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Gear condition?

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Hey guys, got a noob question for ya. Say I have all pristine gear etc... For example if a walker hits me and say my cargo pants goes from "pristine" to "badly damaged," does that affect me in anyway? As in, does it give me less protection from other walkers that may hit me or players for that matter? Same for an attachment like a mosin compensator, any difference in performance between a "pristine" or "badly damaged" item? Thanks for the help guys

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Items that prevent damage i.e. ballistics gear will no longer hold the same properties, weapons and other items will lose their function.  All donned gear will remain wearable but damage taken will effect items being carried on ones person easier.

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As far as the clothing goes, from my own personal experience, the worse off your clothes, the more susceptible you are to start bleeding from a hit, or to have your limbs start hurting from hits.  As far the weapon attachments, I have not noticed any decrease in performance, however, the optics seem to have visual effects the worst off they are.

If your clothes are damaged, or badly damaged, you can use a sewing kit to bring them back to the "worn" status.  You can not fix ruined clothing or the assault vests with the kit.  And as far as I know, there is no way to repair attachments, but your gun can be brought back from a damaged or badly damaged status to a worn status by using a weapons cleaning kit on it.


One other thing to note: The more you use the sewing kit and cleaning kit, the more they degrade, until they become ruined.


Edit: Steak and Potatoes beat me to it by a minute.  Curse you, my finely bearded friend, curse you indeed.

Edited by aimbot.eXe
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Edit: Steak and Potatoes beat me to it by a minute.  Curse you, my finely bearded friend, curse you indeed.


I love you to.

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It definitely affects you


Normal clothes/jackets:   not much

Helmets and Vests:   YES



If you have a badly damaged khaki/matching camo vest, and you find a pristine black vest...take the black vest.

Even though it would be more visible, it has a much higher change of saving your live. It'll take 1-2 more M4 bullets than the badly damaged one.


Same goes for helmets...but the UN helmet is a bit too shiny for me xD.



I found this on the forums here. A test log by iIIustrrious https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XJfMMTDSN65BJNnMWGh2ZFACv6H_WD1shH5np9ne8vY/edit?pli=1#

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I goes like this Prestine(max protection) ---> Worn ---> Damaged ---> Badly Damaged ---> Ruined (no protection at all).

There isn't a precise measurement of the stats so that's an over-all conclusion.

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At least from my experience, on clothing/backpacks it affects the carrying capacity slightly as well. With badly-damaged backpack and ruined jacket I have lost the use of 1 slot in each. It shows up as "filled" but with nothing in it and you cannot drag anything onto it. The slot will "move" if you drag something over it and there is another free slot. My assumption is that this behaviour is due to the damage, but it may just be a bug. I have been looking for a sewing kit to see if I can repair my backpack (no idea if that will work) as well as a new TTsKO jacket but cannot find hide-nor-hair of either. The RNG seems to get "stuck" where some days you find groups of specific items, and others it's a completely different set. A couple weeks ago I was finding sewing kits all of the time, but no mosin's or mosin parts. Yesterday I was tripping over compensators, rifles, and TTsKO pants, but no jackets or sewing kits.

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At least from my experience, on clothing/backpacks it affects the carrying capacity slightly as well. With badly-damaged backpack and ruined jacket I have lost the use of 1 slot in each. It shows up as "filled" but with nothing in it and you cannot drag anything onto it. The slot will "move" if you drag something over it and there is another free slot. My assumption is that this behaviour is due to the damage, but it may just be a bug. I have been looking for a sewing kit to see if I can repair my backpack (no idea if that will work) as well as a new TTsKO jacket but cannot find hide-nor-hair of either. The RNG seems to get "stuck" where some days you find groups of specific items, and others it's a completely different set. A couple weeks ago I was finding sewing kits all of the time, but no mosin's or mosin parts. Yesterday I was tripping over compensators, rifles, and TTsKO pants, but no jackets or sewing kits.


That can be fixed be removing the item in question and re-equipping it, or by logging out and then back in. It's a glitch involving food. If you select "Eat" or "Eat All" when food is still on the ground and not in your inventory, it'll cause this issue.

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Additionally, different gear seems to generally wear at different rates, or maybe there is just a % chance issue. But an example was that I was carrying around a pristine SKS Bayonet for yonks to open cans, and then I came across an M4 bayonet, dunno it looked easier to spot in the backpack when I sit down for a snack so I swapped it for the SKS Bayo which was still Pristine. I maybe opened 6~8 cans with the M4 Bayo and it was ruined?! After 4~5 cans it was badly damaged, and after opening a can or two later it went to ruined. I would have opened over a dozen cans with the SKS bayo. I suspect that compasses will also wear automatically, or just faster if you leave them open when you put them away. I had one go from badly damaged to ruined for no reason. (No zed hits, etc.) I was just walking along, went to check it and noticed it looked even more crappy than usual and saw that it was now "ruined". Fortunately I found a worn one in Vybor last night, I'll be trying to keep it closed before I put it away and see if I notice it taking any damage for any reason.

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That can be fixed be removing the item in question and re-equipping it, or by logging out and then back in. It's a glitch involving food. If you select "Eat" or "Eat All" when food is still on the ground and not in your inventory, it'll cause this issue.


Ah... muchas gracias!   I do that from time to time, especially with fruit and canned drinks, didn't correlate the effect with it.

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Does a sewing kit repair damaged clothing?


yes, jackets, pants, gloves, and caps/boonies (from (badly-)damaged to worn). Vests, backpacks and boots cant be repaired. Ruined clothes cant be repaired too.

Edited by xCAPx

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