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Wondering when the in game sounds/FX are going to be reworked.

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Just curious when these are going to be refined. I am noticing the (loud) shore crashing sounds being heard up in Northern wooded areas where there should be frogs,crickets and,birds chirping instead.And also why there are times footsteps are louder on certain surfaces than others.In the jailhouses I notice that jingling of your equipment is heard but not really any footsteps.It seems to be this way in different buildings also.This is not meant as a complaint,just as an observance and was wanting to know if we might expect any changes for this in any upcoming updates.

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We probably won't see any significant changes in the sounds/fx until they manage to fix the server-wide spontaneous sounds bug. (hears cans open and stuff all the time)

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Sounds are really broken atm, I did read somewhere they hired a new sound guy but I think no new sounds has been introduced or fixed yet apart of the new weapon sounds.

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Sounds are really broken atm, I did read somewhere they hired a new sound guy but I think no new sounds has been introduced or fixed yet apart of the new weapon sounds.

Rocket announced at Rezzed that they hired a dedicated audio guy.  The sounds are a bit broken, but with the constant reloading, eating, and drinking sounds being played, it sure does keep you on your toes.

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We will get the best sound effects ever in the history of forever. XD


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We probably won't see any significant changes in the sounds/fx until they manage to fix the server-wide spontaneous sounds bug. (hears cans open and stuff all the time)


we will. Dean mentioned a dedicated team/guy re-working all the sounds. Most are straight from Arma so expect a lot of changes.

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Hello there


I would expect all current sounds will be tweaked at the very least if not entirely remade.


They do need some JSRS/Speed of Sound/Insert your fave sound mod here lovin'


Just my opinion though. 





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From what I've heard yes. They want to/plan to/have(?) hire sound engineers to redo the whole system.

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