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Use For Whiskey!

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These may or may haven't been mentioned. I did a quick search and didn't see anything super obvious, but I didn't dig through too many pages of threads either.

So, we are all aware of all of the empty whiskey bottles all over the place right? Well, who exactly is drinking all of them? I have a few ideas for uses of this whiskey.

- Molotov style weapons - Silent grenades - Requires matches

- Whiskey - Doubles as a painkiller

And as I didn't want to bury my piggy backed idea in someone elses thread, here's the other idea that I had.

A sort of punishment for murdering players. After a certain amount of murders, you will get the shakes after each kill. These shakes are only curable through drinking whiskey. It calms your nerves. Bandits can keep killing at will, as long as they have something to keep them calm. Bandits will have less inventory space because of this. If they kill someone and forget to stock up on whiskey, then they may have a hard time getting it on their own. As they continue to rack up kills, perhaps it will take more than one drink to satisfy your addiction. If you decide that you aren't going to drink any more, then your character will have coughing fits and get very ill for perhaps a few hours of server time. Survivors will have the choice to risk using them as weapons or destroying them. Bandits may try and kill you for a quick fix, but if you don't have any on you, they may just end up shaking for quite a while longer =)

A system like this kind of makes sense. I've only killed one player in 4 weeks. If you surpass more than 3 kills a day, you should be subject to this game mechanic. I think it would do well to protect players who kill in self defense and help prevent death match style killing spree's.

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I hate to bump my own post.. but I did post this in the middle of the night.

In addition, you can just get drunk by downing a bottle as well, for no other purpose than to get wasted.

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Make the recipe for molotovs whiskey' date=' matches and a bandage (for the fuse)


Ouch.. do I use this bandage for wounds or make a makeshift grenade?


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I really like the idea. Maybe not the bandits being addicted to it part. I think rags should be added to the game and you can use them for the molotov cocktail. Also rags could be used for splints (the bandage of the broken bone world) and also as a very minor bandage with a greater chance of infection.

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Whiskey could be used as a substitute for heatpacks too. Not that your body temp actually rises, but it gives the illusion of warmth.

Just sayin.

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This idea is rad, including the 'taking the edge off being a murder' bandit mechanic. +1

Also, if we're talking addiction to Alcohol, wouldn't the same go for painkillers? I think in a situation like the zombie apoc. addition to such things would happen a hell of alot with people just trying to cope with whats going on.

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This should come under serious consideration. Murdering, alcoholic, drugged up bandits tweaking for their fix.. nightmare, haha

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