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Why does punching do the same damage as shooting a gun? Someone explain this? This is the 3rd time i've been knocked unconcious by a fresh spawn and they take all my gear? I'll shoot them 5 or 6 times and then boom. they knock me out?


Maybe it was karma for me hassling some fresh spawns but still.... This is very silly and needs to be fixed.

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One shot to the head is fatal where are you shooting them

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It is not the same as a gun, fists do lots of shock damage which knocks you out, wheres as guns do lots of blood damage which is your health.

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If I have a freshy running towards me I usually get somewhere higher than them, where they gotta walk up and when they do you have a better chance of getting rid of them.

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Aim at the legs easy break of the legs.... But if you are actually hiting with all those shots on a fresh spawn they should die i might think A)your missing orB) the server aint flash and desync has you missing

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You could try wearing a helmet, that is supposed to help a bit and why are you hassling new spawns when you have a gun? Afraid of some competition? Oh wait you still got knocked out for your troubles. Also try shooting for center mass instead of shooting for the legs to troll people.

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Sounds like someones aim is a bit "jingley" Haw Haw...

Get it?

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I'm not killing fresh spawns. I just give them a little shit and let them be on their way. After letting him go he punched me and i ran to make some distance, I shot the guy in center mass at least 5 or 6 times. The bullet registration is what is actually wrong here. Then he punched me a few times(which is super fast for some reason? like half a second)and i was knocked out cold.


Because of this I am now issuing a KOS mentality, I am a product of my environment.


EDIT: I was wearing a ballistic helmet.....go figure?

Edited by jingles

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Motorcycle helmet is your friend. Punching freshies stand zero chance when I'm armed - with ANY firearm.

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What gun are you using? The M4 is horribly inaccurate even with pristine components and using the .22 rifle is like shooting someone with a BB gun. Gotta love them punching freshies, got nothing to lose and everything to gain 

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