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Request : interpreting our undead brethren

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Surprised search didn't turn somthing up on this :huh:

Was wondering if more experienced players could give me the definitive points on how to undersatnd which zed noises mean what... all to often i'm sure i've been found when i'm not.


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Well, most of the time it's just random noises when you get near them. Although if it sounds a lot more frantic and aggressive, check all around you since they usually make a noise that like when they spot a player.

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Generally they sound bored when they're patrolling and excited when they spot you. You should listen for the excited/aggrovated sounds. Basically the sound a dog makes when you hold a big juicy piece of meat in front it.

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Grumble grumble grumble, snort= You are fine, keep low and at a distance.

GRAAAA, Snarl Snot Snarl, or generic WoW Murloc noises= Here comes the horde.

Louder means closer, and higher pitch means they are more interested in something, whether that be a smoke grenade, dead body or YOU.

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Also, maybe it's just me but sometimes I hear some of them say "Come out, where are you" in their typical low-pitched and muffled undead accent :P

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as for the title - they are not undead, they are living infected people

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I've heard them say "fuck, that hurt" when shot.

And yeah, usually, that graaaaaaaah noise means they are onto you, execute your escape plan for this area.

Does anyone know if they are saying any kind of discernible words when they are chasing you and they say something that sounds like:

Guhweeeeeeeeeee guhweeeeeeeeeeeee

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I once freaked myself out... There was a single zombie after me, I turned around and popped a round into his head, but instead of a typical zombie sound when dying, I heard a very clear.. very alive uninfected human yell "AAAAaaaah" for like 1-2 seconds of sustained yelling.

Freaked me the fuck out for about 15 mins as i regained my composure making sure there was no humans around me..

5-6 zombie kills later I learned they all have the same pain noises as players -.-

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