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Content request: Evil Wizard skin

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sex toys. can be stored in toolbelt for back at camp or used as melee weapon.

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I want a wheelbarrow or shopping cart. Ridable and gear space. Driver pushes from behind.

I wanna put this thing up a hill and roll uncontrollably through Cherno bouncing off walls :)

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Iphone: New item to allow communication, with GPS, Facbook and Twitter access, as long as you have signal. When in an area without signal your character just holds it up, sometimes high, sometimes not so high, walking slowly, stopping every once in a while, turning in random directions, and occasionally muttering "... dammit" before trying again in another location. Areas without signal include every area that isn't Cherno, Elektro, and Berez, and signal is still spotty in those areas.

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You know I have one simple request.

And that is to have sharks with frickin lazer beams attached to their heads.

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I want porno magazines. Oh and movies. And a broken TV we can fix to watch these movies. Damn now i know for what these generators will be useful for xD

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chocolate microscopes

What I've been sayin' from day one man. Not playing again 'till Rocket sorts this shit out.

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Zombie squirrels, or rabbits maybe? And more gluten free meal choices as well.

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Morphine withdrawal. Do more or enjoy your shakes/cold for a period of time (fix with pills/heatpack).

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1% chance to gain anorexia after eating beans.

Anorexia results in you vomiting every time you eat something, ensuring your food icon never becomes green again. All zombies ignore you since they think you're one of them based on your appearance and movement.

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I want to be able to spawn as Usain Bolt, so I can get up to the NWAF in 20 seconds when I spawn a new character

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this is just silly.

everyone knows we want a rideable MY LITTLE PONY

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I think that if you get a train of more than four zombies it should start playing banjo 'getaway' music through direct chat as you run along gathering more zombie followers.

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I'm surprised I have yet to hear this... but I must say, Drugs. Lot's of kinds.

Some could give you benefits, like extra speed, less blood loss, inability to feel pain etc, etc. And could promote others to work together as a team, to trade stories and drugs.

But that's just to make things balanced, all I want is LSD, weed and bath salts.

Think of it, walking through the wilderness on a dark rainy night, then BAM! A mother-fucking-badass-scary-looking PINK UNICORN.

Just standing there all classy and shit, and maybe you can ride on it, through the wilderness, everyone see's you like a Nyan cat on the mountain, just gallop your way to the airfield and strike down your enemies with the lazor beems in your unicorn's horn.

Weed could come into effect that you think you see things, like the slender-man off in the distance, or every room you enter, Betty White is just sitting there, offering you food, except there's no real food, because your tripping balls.

And bath salts, well... you just turn into a human type zombie, no guns? No worries. Just eat them fools and then loot them.

Im sure others could add some more features to this, this is just my rough draft.

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I'd like the ability to dig a 0.5 meters deep pit, maybe 2 meters across (squared). Then cover it with grass/sticks. When a player crosses it, BAM broken leg. Uses the E-tool.

Hell maybe even leave the pit open and obvious. square out a moat and put an AS50 in the middle as bait.

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