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Crows that attack players

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I was hanging out at an undisclosed London tube station one quiet evening, while waiting for the piccadilly line. Out of the blue, two large jet black crows (apparently hungry and looking for food) landed a few feet in front of me. Now this was the first time I had actually ever had the chance to really examine these magnificent predators up close, so I made this experience count.


Upon close up inspection of my Avian friends, a thought that popped into my mind was how terrifying these birds of prey might be if they hunted humans in large swarms. It didn't take me long to realize what a marvelous addition to DayZ these creatures could potentially be!


Birds such as these could dwell on the edge of tree lines facing large patches of clearing. They would lay in wait for the unsuspecting traveler to break out of forest, upon which time they unleash their fury in massive numbers. They'd be the tiny velociraptors of the sky!


The only recourse for the helpless traveler would be to run for cover, or, if they had a shotgun, to unleash some birdshot in their general direction.


Comments? Beans?

Edited by codestargod
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Unless they were somehow infected by the same virus as the infected (which I can't necessarily believe considering other animals are completely fine) or had gone under some evolutionary change amidst the destruction, crows would probably continue to avoid people. You'd definitely have a higher percentage of animal attacks on humans in general, after they had realized that there was no longer anything stopping them from going to big towns and cities, but they'd probably still wait for people to be weakened and on their last legs.

Actually, in the instance where you're nearly starved for food and water, I think it'd be great to have birds circling over you and maybe even deciding to attack if you were weak enough. Still, +1 for originality, most of the other hostile animal posts want wolves and bears, and for some reason tigers.

Edited by Chaingunfighter

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So like this classic film (which i have to watch one day)...



Though it would solidify my reasoning for carrying a shotgun as a primary. Other than I like shotguns and it looks cool.

EDIT: and to try and do this type of scene. The magnum isn't just my favorite pistol because you don't have to use mags.

Edited by Dchil
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Unless they were somehow infected by the same virus as the infected (which I can't necessarily believe considering other animals are completely fine) or had gone under some evolutionary change amidst the destruction, crows would probably continue to avoid people. You'd definitely have a higher percentage of animal attacks on humans in general, after they had realized that there was no longer anything stopping them from going to big towns and cities, but they'd probably still wait for people to be weakened and on their last legs.

Actually, in the instance where you're nearly starved for food and water, I think it'd be great to have birds circling over you and maybe even deciding to attack if you were weak enough. Still, +1 for originality, most of the other hostile animal posts want wolves and bears, and for some reason tigers.

With everything in the world going pear shaped, it likely that these birds would develop a more aggressive wolf-pack mentality.


If they also preyed on corpses and do not get sick and die, then those that survive could possibly carry infected flesh on their beaks and talons. If these then come in contact with humans, they could pass disease this way, that would need to be treated with medication.


Just hearing that chilling cawwing sound they make in the distance would immediately send chills down anyone's spine! Imagine hearing this when walking down a desolate abandoned city block at dawn...

Edited by codestargod

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Damn it, Dchil beat me to it with the Hitchcock reference. You're too young to know, Dchil! How dare you? Okay, I am as well.



Aaaanyway - crows and ravens can be proper beasts. If you're unsuspecting they can properly attack you, especially if you're a little boy just wanting to eat your icecream.


I like the idea, even though they shouldn't be doing much damage to you, just to scare you.

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Damn it, Dchil beat me to it with the Hitchcock reference. You're too young to know, Dchil! How dare you? Okay, I am as well.



It helps when you spent a good portion of your childhood watching shittons of TV so much that your parents get worried about how you react to watching it (eyes wide, jaw limp sort of staring at the TV). Eventually something comes on that goes on about classic movies. One day this was listed on a top 10 or something. I didn't particularly want to watch it at the time, nor was i interested in the program it was on but now more than ever it seems that there are just some things you have to do and watch. 


This probably one of those movies.

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If they also preyed on corpses and do not get sick and die, then those that survive could possibly carry infected flesh on their beaks and talons. If these then come in contact with humans, they could pass disease this way, that would need to be treated with medication.


Those who survived DayZ only to die from a KoSer sitting a mile away are immune to the virus...it seems that animals aren't affected by it.


Imo the only way crows or birds in general would attack humans and other animals is when they breed and you are close to their nest. And i'm pretty sure The Birds is as exaggerated as Jaws...

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So like this classic film (which i have to watch one day)...



Though it would solidify my reasoning for carrying a shotgun as a primary. Other than I like shotguns and it looks cool.

EDIT: and to try and do this type of scene. The magnum isn't just my favorite pistol because you don't have to use mags.

Turns out there is another reason why a shotgun could be a weapon of choice. In addition to the fun sport of duck hunting, here is something else to consider...



So you didn't read the change log? They're zombies! Head damage only!

Ongoing melee balancing has zombies more resilient to body impacts. (Aim for the head)



If this is true, then I suggest that a shotgun with buckshot should be the weapon of choice for those less skilled at snipping.


A shotgun might not put the undead down for good, but it could take them off their feet for long enough to make good your escape.


I propose that weapon characteristics be made to fit with this model.


For persons good at sniping, a head shot with some FMJ round for skull penetration is the way to go, but for those lacking in skill, it would be nice if we could take a leg off of a zombie with a 12 gauge, of fire some lead shot into the herd to slow them down.


On the other hand, an FMJ to the chest or stomach would penetrate, enter and exit, but would not have much take down force to stop them permanently if not square in the rib cage, heart or skull.


This would cause players to think more carefully about the weapon they choose to use...


Should they discard that old Remington 1900 side-by-side 12 gauge with a charming Damascus barrel they found in a barn or above the fireplace, that offers little penetration but lots of spread and take-down force, or should they abandon that military grade M4 with armor penetrating rounds and a snipping scope in favor of a sawed off shotgun with ample slug and buckshot, lots of kick and splash damage?


Or maybe, they could have the best of both worlds... an M4 for armor/skull piercing, and a .38 Saturday night special with hollow point rounds and moderate punch, but pathetic range.


Decisions, decisions...


Comments, Beans?

Edited by codestargod

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You want this? Watch attack of the birds (No offense but this is a terrible idea)

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You want this? Watch attack of the birds (No offense but this is a terrible idea)

there's always one...

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there's always one...

Yep just saying if they did do this it'd have to be a random event otherwise it'd be a bad thing to have seeing how other animals somehow haven't changed

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Yep just saying if they did do this it'd have to be a random event otherwise it'd be a bad thing to have seeing how other animals somehow haven't changed


The birds themselves are not infected. However, with a food shortage across Cherneruse, they would be more opportunistic and hence more aggressive, while learning to forage in large groups. It is not outside the realm of possibility that these birds would resort to eating the flesh of the dead (and the weaker of the undead). Organizing themselves in large groups would be a natural evolutionary tactic these birds would quickly adapt to if they wanted to take down larger prey.


It is also not outside the realm of possibility that flocks of these birds may begin to attack those of us who they deem weak and defenseless; and because they may have been feeding on dead flesh and possibly feces, they would be the perfect delivery system for pestilence.


Yes, it would be a random chance that you'd encounter an aggressive flock, and the greatest danger would be large unpopulated areas where there is little food, and where wooded regions meet large patches of clearing. Smaller groups of these birds may also exist within the city limits.


As you walked through the city, you may see several of them perched in the roof tops, cawing at each other and assessing their possible victims for  signs of weakness. Your best bet in these situations would be to move cautiously so as not to invite their attention.


Bear in mind that studies show that crows are as intelligent as a seven year old, with the ability to use their environment to fashion basic tools to make their life easier. They are infact, the only non-primate group capable of doing this! In large groups, they could be a force to reckon with.


Crows have been observed killing doves, pigeons, Finches, sparrows, Blue Jays, Oreos, hawks, and anything that flies or moves. They are ruthless yet intelligent.


See this interesting short video at the bottom of the page here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2590046/Crows-intelligent-CHILDREN-Study-reveals-birds-intelligence-seven-year-old.html

Edited by codestargod
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The birds themselves are not infected. However, with a food shortage across Cherneruse, they would be more opportunistic and hence more aggressive, while learning to forage in large groups. It is not outside the realm of possibility that these birds would resort to eating the flesh of the dead (and the weaker of the undead). Organizing themselves in large groups would be a natural evolutionary tactic these birds would quickly adapt to if they wanted to take down larger prey.


It is also not outside the realm of possibility that flocks of these birds may begin to attack those of us who they deem weak and defenseless; and because they may have been feeding on dead flesh and possibly feces, they would be the perfect delivery system for pestilence.


Yes, it would be a random chance that you'd encounter an aggressive flock, and the greatest danger would be large unpopulated areas where there is little food, and where wooded regions meet large patches of clearing. smaller groups of these birds may also exist within city limits.


As you walk through the city, you may see several of them perched in the roof tops, cawing at each other and assessing their possible victims for  signs of weakness. Your best bet in these situations would be to move cautiously so as not to invite their attention.


Bear in mind that studies show that crows are as intelligent as a seven year old, with the ability to use their environment to fashion basic tools to make their life easier. They are infact, the only non-primate group capable of doing this! In large groups, they could be a force to reckon with.


See this interesting short video at the bottom of the page here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2590046/Crows-intelligent-CHILDREN-Study-reveals-birds-intelligence-seven-year-old.html

Yeah but one shotgun shell and they all fly away besides that a beaks not gonna get through military clothing or gloves

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Yeah but one shotgun shell and they all fly away besides that a beaks not gonna get through military clothing or gloves

Agreed. Hence the reason why shotguns would be a good thing to have over an M4 or Ak-47 in many cases, when faced against a flock of 30-40 or so persistent crows all looking to get a piece of you (literally). Especially if you were a survivalist.


Not only that, but the instant you fire it, you'd then be dealing with a zombie herd as well as these flying beasts.


...and I wouldn't hold out much hope for the poor traveler with only an axe, a pair of jeans and a sweat-shirt! I'd be shit scared if I were in this poor sap's position if while I was walking through a city I heard that cawing sound!


Fuck zombies... I'd be heads up looking out for crows!


This feature adds another dimension of real, organic FEAR to the game!

Edited by codestargod

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Agreed. Hence the reason why shotguns would be a good thing to have over an M4 or Ak-47 in many cases, when faced against a flock of 30-40 or so persistent crows all looking to get a piece of you (literally). Especially if you were a survivalist.


Not only that, but the instant you fire it, you'd then be dealing with a zombie herd as well as these flying beasts.


...and I wouldn't hold out much hope for the poor traveler with only an Axe, a pair of jeans and a sweat-shirt! I'd be shit scared if I were in this poor sap's position if while I was walking through a city I heard that cawing sound!


Fuck zombies... I'd be heads up looking out for crows!


This feature adds another dimension of real, organic FEAR to the game!

Yes but the likelyhood of that many crows working together is not likely I do agree though people in starter gear will have trouble but for the most part when I see crows in flocks its about 10-15 not 30

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Yes but the likelyhood of that many crows working together is not likely I do agree though people in starter gear will have trouble but for the most part when I see crows in flocks its about 10-15 not 30

Fair enough. I just threw  that number out there. 10-15 aggressive crows is still alot to handle. Especially if you are not properly equipped. And by equipped, I mean carrying a shotgun, body armor and possibly not by yourself with hopefully someplace to use as cover.


Also, 10-15 crows flying into you at 30mph from the air in unison can easily knock you on your feet! After that, they'd simply pick you into submission with their beaks and talons while you were recovering.


Modelling 10-15 crows might also be easier on the CPU as well.

Edited by codestargod
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Fair enough. I just threw  that number out there. 10-15 aggressive crows is still alot to handle. Especially if you are not properly equipped. And by equipped, I mean carrying a shotgun, body armor and possibly not by yourself with hopefully someplace to use as cover.


Also, 10-15 crows flying into you at 30mph from the air in unison can easily knock you on your feet! After that, they'd simply pick you into submission with their beaks and talons.


Modelling 10-15 crows might also be easier on the CPU as well.

True Id also like some siberian tigers, and bears added as theyre in that area as well

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True Id also like some siberian tigers, and bears added as theyre in that area as well

Rumor is there will be bears... and large cats.


I am advocating crows, since no one else made the suggestion.


Crows would be a good thing for the game.

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I guess but add some angry eagles and hawks as well yikes

By all means. However, Hawks and Eagles by their very nature are isolationists. They do not hunt well in packs. At most, you would see two of these; male and female partners.


They would also not pose as great a threat as a flock of over-eager crows, and could easily be taken out with a well placed shot. Once one of them is taken out, the other will usually give up.


Crows, on the otherhand are some persistent nutters. They will harass you until you submit to their wishes, or shoot them.

Edited by codestargod
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By all means. However, Hawks and Eagles by their very nature are isolationists. They do not hunt well in packs. At most, you would see two of these; male and female partners.


They would also not pose as great a threat as a flock of over-eager crows and could easily be taken out with a well placed shot. Once one of them is taken out, the other will usually give up.


Crows, on the otherhand are some persistent nutters.

True true I wish vultures would eat our dead bodys as well thatd add to the game

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True true I wish vultures would eat our dead bodys as well thatd add to the game

Agreed. These could also be used as a signal that there might be a dead body somewhere for you to loot if you happen to spot one circling above... unless it is circling directly above you!

Edited by codestargod
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I really don't want that.

Is this because it will hamper you from camping out and killing new spawns?

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