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I like the increased zombie count much more interesting!

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Have you guys ever thought that this might be Rockets solution to teaming up? That with the increased amount of zeds, people will actually be forced to work together as opposed to DayZ just being a survival game with a backdrop of zombies?

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I just love it this way. 1.5.6 was freaking boring I managed to build a car from scrap what took me 4 hours without shooting more then 10 Z...now we finaly have some thrill back

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It reminds me of the earlier versions of the mod with even more zombies. I crawled into Krasnostav and just before I entered the Supermarket a Zombie spotted me: 78Kills more on my counter and I need to find some wild animals for steaks.

I like it very much.

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Zombie count is how it should be, risky going into towns. less being faggots tbh . Crawl into town if you are low on ammo take your time and you are fine running around like a retard in towns is going to pull things. Deer stands are incredibly easy to get to even with 4 zombies around, wait for them to get out of range then move in.

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I can imagine myself sneaking into some tower, waiting there for someone to pass by and get the zombies out of the way lol.

I just wish we could outrun the zombies in the field/ woods and not having to run inside somewhere. It sucks if you leave a town being chased :P

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I hope the increased number of zambies will, ever so slightly, sway peoples mindset in the direction of 'teamwork' in order to survive as opposed to killing potentially helpful allies.

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The number of zombies wouldn't be so bad if they were lumbering.

But since they're sprinting, zig-zagging zombies, it really sucks and isn't that fun.

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I bought the game Friday just for this patch….worth every penny.

Now that I read this thread I can’t wait to log back in! The game was too easy and I agree with everyone that stated a huge zombie population will only add to the excitement and challenge. I will agree that I would like to see the respawn timer slightly increased. Even yesterday before the patch, the respawn times did seem a bit extreme. I couldn’t even finish looting sometimes.

Please keep making the game tougher! From what I read on this thread I like to think of the new patch as, “We are not trying to discourage Player Killing, We are just trying to better promote Co-Op play” :P

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I think they should have a risk-vs.-reward system. Thus, in a village where people can not get super loot so it should be just enough with zombies while in cities, there should be lots of loot, and as many zombies.

Also a question, have they fixed in game voice-chat???

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Too many zombies. Just too many. Maybe' date=' say, half of these.


i feel like thats the mentality people should have when playing this game


This is what zombies are about, they dont shoot at you, they are not smart, but their are LOTS of them. That's the point.

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Too many zombies. Just too many. Maybe' date=' say, half of these.


i feel like thats the mentality people should have when playing this game


This is what zombies are about, they dont shoot at you, they are not smart, but their are LOTS of them. That's the point.

I disagree. Zombies in this mod are too smart. You can't hide from them. You can't outsmart them. They can climb ladders. They can hit you through walls. They will chase you forever and ever. If one zombie is alerted, many are, and each of them know where you are.

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I almost feel that it may be a little heavy.

Stray walkers and field zombies really enhance the mod but the numbers are immense. My group is having trouble looting anything.

I definitely don't want to live for days on end but I do want to live for more than 45 minutes. One upside that I can see is that the COD kids in Cherno will probably fade into the nothingness. We've seen so many bandits running with hoards of zombies on them, it's very funny - they come towards us obviously looking for help now instead of sniping our heads off.

I think the numbers could be reduced by 15-25% and it would have a similar effect.

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Too many zombies. Just too many. Maybe' date=' say, half of these.


i feel like thats the mentality people should have when playing this game


This is what zombies are about, they dont shoot at you, they are not smart, but their are LOTS of them. That's the point.

I disagree. Zombies in this mod are too smart. You can't hide from them. You can't outsmart them. They can climb ladders. They can hit you through walls. They will chase you forever and ever. If one zombie is alerted, many are, and each of them know where you are.

Well zombies wall glitch hopefully will be fixed one day. You can hide from them, if you lay down and dont move, they will walk right past you. You can throw bottles n smoke grenades and they go to them. They are idiots. They chase you because you are dinner, my dog chases squirrels, he is not the smartest.

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If ArmA2 AI was very intelligent, then we'd know.

People keep forgetting that this is ArmA2.

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I'm trying out the new zombie numbers...and it makes things very interesting.

I started out in Electro, and worked my way through town trying to find supplies. When I usually spawn, the winchesters in the house are gone, and they were gone this time as well. I worked my way a little further and my god, got a look at the town while on top of one of the hold tanks, and there were zombies everywhere! I wanted to go to several places but it just wasn't possible, too many zombies in my way. I did eventually find a hunting knife and hatched a plan to go live in the woods, and try and survive off the land for a bit.

I spent the next hour crawling out of town and trying to get to the forest. I had several close calls, zombies shambling up to me and shambling past me while I lay there in the grass thinking "Oh shit oh shit!"

I thought the number of zombies would be relevant to the amount of loot in a town, but nope! I went to a small country town with not houses that could be entered. I crawled around, while 8 zombies that I could see were walking around me...no loot. Which makes me happy. Loot shouldn't be easy to find.

Your weapon firing should be a thing of last resort. I had a bandit take a shot at me through his rifle while I was in town. He was on the ground, while I was in a tower. I saw him and tried to flag him down, so he turned around in the middle of a field and shot right at me...but there were several zombies around him and he alerted them. I have to admit it was fun shooting at him with my revolver as he ran away for his life.

Bandits should have to think, "What is this shot going to do to me? If I'm in the middle of a town, a shot will alert the zombies, so is it worth taking or should I go for something a little more silent?"

Please keep the extra zombies in for a bit, I want to see how it changes what I do. I personally think it was too easy before, and the zombies weren't really much more than a nuisance. I look forward to trying to sneak into a town at night, while crawling, and try and get some loot, or having a guy pick up a flare, and go jogging through town so that his friends can raid it zombie free while he runs for his life.

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Too many zombies. Just too many. Maybe' date=' say, half of these.


i feel like thats the mentality people should have when playing this game


This is what zombies are about, they dont shoot at you, they are not smart, but their are LOTS of them. That's the point.

I disagree. Zombies in this mod are too smart. You can't hide from them. You can't outsmart them. They can climb ladders. They can hit you through walls. They will chase you forever and ever. If one zombie is alerted, many are, and each of them know where you are.

Well zombies wall glitch hopefully will be fixed one day. You can hide from them, if you lay down and dont move, they will walk right past you. You can throw bottles n smoke grenades and they go to them. They are idiots. They chase you because you are dinner, my dog chases squirrels, he is not the smartest.

What I meant was there is no way to hide from a zombie once it has been alerted to you.

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i feel like thats the mentality people should have when playing this game


This is what zombies are about' date=' they dont shoot at you, they are not smart, but their are LOTS of them. That's the point.


I disagree. Zombies in this mod are too smart. You can't hide from them. You can't outsmart them. They can climb ladders. They can hit you through walls. They will chase you forever and ever. If one zombie is alerted, many are, and each of them know where you are.

Well zombies wall glitch hopefully will be fixed one day. You can hide from them, if you lay down and dont move, they will walk right past you. You can throw bottles n smoke grenades and they go to them. They are idiots. They chase you because you are dinner, my dog chases squirrels, he is not the smartest.

What I meant was there is no way to hide from a zombie once it has been alerted to you.

Yeah there is, kill him.

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The only problem with Zoombinis is their ability to climb ladders. Remove that, and suddenly there are several 'safe zones' in cities, but ones which will only last as long as your rations do.

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No way in hell. It is PERFECT as it is, it was WAAAAAAAY too easy before this patch.

For all the NUBS, just press the letter Z on your keyboard, and crawl. Not a single zombie will see you unless you bump into them.

Learn to play.

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This is what zombies are about' date=' they dont shoot at you, they are not smart, but their are LOTS of them. That's the point.


I disagree. Zombies in this mod are too smart. You can't hide from them. You can't outsmart them. They can climb ladders. They can hit you through walls. They will chase you forever and ever. If one zombie is alerted, many are, and each of them know where you are.

Well zombies wall glitch hopefully will be fixed one day. You can hide from them, if you lay down and dont move, they will walk right past you. You can throw bottles n smoke grenades and they go to them. They are idiots. They chase you because you are dinner, my dog chases squirrels, he is not the smartest.

What I meant was there is no way to hide from a zombie once it has been alerted to you.

Yeah there is, kill him.

Please read through the conversation and tell me how your comment applies.

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Why is everyone complaining about the abundance of zombies now? Isn't this what we wanted, more zombies that are tougher to deal with? Instead of complaining all the time, perhaps player's should try using their brains and find new ways to deal with the zombies.


-using stealth, crawling still works wonders in bypassing zombies even though now they tend to follow the slight noise you make, making this more of a challenge

-use those whiskey bottles/tin cans/smoke grenades for once

-learning to aim better so your mags last longer (I typically get ~30 kills and have gotten over 40 kills with my starter makarov set of mags)

-learning to draw the zombies to a safer location before going loud

-maybe using the crossbow

-grouping up if there is a challenge too big to handle alone

If you want to play a survival game, there needs to be survival situations and previously when it came to zombies there was not enough of that. I'd used to clear entire towns just by running through it and then getting into some building and lining them up for headshots. Now I carefully consider whether it is worth it to engage a group of zombies or if it is better just to leave em be. Survival situations entails making decisions involving risks. This is a survival game so man up and stop complaining about making this game even better than before.

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One thing that really stands out about this thread ... a huge proportion of the people who want to keep the new massive numbers of zombies hurl around a lot of insults in their posts, be they veiled or obvious.

Stuff like "faggots", "learn to play, nubs", etc or condescendingly giving out basic advice that they could actually see a lot of people tried if they actually read other people's posts.

I think that says a lot, to be honest, I really do. I am no care bear complainer, and in some ways I like the new zombie count, but the Arma AI and engine is just not crisp enough to make it awesome.

I proned all the way through a village, made no noise, got by at least 10 zombies and made it into a house where even when proned, a zombie suddenly saw me through a wall and actually attacked me through a wall.

Please tell me, oh leet Arma 2 god players, how would you and your skills get that not to happen, eh? I then had the whole village worth of zombies assault me. I enjoyed it, but it made me think that as long as they are super fast and can see/attack through walls it is no longer a survival game, it's more like CoD Zombie edition.

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One thing that really stands out about this thread ... a huge proportion of the people who want to keep the new massive numbers of zombies hurl around a lot of insults in their posts' date=' be they veiled or obvious.

Stuff like "faggots", "learn to play, nubs", etc or condescendingly giving out basic advice that they could actually see a lot of people tried if they actually read other people's posts.

I think that says a lot, to be honest, I really do. I am no care bear complainer, and in some ways I like the new zombie count, but the Arma AI and engine is just not crisp enough to make it awesome.

I proned all the way through a village, made no noise, got by at least 10 zombies and made it into a house where even when proned, a zombie suddenly saw me through a wall and actually attacked me through a wall.

Please tell me, oh leet Arma 2 god players, how would you and your skills get that not to happen, eh? I then had the whole village worth of zombies assault me. I enjoyed it, but it made me think that as long as they are super fast and can see/attack through walls it is no longer a survival game, it's more like CoD Zombie edition.


Zombie wall glitch will hopefully be fixed one day (Arma 3 anyone?). Other than that, I could see slowing them down a bit if you had a massive amount so that you couldnt get away if you were shooting in the middle of cherno then just tried to run. They would have to surround you or something.

I think its a pick your poison, fast zombies or MASSIVE NUMBERS of slow zombies that knock you down if you run by them.

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