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The zones that yields the highest tier and best loot should be suicidal if solo

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there should be some sort of progression wise when it comes to enemy and enemy spawns. Zones like north west air field should be suicidal solo. hell i would say north of the map there should be infected that uses weapons. (yea the idea is dumb but it would be easy to implement and it will ramp up the difficulty) this will create incentive for freshies to group up and tackle the task.

basically coastal think of melee left 4 dead style zombies

inland and northern zones more of Doom 3 style zombies where if you dont have a decent weapon you WILL get owned.

you can just skin arma 2 enemy soldiers with zombie skin and make them shoot at players

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some zones should be designed for group focus and high level loot zones are way to easy. server hop 1 hour in nwaf and you can make it out fully loaded.

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>OP proposes zombies use guns

>Entire thread is now irreparably tainted.

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Why should it be made even harder to loot the barracks? It's hard enough for lonewolves and smaller teams to loot it already, with all of the bandits and serverhoppers around. Making it significantly harder would just create an even wider gap between the large clans and the smaller groups, aswell as promoting serverhopping within the barracks even more in order to avoid the zombies.

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Love how people talk about server hopping like it's a legitimate method of gearing up.


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He did. He said give zombies guns.

Edit - Reading is fundamental :)

I could see maybe adding a mechanic in general where police and army zombies have a chance to spawn with a weapon and will randomly shoot at a player they've aggroed with some piss poor accuracy until they run out of ammo. Would add more spots to get weapons, but making areas group only I don't think would work out well in DayZ.

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The real question in this thread is exactly how would you make it more difficult? I personally don't think this is a good idea either' date=' but if you're going to try and suggest something like this you need to give mechanics.


He did. He said give zombies guns.


Regardless, making "zones" with a progressively higher difficulty is a stones throw away from being FPS Warcraft.

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because now it gives the incentive to group

there are too much incentive to kill and zero incentive to group.

this will balance out the incentive and form communities

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The zombie with guns thing will never fly. The game is great because it's filled with possibilities, which includes going at it alone. This isn't a true mmorpg that requires groups to enter an instance. It's pretty tough as it is, unless you're dc'ing to avoid aggro or server hopping.

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i believe the concept of the mod is to have the threat be the players, not the zombies. want the northwest airfield to be hell for lone wolves? get a group out there to take and hold it from anyone and everyone that comes into the area.

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how many more times will this myth that grouping has no benefits be paraded around this forum

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wait......wait did u say zombies with guns ?!? ahhh ok tell me more....sorry dude im acutally a nice guy but your brainfucked

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People need to learn to make "home servers" and consistently play in one place. Server hopping is not part of the game people, I'm not sure how that is getting confused.

And making zombies shoot guns? Are you insane lol

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wait......wait did u say zombies with guns ?!? ahhh ok tell me more....sorry dude im acutally a nice guy but your brainfucked

explain how im "brainfucked"

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You want the zombies to have guns? Have you ever actually played ArmA? I'd wager most people would die without knowing wtf happened, except it would be a zombie instead of a player...yeah that sounds amazing!

This won't balance shit, it will kill the solo players experience, resulting in less players...not everyone has time, or even wants to group with the kind of people that roam this game. You already get a benefit from grouping, it's called having others there to watch your back, or are you too dense to see that that's a HUGE benefit in a game like this?

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because now it gives the incentive to group

there are too much incentive to kill and zero incentive to group.

this will balance out the incentive and form communities

No, this won't do that. You simply cannot trust other players, that's never going to change. Making it impossible to not trust other players doesn't mean other players will work together, it means that bandits are just going to get easier kills.

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This isn't WoW. Quit wishing for groups to go form up and do some epic raid. Play solo if you want, and get away with it. Or group up, kick some ass and take names. Requiring people to go with you breaks the immersion of this game, but having help never hurts (until they betray you).

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I respect what the OP is trying to do in getting people to group up, but I always play solo and I'd rather not have large portions of the map restricted to me because I do so. Further, grouping just doesn't work for me for any extended period of time because I don't have a mic and constantly stopping to type just breaks the immersion for me (not to mention it makes an already difficult game even more so).

I think Rocket (and the community) can come up with some incentives to group without taking away from the "lone wolf" style of play.

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Think NWAF is already Group-Area. You can have good luck while sneaking around alone, but if the Airfield is guarded by Groups, you'll die if you're spotted.

Server Hopping is not a valid mechanic to discuss. Its currently not an exploit but its seen als lame at the community overall.

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#1. As many others have already stated, once 'server hopping' and the other exploits, (definition of exploit to follow), are nerfed/patched/fixed the 'high loot' zones will be hard enough to loot in small groups or solo.

#2. This should have been posted in the Suggestions area.... not General Discussion

#3. Zombies/Infected should never have firearms.


An exploit, in video games, is the use of a bug or design flaw including glitches, rates, hit boxes, or speed, etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers.

It is often colloquially abbreviated sploit. Exploits have been classified as a form of cheating; however, the precise determination of what is or is not considered an exploit can be controversial. This debate stems from a number of factors but typically involves the argument that the issues are part of the game and require no changes or external programs to take advantage of them.

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