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Build forts in future?

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so rocket says he wants groups to take over towns in the future in the interview and do "lockdown" type of actions, wonder if we can manage to build forts like in minecraft.

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There's a dude called Tonic who is part of the DayZ dev team, he has also developed a mod called Wasteland that has base building in it. I doubt it will be long until that mechanic finds it's way into DayZ.



Filter for Wasteland in Multiplayer and give it a go.

You'll need to remove '-mod=@dayz -nosplash' from the launch options in order to play it.

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Wasteland did not add base building, it was part of the normal game.

You could build a base already, and I do not see any new building type or feature.

So that means dayz could easly add this, question is if the date server can handle 200000 differnt building type's placed over all the servers.

I dont think so, since tents and vehicle's and even stuff in your back pack vanish so far.

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Sand bags , wire fence, and hedgehog traps around your tents. Also would like to see the bigger military tents in the game as placeable.

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I was thinking of a way to make bases a lot less common if they were introduced into the mod. Maybe have a skill book (masonry, carpentry, etc) that spawns and you can carry in your equipment inventory and it allows you to build certain things based off of what skill sets you have. So you would need both the skill book and the materials to build.

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Yeah the problem with building things and locking down towns, is that players can just meta-game around any ingame fortifications you build, by simply server-hopping to a server where these obsticals don't exist, and then hopping back in when you're inside the boundaries.

Another reason why cross-server inventory and location preservation is a mistake

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I've been thinking about the whole player-built forts and there's a few BIG hurtles to get over first with such a feature.


First is server memory/+lag from a fort being built. If its absolutely huge it'll bog down servers, second it would be easier to find and ransack. Third, how the hell can such a thing be guarded 24-hours a day?


Have a squad mechanic, (a squad leader/creator and team-members) so that the forts will have some means of regulation by squad size. The bigger the squad, the bigger your fort is allowed to be.


The squad mechanic allows for the possibility of teamwork activities, such as raids and other various ops. Always potential for recognition of friendlies and enemies, ect (servers with no tags).

The squad mechanic also could potentially be an in-game feature that carries data with it.... data like your fort. Say if you had a fort that belonged to a squad, it could then be loaded into a server in its original location based on an inter-squad voting system maybe. A voting system allows for use of the fort regardless of whether or not the squad leader is in-game or if its only 6 out of 10 squad members online. PLUS this keeps all those random forts out of servers while they're not in use (presumably they would only be in-game when their creators also are online), so that servers aren't overloaded with data for a big ass fort that nobody's awake to use/defend. Throw in a run-off timer for de-spawning the fort, so it's not instantaneous... like if the fort was being raided the owners couldn't just de-spawn it immediately.

Anyways just some thoughts that I hope Rocket takes a look at, could be interesting.

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Wasteland did not add base building' date=' it was part of the normal game.

You could build a base already, and I do not see any new building type or feature.


It's the manner that Wasteland approaches base building that I was highlighting. Everything is done at ground level, in real time by manually collecting, assembling and moving objects around.

I'm well aware of Vanilla Armas base building.

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There's a dude called Tonic who is part of the DayZ dev team' date=' he has also developed a mod called Wasteland that has base building in it. I doubt it will be long until that mechanic finds it's way into DayZ.

Filter for Wasteland in Multiplayer and give it a go.

You'll need to remove '-mod=@dayz -nosplash' from the launch options in order to play it.


yea thats what id like to see haha, i can already see people setting up as mechanics and exchange centers already hahaha

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It easy, no structures, only towns that can be occupied to prevent spawns. Either that or the structures exist until the town is lost or given up, then they go away automatically. Nobody in town for an hour, server frees up the memory anyhow. THis prevents idiots from ruining towns with all their crap making them unable to be walked into (which happens in Arma2)

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There's a dude called Tonic who is part of the DayZ dev team' date=' he has also developed a mod called Wasteland that has base building in it. I doubt it will be long until that mechanic finds it's way into DayZ.[/quote']

That feature has always been in Arma 2.

Go to Single player > Boot Camp > Construction Tutorial

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its in but with cross server traffic and such it should be VERY temporary if at all...

I think taking just towns are the best..

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There's a dude called Tonic who is part of the DayZ dev team' date=' he has also developed a mod called Wasteland that has base building in it. I doubt it will be long until that mechanic finds it's way into DayZ.[/quote']

That feature has always been in Arma 2.

Go to Single player > Boot Camp > Construction Tutorial

Play Wasteland... the two approach building in different ways. Wastelands version is more DayZ suitable.

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Yeah the problem with building things and locking down towns' date=' is that players can just meta-game around any ingame fortifications you build, by simply server-hopping to a server where these obsticals don't exist, and then hopping back in when you're inside the boundaries.

Another reason why cross-server inventory and location preservation is a mistake

^ this.

I wonder what can be used to mitigate this.

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Due to server hopping it will never happen.

Wire fences, hedgehogs, tents and sandbags are already in with server hopping. Server hoppers are something you've just got to get used to.

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Yeah the problem with building things and locking down towns' date=' is that players can just meta-game around any ingame fortifications you build, by simply server-hopping to a server where these obsticals don't exist, and then hopping back in when you're inside the boundaries.


IMO you shouldn't even be able to log out in a town. Just have the server toss you to the outskirts of town on log-in. I don't even care if it tosses you next to a dozen zombies, it's your own fault.

There is not a single legitimate reason to be logging out in buildings.

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This mechanic would have to be severely disciplined, I don't know how you could regulate it.

Make a group of atleast 4 people

Each person must have a certain amount of required resources

Only 1 structure per group


Only 1 main base and 4 towers per group ( you get the idea )

Just throwing ideas out there. The server hopping would definitely have to go.

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Make it so zombies spawn near user placed buildings (though a few meters outside so they don't spawn inside fences/walls etc., then walk toward it) after a certain amount of time. The more buildings in an area, the closer to existing towns/settlements, and the longer its been there then the more zombies spawn.

Would mean bases would only be able to get so big before they would become troublesome to manage, or people would have to pack up bases periodically and move around (which requires a fair bit of resources, vehicles etc.).

You could have some placeables as non recoverable, so that moving has a cost to.

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I had thought about building forts too. Or a step up from a tent maybe a log cabin....just need 1000 piles of wood to build it or something. lol

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its easy to add and takes nearly no resources not sure why it isnt added yet i have it added to my Mod it took me about 20 mins to figure out the scripting not even

so its feasable wether its in rockets vision is another question

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