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DayZ SE 0-4 (Experimental/Testing) Hacker

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So basically me and my friend were at the petrol station in Svetlo meeting a fresh spawn, when my friend got killed from behind by an AKM shooting thousands of bullets per minute.

It was literally like a M249 SAW machinegun just teleporting around. He killed me and the fresh spawn aswell.


I spawned in, and so did my friend, and he met one other fresh spawn that said a hacker teleported behind him and shot him.

I kept on mining my own business until I got back to my body, but it was gone so I went down to svetlo's police station and started looting the police cars suddenly I heard that same machine gun sound again next to me, he had teleported and killed me again. I logged off the server.

This just happened at this time.


TL;DR: Hacker with rapid fire AKM unlimited ammo teleporting around shooting people on the DayZ SE 0-4 (Experimental/Testing) server.


Don't know where to report it

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Please be aware that some experimental servers are not BattlEye protected for obvious reason. If you fear the attack of scripters, make sure to avoid them.

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My honesty and integrity was obviously too much for him. Shame it ended like that -  I was having a laugh until I found out he was scripting.

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