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Triple, what you say help not by all!

by me it dosnt work ... ;)

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PS: sorry for my anger' date=' but I didn't pay for game to watch the forum whole day, spending my time with troubleshooting your mess and awaiting miracle. You will sure understand to this.


The game we bought (ArmA X) works :) DayZ is a free mod that is currently being developed and has many bugs

What I don't understand is' date=' that this guy Vipeax, told us that we should write our IDs here and he will fix it. Now it is maybe 24hours what I did it and no sign of any action from his side. WTF?


If your ID contains letters and yours does then it won't work :(

Vipeax has a thread here that can help people without letters http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23085

I'm in the same boat as you but there is nothing can be done except for waiting :)

It's also worth noting that all the staff here work for free and in their own free time, Getting angry or arsey won't help or make them work faster

With all my respect to you PK Richie. Yes, Days is mode is Alpha. I know, this is the new trick how to get money from people and have no responsibility for nothing. There is more titles which are Alpha, but you always has to buy something.

This thread http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23085 is the thread when you are right now. I know about this thread since yesterday and I alredy gave to Vipeax my ID. I sent him also my ID via PM.

Yes I know that when ID contains letter he will not help me. But, my ID has numbers only when I am using manual installation and also my ID has letters and numbers when I am using the Six Launcher. No words about this possibility from Dayz staff, so?

Ok, I will pass this all. I am done for now with Dayz. I go play Secret World.

@TR!PLE, thx for help. Cya later, maybe!

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0. !dont use sixupdater atm.!

1. Clean Arma2 X installation

2. update to ArmA2 CO 1.60 official (707MB)

3. update to Arma2 93965 beta

4. Install DayZ alpha (14 files go here -> .../Arma2/@DayZ/Addons)

5. start Arma2oa with the beta shortcut

6. check "beta" and "@DayZ" ingame

7. play on servers saying DayZ and beta 93965

This all worked for me.

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maybe is my problem that is use a combination of Arma:free and Arma:Reinforcements ..

I have no ArmaX, but the same problem with the letters in the ID.

But i will be waiting ... i have no loss to repair it ... i will be wait for the update (:

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PS: sorry for my anger' date=' but I didn't pay for game to watch the forum whole day, spending my time with troubleshooting your mess and awaiting miracle. You will sure understand to this.


The game we bought (ArmA X) works :) DayZ is a free mod that is currently being developed and has many bugs

What I don't understand is' date=' that this guy Vipeax, told us that we should write our IDs here and he will fix it. Now it is maybe 24hours what I did it and no sign of any action from his side. WTF?


If your ID contains letters and yours does then it won't work :(

Vipeax has a thread here that can help people without letters http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23085

I'm in the same boat as you but there is nothing can be done except for waiting :)

It's also worth noting that all the staff here work for free and in their own free time, Getting angry or arsey won't help or make them work faster

With all my respect to you PK Richie. Yes, Days is mode is Alpha. I know, this is the new trick how to get money from people and have no responsibility for nothing. There is more titles which are Alpha, but you always has to buy something.

This thread http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23085 is the thread when you are right now. I know about this thread since yesterday and I alredy gave to Vipeax my ID. I sent him also my ID via PM.

Yes I know that when ID contains letter he will not help me. But, my ID has numbers only when I am using manual installation and also my ID has letters and numbers when I am using the Six Launcher. No words about this possibility from Dayz staff, so?

Ok, I will pass this all. I am done for now with Dayz. I go play Secret World.

@TR!PLE, thx for help. Cya later, maybe!

You're the most impatient person on earth I ever came across. Smartcommenting in a thread about how 'alphas are just a way to earn more money' which makes no sense at all (since by buying Arma X you don't directly help developing DayZ) and saying how you already PMed the staff with your problems numerous times won't work.

It's just a fact that you can't play DayZ right now because of some bug with the Arma X edition (if I didn't get it wrong that's the cause of all this), and the DayZ team is fixing it. Be patient, don't go around boasting about how shit DayZ is because it just helps BIS earn money. You don't necessarily fund development of DayZ by buying Arma X, and even if you do, be happy instead of being so hostile against it. After all, you're possibly helping Arma 3.

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Ah ok, to be sure i´ve read about it at amazon.com, but no word with OA .. ok, maybe I got it wrong ;) Then SIR are you in the club! ;)

Aunt Edit says:

I´ve read now twice at amazon. OA seems not to be part of it.

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It is also no word from Oa on the box from Reinforcement, but it install it :D

But in what i intrested in, how Vineux change the ID's manuel?

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It´s not helping, because you have no ArmA2 X. You could have point that out earlier. My checklist is only for Arma2 X users.

For your combination i have no workaround, sorry mate :(

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What I don't understand is' date=' that this guy Vipeax, told us that we should write our IDs here and he will fix it. Now it is maybe 24hours what I did it and no sign of any action from his side. WTF?


Yes I know that when ID contains letter he will not help me. But' date=' my ID has numbers only when I am using manual installation and also my ID has letters and numbers when I am using the Six Launcher. No words about this possibility from Dayz staff, so?

Ok, I will pass this all. I am done for now with Dayz. I go play Secret World.


Hoho relax, your character IS fine.


This is me playing "your character". It's 100% fine, not corrupted, not broken. There is nothing to fix as it doesn't fall under the category that we/I can fix for you. Thanks though.

@TR!PLE, thanks for the assistance. Still waiting on that ARMA X copy to have some fun myself with it.

@scip_, resetted your location.

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@ TR!PLE - It sort of works :) I can play but for some reason i have no debug monitor ? I have no idea what my blood is or how many kills i've made etc but everything else seems to be there.

Thanks for the help :)

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Try pressing 'H'.

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Vipeax, sorry when i nerv ore something...But can you say me if the ArmaX-fix also fix this problem for the arma Reinforcement gamer?..

and .. maybe :P

Name: Domee

ID: 364674RFT

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Try pressing 'H'.

Didn't work but it's not the end of the world :) I can play now and it's only the debug monitor that seems to be missing

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My character is corrupted - I spawn in debug plains with ALICE pack and nothing else - and I cannot check the playerID. Why? Because my translated version of the game is bugged, and there's no way to change the language to English, Bohemia's failure, not mine.

Is there any way to check the PID in other way than via the "Profile" in menu?

If that helps - my name in-game is "nois" currently.


Resolved, thanks.

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Ok, how to start. I am not sure if this is all only because I am asshole and whole the time it was my mistake. I did lot of tests, new installations, whole OS installation, testing with Six Launcher, with manual installation etc. Also the fact that I installed the Dayz also for my two friends and they are still playing on Dayz installed by me. But true is, after the Wipeax told that he is able to play my character and when I again deleted the beta folder, did install the patch ARMA2_OA_Build_93965 and did use Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch shortcut, I can play again.

So, there is, HUGE possibility that I am Shining asshole, but if I can say, little bit more communication from Dayz guys, would be probably solve this little bit faster.

I want to say thank you to all who tried to help!!

I am not sure if I should excuse, because, in fact, I still think that I am paying customer and we aren't friends. I know that some players have that feeling, that they are friends with devs. But if that would be true, then you would get you Arma II copy together with Dan "Rocket" Hall cell number and information that you can call him day and night and he will fix every issue for you.

Please, don't get me wrong, I like the game. I don't want fight with anyone, I just hate the frustration you did pay for something and you can't use it. And accept my apologies if I was little bit rude and not nice.

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My character is corrupted - I spawn in debug plains with ALICE pack and nothing else - and I cannot check the playerID. Why? Because my translated version of the game is bugged' date=' and there's no way to change the language to English, Bohemia's failure, not mine.

Is there any way to check the PID in other way than via the "Profile" in menu?

If that helps - my name in-game is "nois" currently.


You can try the RPT files. The ID is jsut really important as "nois" is too short. You can try a name that's really messy, which is very likely to be unique and give that.

fact' date=' I still think that I am paying customer and we aren't friends.


Wait, what?

DayZ != ARMA 2

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I just hate the frustration you did pay for something and you can't use it.

You need to understand something:

You paid for ARMA 2.

You did not pay for DayZ.

DayZ is a free mod for ARMA 2 and as such all the support you get is basically good will and (to be honest) I've never known so much good will lavished on a mod.

Thanks to these guys we know what's going on and patches are (as well as communication) is frequent.

On top of that you need to understand this is an ALPHA.

ALPHA = before BETA these are the stages of a game (I don't know fully but this is my limited understanding):

DEVELOPEMENT (unplayable)

ALPHA (heavily bug ridden given to willing guinea pigs (us!))

BETA (ironing out the final bugs)

RETAIL (time to pay up for the real deal)

So this game/mod is in really early stages and as such has lots of issues. Believe me - having waited 2 mths to play this and having purchased my way into playing (there are free options) I'm gutted my ARMA X version is too new to play! lol

But that's the way it goes...I can play plenty of other mods or the full retail game while I wait for the fix.

I would have appreciated a reply to my comment earlier but I'm not going to lose sleep - I want these guys to spend energy fixing the issues and making this the best thing ever and not get bogged down with this sort of petty thing.

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If this contains anything but numbers (say 123456ABC) it means you are running a version that we don't support yet' date=' but it's an issue that has a high priority and will be fixed very soon.


Please define "soon" ? W/o sounding bold, last week you said the hive update doesnt require the mod patch and should take 30 seconds for admins to fix. Then you said you will do this hive fix with 1.7.2 patch.

That was OK since 1.7.2 should have come on last Monday. Well its friday now and all ARMA X users, including myself, cant play.

Why tie the hive fix with 1.7.2 is beyond me :(

With 93965 beta patch I have played ID of 404610 and able to play BUT I spawn with different characters all the time loosing my gear.

With later beta patches my played ID is 404610AX, but then I cant join any servers. Name is: Sergiy.

Roll your beta back to 93965' date=' it will work with these patched servers. I tried it last night.


It works for ARMA X users, but you spawn with different characters.

You need Arma2/ free + Arma2 operation arrowhead = Arma2 combined operations. Otherwise DayZ wont work for you.

I use ARA2 + OA + PMC + British something and all works

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So if I have bad ID 60806AX.. I have to wait untill new version will be released?

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