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Unluckiest Thing That Happened To You?

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I try to meet my folks at NE airfield. I spawned in balota, so its quite a run, but lucky i find a heli crashsite along my path! pick up a M249 with 400 rounds, woot! bash, get my legs broken by a zombie. lucky again, the crashsite spawns med supplies, so i now have enough morphine to fix a good bunch of broken bones.

I move onwards, and after like 2-3 minutes i spot something, looks like hiding between two trees, mostlikely just another random stone, but i go to check it out.

My lord, a fully repaired ATV on half fuel, filled to the max with weapons and ammo and stuff, but it was stuck between the trees. While i am trying to get it out, a warning in red appears that the server is going to restart in 2 minutes.

I decide to hide nearby and try again after restart.

I rejoin a couple minutes late, and first thing i see after spawn is one, two, three players furiously roaming the vicinity. Looks like they heard the car being started and rushed to investigate after the restart.

Looks like i am well hidden, three players yet couldn't spot me under that tree, but it appears they suspect someone to still be close as they keep on searching.

I carefully crawl backwards and try to get a safe distance. I quickly sift through my options, looks like its run or gun. While i would really like to get onwards to the airfield, the chance is too good to let it slip. I have a m249 with 400 rounds, no zed close, but 3 well equiped players against me. It looks like they are busy with the car now. I scan the area and see nothing, so i approach the ATV and see two players gathering under the trees. I open fire, and put a burst in each of them. I think i see them dropping as i hear 3 shots from the right and i am dead. The third guy flanked me. Schnitz, should have scouted a bit more before jumping the gun...

But the server restart really messed it up, i think i would have gotten away with it.

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I have a bad habit of running into people using the invincibility hack.

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Lost my GS50...

Just spawned without it!

The ammo stay in my back pack,,,

But my sniper vanish ! :huh:

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A squad of friendlies came upon me looting a church and surrounded the building. They were shouting at me to come out. I said I needed help with a blood pack and one of them came in to help with several others covering him from the doorway. All weapons were pointed at me. He was yelling at me to drop my axe so I did. But then it auto-armed my pistol and he started yelling at me to put that down too. So I tried lowering the gun but the stupid key was bugged or something. I kept trying to lower it without dropping it but it would never go down. I was trying to tell them but they were all yelling at me. I turned around so at least I wasn't pointing it at them. I guess they decided I wasn't friendly anymore and blasted me in the back. I was doing really well too.

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Some douche logged in behind me when I was holding out in the pub in Cherno. He killed me but I managed to kill him too.

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I just exited the north side of the Balota airfield deerstand area, fresh with a GPS, pack, ammo, etc. and someone had laid a wire fence down inside the sandbag wall texture. I vaulted over. Instant death. Even if it had just broken bones and shit, I had a ton of med supplies.

Game is so dumb sometimes.

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I had just found my first pair of nvg's and I open a door and get to - 3000 hp and die...

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Feeling like a bawce. Equipped with an AS50, Bizon PP-19, NVG, Coyote backpack and all of the tools (barring GPS) and a ghillie suit.

Took a stomp down to the industrial buildings east of Zelenogorsk looking for fuel tank parts. 0300 in the morning, full health, loads of medicine.

Two zombies magically aggro from one of those small sheds (I'm currently 10ft outside the concrete wall from the compound), teleport their rotting asses directly at me, instantly break my legs/put me in shock/drop my blood to 5000/knock me clean out.

Continue munching while I wait for egg timer, I come around, get knocked back out. Dead.

Respawn at Kamenka. I've done this run dozens of times so start full-pelt running at Zelenogorsk.

Aw yeah! Make it my corpse, open that bad boy up and start reclaiming my gear. What's this in the corner of my screen?

NO MESSAGE RECEIVED FOR 10....20....30....

Server reboot.


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I was looting a supermarket and went to throw a chemlight I had equipped, somehow I tossed my frag grenade and killed my friend.. One time I alt tabbed out of game and when I came back in i was shooting my gun uncontrolled and shot my friend in the face..

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I was looting a supermarket and went to throw a chemlight I had equipped' date=' somehow I tossed my frag grenade and killed my friend.. One time I alt tabbed out of game and when I came back in i was shooting my gun uncontrolled and shot my friend in the face..


with friends like these...

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I was on around 5000 blood juts today. It was a night server and once i got some wood i started to create a fireplace, to see the how awesome it looks putting on a fire at night i turned my NVGs off, once the fireplace was put on the ground i for some reason could not find it as it was very dark. I turned my nvgs on and looked around for like a minute and just could not see it, after having to run into the forest again i got some more wood and created a fire place again near the cow i had just brutally killed, once that was placed i had successfully lit the fire( with nvgs on) i looked at the cow and... it started to sink. 8 pieces of meat just wasted, i did not equip the meat as i wanted to get the extra space from getting rid of the wood)

So, after a bit of cursing( not at rocket or dayz, just general stupidity on my part) i had to carry on and find another animal. I seen a deer-stand and thought i would check it out and even though it was night and i was crouch walking behind a zombie that was like 30 to 40 metres away from me (going away from me) i somehow aggroed it, it zig zagged towards me and 1 hit knocked me out, i regained consciousness and killed that fucker but had around 3000 blood.

I eventually found some meat and I am fine but was still very unlucky haha.

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Server once threw everyone in it 50 meters into air. That sure wasn't fun, was my first time ever finding any firearms and it was hella good ones too (m24 and camo clothing)

Another time i pressed v while going down regular stairs, my char did the weird climbing over thingy, fell and broke his leg :/

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Having a full set of survival gear, A4A3 CCO and the m24 in my pack, run towards an air control tower ladder. I hear i agro some zombies, climb up the ladder. Zombie meets me at the top and pushes me off.


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Running about, my first life in DayZ. I was on top of the world. Well trained by watching lets plays n' such from youtube.

After miraculously finding all of the basic equipment in Cherno without a zed or player anywhere near, then headed north. Found a downed heli with a bizon SD/ 4 mags and a ghillie suit.

Later, I am looting the military camp near Balota with a buddy. We are finished up, on our way out... He takes the lead towards the front... Then some random guy jumps out of a tent and goes all axe-murderer on my buddy. He's dead, so I spray my Bizon into the back of the guy's head.

After looting my friend's body (Other guy only had a hatchet), I walk out the front of the camp... I open one of the gates and it closes onto me, breaking my bones and making me bleed. I bandage up, now at 2200 blood directly from being at 12k. No morphine... I have to crawl to Cherno.

After a couple of hours of crafty crawling and rolling, I reach the hospital. Morphine is injected. I walk out, and am INSTANTLY shot in the face with a Lee Enfield.

Then I respawned on an island that I had to swim off of and lose my loot in the process.

Since then I have kept on going, unwittingly just making myself a future juicy loot pile. Just lost a character with a FN FAL and a coyote backpack yesterday...

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