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Wait' date=' Batman disconnects when attacked? No longer my hero.


agreed, don't disconnect man, just die and start over.

there is no argument against DCing not being pussy shit.

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in order to beat the enemy, one must use his own tactics against him.

the amount of DC-ing that goes down up there wehn ppl get shot at is ridiculous anyway, so sorry fellas, but it happens.

but that's the point of batman, right, he's BAD and GOOD! the DARK KNIGHT, bro! I can play like the most bitch ass player but the more cocksmokes i kill up on that roof, the better off society is. So to me DC-ing is more of a venial sin in this situation.

NOTE- dc-ers who use this as a normal practice in the game are cowards and most of them START the fucking fights they run away from. this is not what we're talking about here. this is more like being a GHOST (dare I say a... BAT?) on the roof tops- blink in, blink out, kill assholes, where am I NOBODY KNOWS (unless they just shot me and then im obviously back to step one. [sprint to HATCHET])

so sorry guys, DC-ing happens up there on the rooftops. i'd rather it didn't but as long as the enemy uses it as a tactic, so must the righteous.

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in order to beat the enemy' date=' one must use his own tactics against him.

the amount of DC-ing that goes down up there wehn ppl get shot at is ridiculous anyway, so sorry fellas, but it happens.

but that's the point of batman, right, he's BAD and GOOD! the DARK KNIGHT, bro! I can play like the most bitch ass player but the more cocksmokes i kill up on that roof, the better off society is. So to me DC-ing is more of a venial sin in this situation.

NOTE- dc-ers who use this as a normal practice in the game are cowards and most of them START the fucking fights they run away from. this is not what we're talking about here. this is more like being a GHOST (dare I say a... BAT?) on the roof tops- blink in, blink out, kill assholes, where am I NOBODY KNOWS (unless they just shot me and then im obviously back to step one. [sprint to HATCHET'])

so sorry guys, DC-ing happens up there on the rooftops. i'd rather it didn't but as long as the enemy uses it as a tactic, so must the righteous.

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Sinking to their level twists my panties real tight. And that pinches.

Alfred: "Endure' date=' Master Wayne. Take it. They'll hate you for it, but that's the point of Batman, he can be the outcast. He can make the choice that no one else can make, the right choice."

SO WE'LL HATE HIM Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.

[batman theme as he DC'S']

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If I were rocket I'd give you a batman outfit.

+1 that,. but not the new one,. the old school adam west one,. that would be awesome, and terrifying

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btw, man that reaction gif is pure gold. loving the turtleneck/ sport coat combo. my mom used to make me wear that shit to church when i was a kid.

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I don't think Batman was ever an axe-murderer.


No he definitely has never been a murderer.

EDIT: Or used guns for that matter!

You should see this.


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man, when I first read this I thought people were sending out "bat like signals" with their torches....

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I seriously need to see some video of someone doing this

dude i haven't downloaded the program where u can vid ur gameplay' date=' but my cousin has it so we might get down on some batman n robin antics.

peep my epic screengrab tho:



I don't think Batman was ever an axe-murderer.


No he definitely has never been a murderer.

EDIT: Or used guns for that matter!

You should see this.


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I'm back in ack motherufckers!



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Playing batman hasn't been as successfull lately. It seems as if people are waiting for other to spawn into rooftops. We have been dying before even getting in.

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my solution against the chaos in cherno is probably going to send people into an uproar' date=' but it's been working as a backtrolling tactic for me in an awesome way.

what i've noticed assholes doing is server hopping on the factory roof in cherno loooking for victims down on the ground to snipe. what a bunch of bullshit.


You are my new hero!

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Wait are you saying the bandits wised up or are there just too many people trying to pull a kumiiyo style batman?

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