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Hackers RUINING This Game Completely

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So I have had my same char for 12 days now, playing about 5 hours per day and I had myself a Coyote Bag with a M4A1 CCO, a AS50, and my revolver, Rangefinder, GPS, and much more, when I was just running along in Stary Sabor and a huge explosion comes from nowhere blowing up killing 11 people in the server at once.

This is absolutely the most frustrating thing, and because of It, my friends have had a negative outlook on the game and I also don't even want to play until it is somehow fixed. I wish I could have my stuff back, but I understand it is happening to a lot of people.

I really hate people like this, and if anything is possible to help players getting screwed over after lots of hard work, we deserve it.

If you are reading this hackers, seriously, go play Playstation.

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Hackers suck, but you're playing an Alpha test bud. If you were that attached to your gear you should really leave and just come back in a year or so when the game is closer to Beta. Dying doesn't "ruin" anything. Just pick a different server and try again. It's fun the 2nd and 3rd and 300th time around.

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Yeah it sucks, but the game is designed to have you die. Just pretend you came close to some old explosives and continue on. They will get it fixed one of these days.

Or maybe not. Hackers are in every game I have ever played and probly ever will play.

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I don't think either side arguing about the game being broken or that it's an alpha realize that the hacking problem is not using an exploit that is exclusive to DayZ. What is happening is people are using a program to bypass the as-terrible-as-Punkbuster BattleEye security and gaining the ability to insert scripts into the server to do various things. This is not a problem that can be solved by the DayZ mod, this has to be solved by BIS, so bug them about it.

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arma 2 is alpha?

ARMA 2 isn't a persistent world and it doesn't have "permadeath." The temptation to hack is less and the impact on the game more minimal (though still annoying).

The game in which these hacks pose a much more serious problem is Alpha, yes. Now they will be fixed. But it takes patience.

Thanks for asking.

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If this happens, you should note down the names of the people on the server at the time and put it in the bug report forum, I think.

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Lillowh is right, and I second everything that he/she said. That is exactly what I scrolled down to type.

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The hack you are talking about has been around since Arma2 came out years ago. Peopel still come on the regular Arma2 servers, take over and bomb the places out of existence.

It won't be going away for DayZ if they havn't figured it out in all these years.

Best advice, try to play and make yourself a regular on a server that as well admin'ed, with admin present all the time. They can keep an eye out and notice if things are going crazy or people are using small cheats or even catch the big ones before they get out of hand. The hackers can be banned but they just come back or get a different game key or something.

If you hear huge explosions or people start talking aboutit on the server you are on, get away from the towns for sure. Also, don't draw attention to the hackers, calling them out or insulting them...that just feeds their ego and they do it more. Let the admins get their id's and ban them.

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The hack you are talking about has been around since Arma2 came out years ago. Peopel still come on the regular Arma2 servers' date=' take over and bomb the places out of existence.

It won't be going away for DayZ if they havn't figured it out in all these years.

Best advice, try to play and make yourself a regular on a server that as well admin'ed, with admin present all the time. They can keep an eye out and notice if things are going crazy or people are using small cheats or even catch the big ones before they get out of hand. The hackers can be banned but they just come back or get a different game key or something.

If you hear huge explosions or people start talking aboutit on the server you are on, get away from the towns for sure. Also, don't draw attention to the hackers, calling them out or insulting them...that just feeds their ego and they do it more. Let the admins get their id's and ban them.


Maybe you haven't realized this but the kill script (bomb) kills every player on the server, regardless if they are near a town or not.

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You get bombed by a hacker or sniped by a pk'er from the firehouse roof. Just another griefer griefing. :heart:

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oh hey it's that guy again that only replies with 'it's an alpha test bud'

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Unfortunately, the fact that this game is in alpha means nothing. The simple thing is that the overall coding, design, and netcode for ArmA II is complete crap. It is incomprehensibly easy to hack the game and spawn stuff, kill people, become invincible, etc. I have not done any of these things, nor do I intend to; just wanted to let you know that until BI completely rebuilds this engine or BattlEye or whatever, there won't be very much stopping hackers on DayZ servers. :/

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Just like how you play the game to test it, hackers hacking the game helps to test it. It's annoying for people now, but in the future it will be fixed, hopefully.

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the amount of "deal with it" from players here is disgusting, even worse when people use the "b..but its just an ALPHA!" the mod is an ALPHA, the game engine it runs off is not

that being said, OP I'm not going to say "deal with it", but "expect it" even when there are only 5 people in the server treat each moment like anyone of them is a potential nuker/hacker/etc..

I'm just surprised no one in coding has decided to switch the offset indexes of item and weapon spawning, this alone would set the hacking community back and making the game call for these new offsets generally only takes an hour or so

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the amount of "deal with it" from players here is disgusting' date=' even worse when people use the "b..but its just an ALPHA!" the mod is an ALPHA, the game engine it runs off is not

that being said, OP I'm not going to say "deal with it", but "expect it" even when there are only 5 people in the server treat each moment like anyone of them is a potential nuker/hacker/etc..

I'm just surprised no one in coding has decided to switch the offset indexes of item and weapon spawning, this alone would set the hacking community back and making the game call for these new offsets generally only takes an hour or so


Sadly the forums are over run with people attempting to brown nose. This usually comes from the large group of people raiding the forums in an attempt to claim the prize of "I was here since such and such date!" later. Look around at the people that have already accumulated 200+ posts and they haven't even been here for a month...

The Alpha excuse would work if updates being made were not being based on assuming other updates added worked. Like when we lost a weapon to start with when the new/broken zombie A.I was added.

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Just like how you play the game to test it' date=' hackers hacking the game helps to test it. It's annoying for people now, but in the future it will be fixed, hopefully.


Arma2 has been out since 2009 and the same bombing problem has been plaguing servers the whole time. BI hasn't fixed it yet and has made no statements about ever fixing it. They were busy working on Carrier Command, Take On Helicopters and now Arma3.

The regular game combat servers I play on all the time still get hacked all the time, have been for years.

It would probably be easier and a better solution to focus on trying to identify WHEN a player is killed by a hacker who is using an illegal bomb, weapon etc. (also something the Mod coders have control over) Then it could be made so the server database doesn't save that kill (done by a banned or illegal method). The player can respawn with the gear they had when they died.

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Just like how you play the game to test it' date=' hackers hacking the game helps to test it. It's annoying for people now, but in the future it will be fixed, hopefully.


Arma2 has been out since 2009 and the same bombing problem has been plaguing servers the whole time. BI hasn't fixed it yet and has made no statements about ever fixing it. They were busy working on Carrier Command, Take On Helicopters and now Arma3.

The regular game combat servers I play on all the time still get hacked all the time, have been for years.

It would probably be easier and a better solution to focus on trying to identify WHEN a player is killed by a hacker who is using an illegal bomb, weapon etc. (also something the Mod coders have control over) Then it could be made so the server database doesn't save that kill (done by a banned or illegal method). The player can respawn with the gear they had when they died.

That's a pretty elegant solution to a problem that will not be solved by bis.

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It would probably be easier and a better solution to focus on trying to identify WHEN a player is killed by a hacker who is using an illegal bomb' date=' weapon etc. (also something the Mod coders have control over) Then it could be made so the server database doesn't save that kill (done by a banned or illegal method). The player can respawn with the gear they had when they died.


It would at least take care of the symptoms, unfortunately not the root of the problem, but dealing with hackers is always difficult. I'm reading about all kinds of hacks, seeing videos etc. but up till now I guess I've been lucky.

I try to avoid .ru servers or servers where there are Russian (Kyrillic names) players on them. I know I am being prejudice and sorry for that, but hacking is rampant in Russian gaming and I've made my own experiences in other games. Maybe thats part of my luck right there.

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True, but the symptoms are all the Dayz team can work with. BIS has not, nor do they seem interested in fixing the hacking issues with Arma2. They are working on Arma3.

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