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Logoff - Newspawning ?

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Last night I was playing with my usual DayZ group near NE and during our adventure I relogged due to disapearing items bug but when I logged back into the same server I was a newspawn with no spawn timer and my group could see my body still for 30 seconds.


Shortly after that another friend logged out and back in to find the same fate as myself. I'm just wondering if anyone else has suffered this since the patch or if it was basically just us who got fucked?



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Happened to quite a few of us I suspect.

When i respawn as a Bambi and should not, I log off immediately. Then I check my server history and try to rejoin the server I was in a little earlier while geared, making sure still on the same hive Casual vs Hardcore.  


Sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. I don't really care :-)


Good luck



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I've had that twice. I immediately logged out and logged in on my other character, HC, or reg, or vice versa. Then I logged that guy out and re logged

the one who was a fresh spawn, and it loaded the correct one. Also, as others said, just log out immediately then back in. You have a bit of time before the server records that new character data.

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When this happens, log out and shut down the game. Verify the game files and log back in your stuff will be there. already a bug report on this..

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