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Uses for Rope

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Technical plausibility aside:


A player could drop the rope down to create an easier way up for other players, if they're jerks they could let the rope go while the player climbing the rope is almost up.

As a lasso for easier player or zombie capture

As a clothes line for drying out clothes. (combined with a new ground spike item)

As a clothes line to knock down sprinting players or zombies.

Create an improvised flail (weapon)

Play the jump rope mini game

Tie lassoed zombies to ground spikes and use them to guard an area

Human puppet show!

To stop uncool people getting into your cool clubhouse with a rope barrier

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Use it to tie any object with a hole or a ring (like the compass) to the backpack, to increase the objects that can be carried around. Each backpack type could have a certain numbers of ropes which can be attatched.

The down sides could be:

- More noise

- Less speed, if weight system is coming

- Less stamina, if stamina is coming

- Chance of losing tied stuff during combat, eg rope breaks

- Needs more time to fetch the item, because it has to be untied


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