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This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application.

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i rollbacked to version 93965 and now... always when i am playing dayz it restarting my computer.. dont know why.. i dont know it will continue in restarting if i play normal vanilla arma

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Id: 129793

player corruption. please help thanks :D

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ArmA X owners!!!


0. !dont use sixupdater atm.!

1. Clean Arma2 X installation

2. update to ArmA2 CO 1.60 official (707MB)

3. update to Arma2 93965 beta

4. Install DayZ alpha (14 files go here -> .../Arma2/@DayZ/Addons)

5. start Arma2oa with the beta shortcut

6. check "beta" and "@DayZ" ingame

7. play on servers saying DayZ and beta 93965

This all worked for me.

Works for me' date=' thanks a lot mate !


What do you mean with "Clean Arma2 X installation" ? Should I reinstall the game?


This is only a "checklist" from the beginning to the end, to be sure, you did everything right!

No need to reinstall


with "check beta and @DayZ" I ment to set a check mark in game ->> Expansion!

Sorry if I did not explain it good :( my english isnt that good.

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I have the same problem as everyone else in this topic!

If any of you admins could help me. :)



Game:Arma X anniversary

Thank you in advance! (I love Dayz)

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I'm getting this, I have the Arma X version of the game using the beta build updated using the Six Launcher. Now i just get that message when I try to log on to any server.

My ingame name is Barthez Thed

id: 327873 (no letters :( )

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Player: [GABO]Irishman

Player-ID: 12002AX

Game: ArmA X Anniversary Edition

Give me please a feedback ;)

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Name: Wellisso

ID: 43714

Game: ARMA X: Anniversary Edition

Problem: Can't join server since some days and i wanted to wait until patch 1.7.2 will be released but now i saw your post and it seems like that my character is corrupt...

Hope you can help me!

Thanks Wellisso

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Nickname: cus_damato

ID: 127873AX

Game: ArmA X Anniversary (Running the beta)

Hope you guys can help me out.

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Nickname: Rumata

ID: 1322692RFT

Please, you dont solved this proble more than week, are you understand what you loosing your players? Its not my first message, help please.

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Now I have this problem, I join a server, and after receiving data, it says loading.. but in nevers load!!

help :)

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0. !dont use sixupdater atm.!

1. Clean Arma2 X installation

2. update to ArmA2 CO 1.60 official (707MB)

3. update to Arma2 93965 beta

4. Install DayZ alpha (14 files go here -> .../Arma2/@DayZ/Addons)

5. start Arma2oa with the beta shortcut

6. check "beta" and "@DayZ" ingame

7. play on servers saying DayZ and beta 93965

This all worked for me.


Please reedit that to the first post in this thread.

I got ARMA X and thanks to this I can play again.

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Triple you have Arma 2 reinforcments? This bag isnt in the game i can reinstall it and restart all day, but i cant came in to the server, and do you know how setup beta and Day Z to Reinforcments correctly? If i start game without sil launcher, then i revive in the debug territory. I cant correctly setup and use beta and Day Z without six launcher. I too can play before, but in one nice day its broke, there wasnt any patches or another things, so its not help, not need to reedit something.

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Nick: nickrocks89

ID: 1347840AX

Game: Retail RFT combined with Steam Arma 2(combined ops with dlc)

95% of the time i join a server, i either get "This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application", or I just get spawned in the debug land and cant even move.

Cant wait for the new patch, thanks.

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name SHooRooP

ID 180420RFT

Before everything worked, installed as follows:

1. install arma 2 free

2. install arma 2 rft (using a key previously purchased)

3. update to ArmA2 CO 1.60 official (704MB)

4. update to Arma2 93965 beta

5. install DayZ mod in /Arma2/@DayZ/Addons manually

6. configure Arma2oa beta shortcut "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\Expansion\beta\arma2rft.exe" -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -mod=@dayz

Reinstalled the game for two times-problem of this topic has not disappeared.

Waiting for help

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Nick: nickrocks89

ID: 1347840AX

Game: Retail RFT combined with Steam Arma 2(combined ops with dlc)

95% of the time i join a server' date=' i either get "This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application", or I just get spawned in the debug land and cant even move.

Cant wait for the new patch, thanks.


I get the same. I'm not sure what my ID is, my game name is Slyder73; though I get the feeling that this name and ID thing is just an offshoot of a thread and not what the devs have actually asked for.

I can't join, and havne't been able to join any server for a couple weeks now, since The few I can join is a debug empty land area.

My friends that I play with are in the same boat. (judging by the extreme decrease in players at the time I usually join I would say that most are also experiencing the same thing. Previously, a majority of servers were 45 to 50 out of 50. Lately they are 4 to 10 out of 40 or 50, at least at the times I used to be able to play. Pacific time zone; 8 PM to 10 PM). We are all waiting for an update that hopefully fixes this.

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I get the same. I'm not sure what my ID is' date=' my game name is Slyder73; though I get the feeling that this name and ID thing is just an offshoot of a thread and not what the devs have actually asked for.[/quote']

To find your ID just launch the game and when you get to the main menu select profile and then press edit profile, Your ID is at the bottom left corner.

If it contains letters and numbers you're having the same issue as many others (myself included) and a possible workaround is here http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23085&pid=212654#pid212654

If that dosn't fix it then you have to wait for the next Dayz update (1.7.2)

If your player ID contains only numbers then post it in this thread and Vipeax can help :)

See the first post for more details http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23085&pid=205302#pid205302

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Still no patch. Still cant play. I mean I can, but my char doesnt save.

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