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Motive of the Cold War in the game

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Thought the cereal was  ported right from arma 3 thus explaining the 2017 date/

The DayZ art team actually made those models that went into Arma 3.

I believe that's the same case with the FNX-45, although I'd be very willing to believe that the A3 team made it first, as it is incredibly modern.

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A bunch of ultra-rich power brokers discovered that if you infect humans, turning them into zombies, you can then extract an immortality drug from their pituitary glands. The virus escaped. Chernarus is an ex Soviet-bloc country. It was equally anti East and anti West, and wanted to remain independent.


I don't know when this happened. The infection is recent.

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At the end of the cold war, US soldiers were allowed to move through russia, maybe they were there when the zombie outbreak started and all got killed.  After all there are military zombies there.  Or like the theories before me said, after the cold war america started to sell their guns for profit and who knows, in four years (2018 like daemonkid said) the US could have invaded russia but bio chemical warfare turned them all into zombies except for a few survivors.  Or in four years they could have been assisting Ukraine and thats when the zombies struck. 

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Chernarus is fictional post-soviet country, timeframe is 2009 according to armaverse.

It was joint operation that involved alliance presence, hence why there are different western weaponry and equipment.

I like to see it that way and it is BIs story for ArmA2 setting in Chernarus.

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Hi everyone! Here some of my thoughts you might haven't came up with about the game.

As all we know, Chernarus is fictional post-Soviet country, but it's clearly sticks to eyes that it's an outskirt of Russia. The clothing (e.g. Ushanka, gasmask...), weapons (SKS, Mosin...), buldings (all of them) are exactly Russian. The only suspicious thing is it's almost impossible to find good amount of ammo for Russian guns like SKS, but it's extremly easy to find piles of clips for M4A1 which is American. Also there're no possibility to get Russian military uniform. Instead of this we have 'UK Assault vest' and 'Balistic helmet' (Russian troops of 90's didn't have balistic helmet in common). And what's strange, all of foreign equipment can be found in RUSSIAN military BASES.


So, let's sum up. The country is Post-soviet, then the period of time there is about 1992 (almost the end of the Cold War). The Cold War is NATO vs OVD. Russia hasn't been buying american arming, so the only logical way of appearing of it in Russian bases is armed intervention of NATO (which as it seems is successful). Moreover, the main character is not able to drink in-game liquors which is not typical for russians. As a result, non-russian guy with NATO arming (even if the primary gun is Mosin or SKS, the pistol is anyway NATO's) walks in Chernorussia and kills inhabitants (rotten and animallike).


What do you guys think of it? Isn't it strange a bit?


That's all I've to share.

You're overthinking a game that is mostly using "handouts" of arma games as it's base assets.

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You're overthinking a game that is mostly using "handouts" of arma games as it's base assets.

Unfortunately untill BIS/rocket/etc give us a definitive time line and atleast basic explination of how the current state of the world came to be, people will continue to make speculation threads and pull information/background from A2 since its' based in the same physical location.

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Unfortunately untill BIS/rocket/etc give us a definitive time line and atleast basic explination of how the current state of the world came to be, people will continue to make speculation threads and pull information/background from A2 since its' based in the same physical location.

 Considering the Chadaki beret is ingame, and several other nods to Chernarus's history, I would assume the game is still in the Armaverse (Which is a fiction reflection of our world.)But a divergent timeline.

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 Considering the Chadaki beret is ingame, and several other nods to Chernarus's history, I would assume the game is still in the Armaverse (Which is a fiction reflection of our world.)But a divergent timeline.

mmhmm. i do wish they would atleast give us SOME timeline/background about the  outbreak for the sake of lore. it would also settle once and for all the otherwise moot debates about who would have had a more prevalent preseanse in the area (Nato factions Vs. Warsaw/eastern bloc).

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Dealers in military bases? LOL.

theories that makes sense a little bit (to me atleast)

1-)maybe chedaki faction from arma 2 took over after events of arma 2 and bought themselves some cool guns eh? (ik AK s makes more sense)

2-)US army left some of their weapons and vehicles to CDF after leaving the chernarus 

3-)UN came and tried to stop/slow down the zombie outbreak with assistance of CDF or whats left of them and both failed (yay m4 for survivors)

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at one time russia was part of the allies during WWII,   in this story ,  its a zombie outbreak of some major sort.  SHTF zombie style ,, im sure any country would ask for help,,  as in this story,, im sure that russia did ask.  maybe not at first,since russia had it "under control" but nato moved in at the tail end of the conflict and got wiped out too,   yes military does use old bases from other countries.  why build?


"pick up that hammer we got a chowhall to build."

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DayZ doesn't take place during the Cold War. It takes place sometime AFTER 2009. Likewise, Chernarus isn't Russia by a long shot. It's fictional, pure and simple, it is its own entity (meaning that it isn't subject to real-world circumstances). And the former Eastern Bloc has a VARIETY of weapons and equipment being employed. Thinking that there's only AK's and Mosin's available in post-Soviet states is completely ridiculous (as is thinking all post-Soviet states are the same). And thinking that finding an AR-15 is somehow wholly out of place is also ridiculous.


DayZ is continuing off of the events of ARMA II, as per developer statements (see my signature).

Edited by Katana67

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DayZ doesn't take place during the Cold War. It takes place sometime AFTER 2009. Likewise, Chernarus isn't Russia by a long shot. It's fictional, pure and simple, it is its own entity (meaning that it isn't subject to real-world circumstances). And the former Eastern Bloc has a VARIETY of weapons and equipment being employed. Thinking that there's only AK's and Mosin's available in post-Soviet states is completely ridiculous. And thinking that finding an AR-15 is somehow wholly out of place is also ridiculous.


DayZ is continuing off of the events of ARMA II, as per developer statements (see my signature).

Not to mention that in the Arma universe the forces widely made use of unconventional weapons. Some of the Insurgent soldiers carry G36s in addition to their plethora of AK variants. The Takistani insurgents used M16A2s, Lee-Enfields, FN FALs, M4A1s, and even Taurus Tracker revolvers.

It's not hard to believe some non-Russian/staple western weapons (I.E. guns other than the AKM/AK-74, M4/M16, FN FAL, G3, etc, would appear, such as the G36 or AUG)

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