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Keys to Safehouses

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I had an idea that in every settlement there could be a couple (maybe 3 or 4 in cities) private houses which are locked and have a particular door number. There could also be a store room in most factories/hospitals/police stations/airfields which are locked.


There could also be on every 50th or so zombie (or 100th, maybe 200th when we get more zeds) a numbered key which corresponds to one of these houses or store rooms. It could be labelled with a number or just a tag saying 'store room', so it could be for any of the huge amount of store rooms in the map.


These rooms could act as safehouses, as you could lock the door behind you, and maybe the windows would be already boarded up. There would also be some decent loot in there and also another copy of the key that you could give to a friend. An important aspect is that there should also be some form of chest or locker in there in which you can store your own stuff, but of course you lose the key when you die so there can be no easy restarts where you can just rush to get your stored stuff.


I think this would be a great addition, as it would add the element of hunting for the matching room once you found a key, the excitement of unlocking the door and also, if you got the key from a dead player, it could be brimming with loot! It is also not detracting from the realism of the game, as some houses are bound to be locked in real life, and it stands to reason that people would have been carrying these keys.


To avoid exploitation the house numbers and their corresponding keys' numbers could be randomly generated so the location of the house numbers can't become common knowledge.


The only issue I can think of is that if the safehouse has already been occupied and the spare key taken, there could be another player out there with the same key as the one you've looted. This could be rectified by having an option to change the lock to the door once you are inside and cut another key, though this might be complicating matters and diminishing realism so if might be better to just have the one key to each room...


I'll be interested to hear people's thoughts on this, and I'm sure there are plenty of holes in the idea that I haven't considered!



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I agree, some houses could have been used as summer homes, and since the outbreak happened, they never visited them again.

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I would like to see things like this. I know DayZ is your story but there was obviously a population before the apocalypse. Walking through a rural town and seeing some locked up and boarded up houses would fuel me to try and see what's inside.

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wait for barricading.yeah why not and if you could broke locks of then like rob peoples safes.and if you could like move safes when vehicles are added you could put the locker on the back of car and take it with you.

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It's a very cool idea to add some sort of treasure hunting like this to the game but I don't fancy the ideas of being able to change the lock and having safe storage options since it adds too much security for one person, especially if the loot can respawn while the (unique) key is still in your pocket. That's an infinite spawn of awesome loot for you right there. I know it should be a great and rare thing to be able to do this but that is just to overpowered. So either there should be a random, rare spawn of multiple keys to the same storeroom or no respawn of loot while you still carry around the key and having looted the place. Or reaaally slow respawn on the loot.

But finding rare keys to a locked away treasure like a storeroom, fancy mansion (or a locked container in a harbour or industrial area) is a very good idea!

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It's a very cool idea to add some sort of treasure hunting like this to the game but I don't fancy the ideas of being able to change the lock and having safe storage options since it adds too much security for one person, especially if the loot can respawn while the (unique) key is still in your pocket. That's an infinite spawn of awesome loot for you right there. I know it should be a great and rare thing to be able to do this but that is just to overpowered. So either there should be a random, rare spawn of multiple keys to the same storeroom or no respawn of loot while you still carry around the key and having looted the place. Or reaaally slow respawn on the loot.

But finding rare keys to a locked away treasure like a storeroom, fancy mansion (or a locked container in a harbour or industrial area) is a very good idea!


That's all a very good point. Perhaps if, like you said, loot was really slow at respawning in these rooms it might not be so biased. Alternatively, I don't know if this is possible as I know nothing about how games are coded, but maybe the loot could only spawn again in that room once the holder of that particular key died?


With regards to owning a key giving you too much security, I imagine the keys will be passed around through deaths too quickly for anyone to gain a massive advantage through them. Also you would have to bear in mind that the more stuff you amass in your safehouse, the more whoever kills you will get access to! (As long as they find the place before they're killed.)

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Yes, I like the idea too. I think Dean has something similar in mind. He once said that buildings like the police station could have locked up rooms/furniture. You could break the open with a crowbar or something.


What I would like is really rare, random spawning safes. And you could find the number for a safe somewhere in the game. Once you used the safe, you could open it, aber next time server restarts, the safe is gone forever and respawning somewhere else (on another server...).

But, the most important thing is that his safe is able to spawn anywhere in the world, except the spawning zones. So people are not able to server hop. In theses safes should be weapons like M4s or I don't know, weapons that you cannot find anywhere else. Or a ton of ammo, which should be rare as f*ck later. Infact, I think everything should be rare as f*ck, regarding weapons. The only thing people should run around are self crafted bows, which should suck d*ck. And even if people find ammo, it should be so rare, so nobody is able to go deathmatching. And food should be rare too. I wonder, why the f*ck is there a hunger/thirst system if you NEVER die by hunger or thirst. It is actually impossible to have no food in your inventory. I am always energized. Furthermore, I never saw people killing each other for food. If food is rare, obviously it should take more time to starve, like way more time. But, people who actually survive for a longer amount of time, should be rewarded with more health, faster running, etc. so people don't just kill themselves why they are too hungry, hiding the loot somewhere and picking it up after respawning.


There is no way this game changes, if there is no reward for surviving a long time.

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With regards to owning a key giving you too much security, I imagine the keys will be passed around through deaths too quickly for anyone to gain a massive advantage through them. Also you would have to bear in mind that the more stuff you amass in your safehouse, the more whoever kills you will get access to! (As long as they find the place before they're killed.)


I suppose you're right. Would also give people incentive to hold people up to find out where the key goes to instead of just KoS and then standing with a massive treasure in their hands not knowing where the locker is  :)

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Praise the Sun!
Anyway, just blast the damn lock!Or simply remove door from the loop (idk how it's in English, sry)

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I suppose you're right. Would also give people incentive to hold people up to find out where the key goes to instead of just KoS and then standing with a massive treasure in their hands not knowing where the locker is  :)


I hadn't even thought of that! There could be interrogations! Plus anything that reduces KoS is always good.

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good idea but ppl will have small camp tents and vehicles to use as strorage personal items in. in dayz mod We used to hide it somewhere in the trees and get coordinates of our position. even vehicles will be hidden in trees. well I won't feel safe to store some of my items in a safehouse that can be visited by my killers afterwards. so personally I'd keep stashing them somwhere only I (or my team) know. but also finding a key and following where it leads would be exciting. it may create a good experiance in dayz


Imagine all snipers and some ppl camping around those safehouses. And this is interesting I also imagine myself one of them :)

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