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What EXACTLY does a server restart do In the DayZ Mod?

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Hey.I`m Pretty new to DayZ, and I`m playing the ArmA 2 Version of DayZ. 


When a server restarts, What EXACTLY does if effect? Vehicles? Bases?


Please explain, Thanks.

Edited by DJRufflesLive22

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it deletes things like campfires and bodies to give the server less things to deal with so it can run faster. Like, if you were to try and run a computer for a 24 hour period it would be very poor near the 18 hour mark. Samething with a server, they must be reset at after a while.

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Thank you, people, for your constructive input.


Moved to Mod section.



Restarts on ARMA 2 and DayZ Mod are needed to clean up everything, that's not needed anymore. Unlike other systems, ARMA 2 servers don't really flush any of their unused date, which is why they are extremely fast and potent upon restart, but from that point onwards lose performance and FPS, which also affects the clients. All of this gets removed upon restart.


In short:


It cleans up dead bodies, Zombies, Loot and all of that.


It does, however, not affect the tents / vehicles / buildings.

it deletes things like campfires and bodies to give the server less things to deal with so it can run faster. Like, if you were to try and run a computer for a 24 hour period it would be very poor near the 18 hour mark. Samething with a server, they must be reset at after a while.



Actually had my computer running for about 14 days straight the other week and didn't mention any performanceloss whatsoever.

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Like, if you were to try and run a computer for a 24 hour period it would be very poor near the 18 hour mark.

Huh ? :huh: My PC runs 24/7 and i only restart for updates.

My TV server hasn't been restarted in just over 2 years (uptime 781 days) because they don't need restarted.

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Anything you want it to.

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