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Female zombies.

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Why not? We got a female model in-game and I don't think that Chernarus population was a 100% male one (use your imagination.)

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Though I have no doubt that the devs would incorporate this without community suggestion. It just hasn't been yet.

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Yea. But I do think that giving the devs confirmation, you know "we want this!" kinda thing.. doesn't necessarily have to be bad.

Plus I think that adding female zombies is adding immersion. Not to mention you get to see something "new" in the game instead of watching the same old zombies everytime.

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I'm pretty sure every fictional zombie apocalypse is sexist and decided to just not include female zombies.

I've never seen female zombies in a movie.

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/me is tired but hopes you're being sarcastic.

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I'm pretty sure every fictional zombie apocalypse is sexist and decided to just not include female zombies.

I've never seen female zombies in a movie.


Looks like a female to me... though I admit its hard to tell without all the make-up.

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Wow now that you brought this up I never realized there were only male zombies I need to pay more attention to my surroundings.

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Don't see why the gender of zombies matter that much and there is female zombie nuns in the game.

Does seeing no female zombies really break the immersion for you?

It really wouldn't add much to the game, not that I would mind if there was more zombie skins to mix it up but when you start wanting them to be a certain gender/colour/race then it just gets out of hand.

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Good point. I forgot about the nuns.

Still, I look forward to more models of infected. Male, female, children, dogs, you name it.

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when you start wanting them to be a certain gender/colour/race then it just gets out of hand.

No. It doesn't get out of hand. You get out of hand.

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Nuns? I have never seen any nuns. Priests, yes, but not nuns.

Also, it doesn't get out of hand. If there was even the slightest chance of things going out of hands when implementing female zombies, we would've noticed when the female character was introduced in the first place.

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