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Bruce of Wayne

Make 15%ish chance for pistols to spawn with magazines

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Know I'm late here- but I am saying that is one ADVANTAGE, because, take, for instance, the Magnum. I would have to disagree with you on it being "so good". It has very, very poor accuracy,no attachments, and only six shots. In exchange, it has usability. It has common ammo and you don't need a mag. So if you were to put more work into it, an FNX would pay off much more. But that's the thing, finding that mag.

In the hopes that there is eventually weapon maintenance and weapon malfunctions (jamming, etc) eventually added, the revolver will also be unable to jam.


And, how does it have poor accuracy? I just killed a man with a revolver firing from one building, across the street, into another building, in Berezino. That seems to be relatively good accuracy, especially for snap-firing.

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In the hopes that there is eventually weapon maintenance and weapon malfunctions (jamming, etc) eventually added, the revolver will also be unable to jam.


And, how does it have poor accuracy? I just killed a man with a revolver firing from one building, across the street, into another building, in Berezino. That seems to be relatively good accuracy, especially for snap-firing.

I have put the sights right on a zombie at about 10 yards and missed 3 or four shots. A friend of mine has had a similar experience.

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I would like to see more realistic loot spawns as far as context.


What I mean by that is if you go into the police station, you'll (once the current experimental patch is pushed to stable) see a rack of AKMs (maybe an SKS or two) in a weapons locker type room, but maybe 1-2 mags, and of those, there will only be like 10 rounds in 1 of the mags, and the other will be empty. Like they were all grabbed by the police when the outbreak started.


For pistols, you'd find a corpse in the corner with 2-3 empty pistol mags around him, and a pistol with an empty mag in its hand with a bullet hole in its temple. That or finding a shotgun on top of a dresser, or under a workbench.

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