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Who you are in real life, impacts on how you play DayZ.

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I drive a tractor in real life so for me it's all about finding a tractor.

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I would wager that people with any kind of military experience are less likely to shoot on sight in DayZ. It's the couch warriors you have to watch out for :).

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My Answer.

Real Life.

35......................Years Playing computer games.(binatone tennis took my virginity)

9........................Years playing the arma series with currently serving or ex service players as well as none service.

13......................Years playing in clans and communities in various FPS games.

Impact in game.

1) I do not shoot on sight unless they are stealing my stuff and even then sometimes I still dont.

2) I will return fire or shoot first if I witness a "Definite Shoot on sight Murder" or a player "killing for fun".

3) I will help other players.

4) I work best in a Group but can and do go scouting alone or in a 2 man team.

5) I find it disappointing the mentality shown in the majority of younger new players to this mod.

6) My main enjoyment is to adapt and overcome. My real hate is players exploiting and fucking up the mod.

7) I miss the versatility of the ACRE mod in the DayZ mod and in arma2 vanilla itself the basic lack of ingame radio is a complete mystery to me. Since the tech is readily available for ingame implementation in the form of ACRE structure.

8) I also do not understand why BIS have not used the ACE mods popularity to take note of what is missing and what needs altering in the vanilla game.(but hey you never know maybe arma3 will have ACE stuff implemented and we wont have a recruit mode anymore and o god please lets hope 3rd person is gone !!!)

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33 years old

15 years of various IT work

served my (compulsory for all adult males) time in my countrys military

used to play tournament paintball on national level (small nation though, USA has more paintballers than we have people... then started building a house and ran out of time and money to practise properly and had to drop out)

15 years of martial arts, a bit of airsoft, a bit of camping etc outdoor stuff. I've visited ~15 different countries so far (mentioned because I have noticed that people who travel a lot tend to be more open minded...)

I build all kinds of electronics stuff as a hobby, contribute to various open source projects.

played computer games since early 90s, I've played quite a bit of OFP with friends, less ArmA2. I game just about exlusively on the PC, I have PS2 and Wii collecting dust, and basically got them for some interesting exclusive titles.

That should be enough to construct some sort of profile.

I do not shoot on sight, I definitely do not kill for "fun" in this kind of game (but I do like TF2 and it's just all about killing for fun...)

I will return fire, I will shoot if I witness obvious murder

I will not shoot first even if someone is interfering with my goals, negotiation time...

I will try to help people but will weight risk to myself

I could consider grouping with "stangers" that I know only by reputation, right now I have no trusted friends playing DayZ so haven't had the chance to play in a group properly.

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Graphic designer/Illustrator

Shoot on sight

I love being a solo bandit

I have a large penis

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I try and do the same things as Bald. I don't take satisfaction in killing someone just because they had a can of beans. If you give me reason to kill, I will not hesitate. But I don't feel the need to go and murder someone for their gear. As long as they need help, I'll provide it.

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I'm a 20 year old Internet Troll with no military background nor social skills...

But I don't go about killing everyone I meet.

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I'm a programmer/CGI Artist. 6 Years experience.

I kill on sight. I enjoy the duels with the guys up in airfield and I enjoy killing guys with M107s north of stary sobor looking for a quick kill.

If anyone helps me at all I will leave because I don't want to have to kill them.

PKing is a big part of the late game guys. There is no honor between thieves, I kill my fello bandits every day.

I see killing you just an aid to my skill with my weapon.

I, with alot of practice can now shoot you at 400 meters with my enfield on the iron sights.

I find that the satisfying part, lining up the perfect shot.

I spend alot of time shooting cows way off in the distance.

I don't think any one person can be punished for how they are playing the game.

I respect survivors who don't shoot on sight, but I'm not risking that you won't shoot any of my buddies that I'm leading. For their protection I will find you and kill you to remove that threat.

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15 years as a computer technician and am now own a computer shop.

As for style, I agree with the majority and has a great influence what you do on the style of play. in my case I try to be very calm and composed.

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I'm not a dick in real life so I'm not a dick while playing video games.

Awesome answer !!

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I'm surprised the servers can handle that many dickheads tbh

saddistic, cowards are ruining this game .

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