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Bandits ruin this game

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nah i  beg to differ

dayz needs bandits to be as immerse, best moments are if you run into another player by accident, that has similar gear as yourself and the fight starts, whoever reacts first etc.

I am really bad in such situations but if those dont happen i wouldve stopped playing ages ago, you never know what might happen, is the guy really friendly? etc. i love it.



though those lowlife bandits in start towns that shoot at everything all day are really lame.

Edited by Rhygar666

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Bandits Do NOT ruin the game Bandist are a necessary evil in Dayz without them you are running around with derpy Zombies. Currently there is no Challenge in the PvE side of the game too much food too many wells hardly any zombies and they all die from 1 shot unless using a peashooter (22) This game will always be about PvP there is no long run for PvE. I think what you mean is KoS ruins the game in that case I agree yes KoS does ruin it but Bandits are good for the game. take bandits out of the game and we are left with sitting around eatign beans for no reason.

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I had the greatest encounter with bandits last night. Since I am a noob, I wanted to explore black castle. I was double timing it along a treeline when I happened to glance across and see some dudes hauling ass to catch up to me. I broke into full sprint through the woods and crouched and crawled my way up a hill to a better vantage point. I still wound up at the castle, but was heading up top hoping to rain some bullets down on them when the server reset. They never appeared after that so it never played out... I would still like to thank them for some awesome gameplay even if it did end dumb.


I can appreciate bandits and snipers for what they bring to the game. Hackers can go suck it... After it got dark everyone left the server. I thought I had free range of NWAF with a flashlight, but someone opened fire on me as I casually approached the ATC. Once I scrambled back to safety I looked and was still the only one on the players list. I fully expect to get shot at an airfield and even though I was the only one on I still expected a server hopper to jump in at any second. If I had seen another name after I had been shot at, I might have played that through and tried to find them. Since I didn't see one I could only expect some hacker BS so I just snuck away into the woods and logged off for the night.

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Horror Survival- zombies, dangerous environment, atmosphere, sound design...

Yes as well as the danger from other players...


PVP just describes a small part of the experience where as its really optional how you deal with other people , it isn't the main part of the game and the way people force that onto new players is only going to make the problem worse..


Killing on sight pretty much ruins this game to be honest. Obviously guns do damage, its a realistic game and i think we all enjoy the aspects of dealing with people and not knowing how they'll react..forcing people to deathmatch and saying the game is PVP from experienced players does not help the game or community at all., the game doesn't anywhere say it is PVP or versus and it is in fact worded carefully as a survival experience.


If you cannot grasp that point then don't worry about it.


PVP makes up most of the tension in game.


People randomly shooting at you the moment they see you keeps you on your toes.


If you can not handle being on said toes due to players shooting at you in a game where there are no regulations on how to interact with other players, be more careful when you encounter other players.


I do not KOS. You do not KOS, I assume, but people KOS.




It makes the game tense, tense as hell to be exact.


You can have great experiences in this game, being shot at on sight can cause these. Was running through the woods with 3 pals when we got shot at, we spent an hour running through the woods as shots popped up at us, until we found some shells for my friends shotgun in a gas station, but by then they were long gone.

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