upgrade CPU and MB, then Intel is bit better at gaming, AMD is better at video editing, etc. (i have Crosshair Formula V as MB, FX-8350 as CPU and 10GB Kingston DDR3 and every game i have crappier performance than my Intel-fanboy friends)
  15. Amachie

    Low FPS, Computer Crashes. Need Help!

    Are you seriously trying to play with 2GB of RAM? :)