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Fire -> Camp -> Shack -> Log Cabbin ?

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Or i would like to be able to burry backpacks! Wouldnt be too big and easy to hide.

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If player location was saved per server instead of per hive this would not be an issue. Log into a new server and get a random spawn location. Player locations should be reset upon death. This would also fix ghosting and server hopping for loot.


I don't disagree with the idea, but it doesn't fully solve the issue. No-Spawn zones are going to be necessary, even with this proposed solution. For instance, I log out in a building, go out of town for two weeks, come back and log into someone's base. It's not an easily exploitable issue, but it would certainly be an annoying side-effect to only partially fixing it.

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Yeah this is one of the only things I don't really agree with Rocket on.  He cited helicopter parts as an example, of having to hop servers to go find a part for your helicopter.  So what's that leave, a bunch of useless helicopters per server, because there's only so many parts?

What happens when a clan or whatever just hangs onto it, logs out with it or whatever?  How do you know which server it's on to go after it?  What happens when people just crash the helicopter almost immediately?

There's just so many weird things that go along with it.


I mean hopefully they can find solutions and make it all work, but I feel they've painted themselves into a corner with this server set up.

Can you link this quote of his ?

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I'd actually rather not have tents at all, OR  have tents behave solely as shelter (vs rain, wind, weather), and have gear stashes be somewhat smaller, think an ammo can in size.


That way, there could  be a minimization of "running back after death to gear up" that get some forumgoers so riled up.

In such a small container, you would only really be able to store the essentials: maps, compasses, firestarters, first aid supplies,  some ammunition, MAYBE some food (you would really want to avoid this, as animals would smell it, and as anybody who has spent time in the wild can tell you, if an animal can smell food, it WILL get it.), or a sidearm. Not a full-sized rifle, bulky clothing, large CQC weapons,etc. 


These would benefit the survivor, but not make survival stashes "overpowered" (lend too much of an edge), while the small size would both make it easier to hide from other players AND yourself, prompting intelligent play, note-taking, navigation skills, etc.

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