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First Aid Kit

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First Aid Kit

Takes up 1 space in your primary gear

Rare spawn OR Combine-able with the following items:

3x bandages,

3x painkillers,

3x morphine.

Has 3 charges and on right-click can perform any of the abilities of the individual items.

Exhausted on final charge use and is not refillable or able to be disassembled.

May be administered to yourself or other players.

First Aid Box

Takes up 2 spaces in your primary gear

Very Rare spawn OR Combine-able with the following items:

5x bandages,

5x painkillers,

5x morphine,

5x blood bags.

Has 5 charges and on right-click can perform any of the abilities of the individual items.

Exhausted on final charge use and is not refillable or able to be disassembled.

May be administered to yourself or other players.

Medics Bag

Takes up 4 spaces in your primary gear

Ultra Rare spawn OR Combine-able with the following items:

10x bandages,

10x painkillers,

10x morphine,

10x blood bags.

10x epi-pen's

Has 10 charges and on right-click can perform any of the abilities of the individual items.

Exhausted on final charge use and is not refillable or able to be disassembled.

May be administered to yourself or other players.

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Interesting idea, but i dont think you really balanced it at all. You final suggestion turns 50x slots into 4x. Also, the fact you can 'craft' them isnt that difficult, as anyone who has raided a hospital can tell you, those items are in over abundance. This would make people go to hospitals less, aka travel less, which is bad for the game.

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Interesting idea' date=' but i dont think you really balanced it at all. You final suggestion turns 50x slots into 4x. Also, the fact you can 'craft' them isnt that difficult, as anyone who has raided a hospital can tell you, those items are in over abundance. This would make people go to hospitals less, aka travel less, which is bad for the game.


Its not terribly balanced as its just a 'suggestion' hence why its in this forum. And i also think that this would cause increased traffic to the hospital. Yes it reduces 50 items into 4, but you only get to use 10 of them, the other 40 get wasted. So its cheap space wise but VERY expensive on materials.

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"so it's cheap space wise but VERY expensive on materials"

a really nice idea, and also that -^ shows this thing has potential!

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IF this was implemented i dare say it would be a long way down the development line, so much other stuff id like to see done first. But still its nice to throw idea's out there.

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I heard that Rocket is planning on implementing boxes to put ammo in so i cant see why first aid kits can be introduced as well.

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