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Munson_fry (DayZ)

well thats DAYZ 4 u Sir !

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after crawling  arround at the nwaf for a week  i finally got my brother to fix my broken leg ( hes busy playing wolfensten atm ) 

so hes loggin on runs across the map telling me on Teamspeak for half an hour what a lucky bastard i am because i will get his last morphine stick ... bla bla bla

so he comes and fixes me up great ! 

i say thx and he loggs out. 


the night was young so i decided to do a tentcity airfield raid on my own. 


tents:                     check ! 

first two hangars:   check !

lonly barrack:        check !

prison building:      check !


went to the two story barn to look for an fireaxe went upstaris in the little room at the end of the gallery 


ohh my hydration sign went from bright green to dark green so its PIPSI TIME 

i open a can of pipsi 

drink it 



my leg breaks !



i stared for 5 minutes at my inventory screen but my leg is still broken 



now thats day z 4 u sir ! 



edit it was nW airfield not nE airfield . sorry

Edited by Munson_fry
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Does morphine not permanently fix a broken leg? If not I suppose that makes sense - I've only ever had a chance to use the stick method. You crawled around that long and couldn't find someone to help (fix leg or shoot you) or a zed to kill you? That's impressive.

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killing myself is not an option 

its a survival game after all or isint it?

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Go play experimental till 0.45 hits stable. Plenty of wooden sticks in the forest on experimental.

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Barn's second story is known to break legs for no apparent reason. Better to avoid barns at all - evil constructions...


Edit: You ought to be commended for your perseverance in playing the game as it should. *clap*

Edited by retro19
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  On 5/29/2014 at 12:23 PM, Dennus said:

Go play experimental till 0.45 hits stable. Plenty of wooden sticks in the forest on experimental.

I just switched to experimental, and so far I am loving it. SO MANY STICKS AND PIECES OF FIREWOOD

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standing on a 2nd story floor has broken my legs and killed me many times on experimental. lucky I carry a bunch of sticks and rags for fireplace kits.

sucks when you have to use three splints just to reach the stairs lol

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You could always contact the trusted medics of the wasteland, they have a topic pinned here. Best bet is to join their teamspeak at:


They should be able to fix up your legs fairly fast.

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my leg is fine again 

medics of the wasteland tryed to help me and now it comes 


medic runns across the map to heal me . shortly before he arrives he tells me the server i have to join.

so i join and crawl down the stairs of the barn .... guess what lies on the floor










.fucking wooden sticks  :lol: 


now thats dayz for u sir ! 



te medic took it with a laugh.

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  On 5/29/2014 at 12:23 PM, Dennus said:

Go play experimental till 0.45 hits stable. Plenty of wooden sticks in the forest on experimental.


ya, and you'll need those sticks. played the latest experimental for two hours and received broken legs on three occasions.

in one instance doing nothing more than standing still in an empty field. crack!!

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  On 5/29/2014 at 6:45 PM, Munson_fry said:

my leg is fine again

medics of the wasteland tryed to help me and now it comes

medic runns across the map to heal me . shortly before he arrives he tells me the server i have to join.

so i join and crawl down the stairs of the barn .... guess what lies on the floor










.fucking wooden sticks :lol:

now thats dayz for u sir !

te medic took it with a laugh.

Well at least he helped you find the server you needed. lol

I had a similar situation a few days ago. I was listening in and trying to help out with a medic run and I get there right as everything is finished and they've logged out. Oh well, at least nothing bad happened, I find a bush near the building and log out.

Next day, the same guy enters a help needed channel, a member talks to him and then he goes to my channel. I guess he logged in and immediately found two morphines in the building he had broken legs in the day before and he wanted to make a donation... Well at least all my running wasn't for nothing. lol I logged in, went up the stairs and took a morphine and canteen. Couple hours later I used the morphine to heal a guy trapped on the rify with broken legs.

Edited by Phoenix777

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Hey Homeskillet NW of that NW Airfield is a badass military establishment right along the road that leads out of the top of the Airfield if you didn't know ;) would like to see how Dayz is for you over there lol

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