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7-75 callaghan

Babies! (Well, society)

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Ok, so i'm not talking about actually introducing playable/NPC babies to the game, but hear me out.

The whole point of surviving, surely, is to eventually have something pertaining to society again, right? Unless you are a sociopath.

My suggestions is this - have a reproduction mechanic possible between male and female survivors (no need for family-unfriendly animations or any such nonsense) where - the female characters food consumption goes up by say 50-100% for a certain time period, but if the couple manage to keep her alive for say, 1 game week, or whatever, some kind of representative 'baby reward' is given to them to represent the fact that they have extended the time of humanity on this planet.

This reward could either be an increase in the maximum blood level (until death ofc), improved starting equipment (only lasts for the next playthrough, not thereafter), a skin change to represent social status, or whatever else you guys can come up with.

This would obviously encourage teamplay, especially between 'randoms' - more people would be encouraged to play female characters to take advantage of the bonus, and when opposite sexes see each other, would be less likely to kill on sight. It would add a lot of depth, and some more end-game purpose -surviving in the wilds is currently too easy after a certain point, and this adds an additional challenge for a bonus reward. Maybe even attract more of a female demographic to the mod (haha ok I know that is old fashioned, but most likely true to an extent). Like I said, what is the point in surviving if you aren't going to do anything with it. It would also contribute to potential, future, macro-objectives, such as restarting society within the zombie environment, linked in to other suggestions such as the 'Liberate town mechanic' suggested on another thread.

The idea is very initial, so I would like to hear the many ways in which it could be interpreted and shaped.


[redacted: unnecessary stereotypes - Ubi]

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You are talking about a mod built from a military sim played predominately by males and you want to introduce a matrimony/reproduction simulation?

I don't think this would ever fly if for no other reason than that few men are going to choose to play a female character if it means they may have to mate with some other dude.

Maybe if there were "romance-able" NPCs introduced but even then it's a bit of a stretch to me.

Maybe try http://en.wbabies.com/


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You are talking about a mod built from a military sim played predominately by males and you want to introduce a matrimony/reproduction simulation?

I don't think this would ever fly if for no other reason than that few men are going to choose to play a female character if it means they may have to mate with some other dude.

Maybe if there were "romance-able" NPCs introduced but even then it's a bit of a stretch to me.

Maybe try http://en.wbabies.com/


Who said anything about matrimony? I'm talking basic human necessity, as important as eating and sleeping. Who said anything about romance? You obviously don't have much experience with online gaming if you think that men don't like playing female characters, and clearly underestimate the female gaming demographic and the universal appeal of the Zombie culture.

Furthermore, the majority of DayZ players don't come from a milsim background. Your post is full of more non-sequiturs than I could shake a bible at.

So long as there are no silly elements such as kissing animations etc. involved, I think any man comfortable with his sexuality wouldn't really care about the mechanic in the way you seem to suggest, so long as it provides some kind of benefit.

I appreciate feedback in general, but your post was very poorly if not completely unresearched, and the link just plain silly.

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I don't have much time to waste correcting you so I'm gonna go really fast okay?

Matrimony means any state of being 'voluntarily joined' which is exactly what you are suggesting. It literally means 'motherhood' actually.

Men playing female characters and men being willing to mate their female PCs with other male PCs is two totally different things.

If any post here is silly, it is yours, friend. If you want to virtually shag some dude, why don't you check out second life? Leave our game alone.

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I don't have much time to waste correcting you so I'm gonna go really fast okay?

Matrimony means any state of being 'voluntarily joined' which is exactly what you are suggesting. It literally means 'motherhood' actually.

Men playing female characters and men being willing to mate their female PCs with other male PCs is two totally different things.

If any post here is silly' date=' it is yours, friend. If you want to virtually shag some dude, why don't you check out second life? Leave our game alone.


Haha, sorry, but you're arguing with the wrong person about this - (i.e. an English graduate)

Matrimony - the state or ceremony of being married; marriage.

What you are thinking about, in terms of motherhood, is 'maternity'.

If you have a problem with the idea, you don't have to use it. But you haven't provided constructive criticism, just a sarcastic reference, some incorrect use of vocabulary, and a series of incorrect assumptions about the game and its players.

'Your' game? I have been playing this series for ten+ years, and represent far more people, believe me. I'm not going to allow this suggestion to turn into a flame war anyway, if you don't like it, don't support it, but don't harass me with that nonsense.

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Haha' date=' sorry, but you're arguing with the wrong person about this - (i.e. an English graduate)

Matrimony - the state or ceremony of being married; marriage.

What you are thinking about, in terms of motherhood, is 'maternity'.


Matrimony from the Latin Mater (Mother) + Monium (state or condition)

Congratulations on your English degree.

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i just don't see 2 random dudes hooking up to start a family, female characters or not.

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But there is no family involved - it is about teamwork, with a benefit afterwards if you both survive for a certain period of time.

Why is everyone so obsessed with manlove here?!

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This is.... not as terrible an idea as it should be. Trying to keep humanity going in the wake of the zombie apocalypse is a fundamental goal that Day Z doesn't really represent. Then again, maybe that's because it messes with a lot of the dark survival elements of the game.

I feel like if this was implemented, people would just chill out in tent cities stuffing their faces from piles of beans and steaks as their army of clan-men filed in and out to mate. Maybe that actually wouldn't be too terrible to see; I'm laughing just thinking about it.

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Haha' date=' sorry, but you're arguing with the wrong person about this - (i.e. an English graduate)

Matrimony - the state or ceremony of being married; marriage.

What you are thinking about, in terms of motherhood, is 'maternity'.


Matrimony from the Latin Mater (Mother) + Monium (state or condition)

Congratulations on your English degree.

Good going Bo0G, you've insulted this mans ego

Lets just turn this into The Sims Online, since that game never quite made it.

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Haha' date=' sorry, but you're arguing with the wrong person about this - (i.e. an English graduate)

Matrimony - the state or ceremony of being married; marriage.

What you are thinking about, in terms of motherhood, is 'maternity'.


Matrimony from the Latin Mater (Mother) + Monium (state or condition)

Congratulations on your English degree.

We speak English on this forum, not Latin, etymology is not an argument for the incorrect use of a word. These words have clear, dictionary defined uses.

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Also, matrimony describes marriage, maternity describes child-carrying. My two pence.

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Haha' date=' sorry, but you're arguing with the wrong person about this - (i.e. an English graduate)

Matrimony - the state or ceremony of being married; marriage.

What you are thinking about, in terms of motherhood, is 'maternity'.


Matrimony from the Latin Mater (Mother) + Monium (state or condition)

Congratulations on your English degree.

Good going Bo0G, you've insulted this mans ego

Lets just turn this into The Sims Online, since that game never quite made it.

ApeToe, the moderator has already warned you for your behaviour. The only reason you are here on this thread is because you are sore for being knocked down for making silly and uninformed comments on the AS50/M107 thread. Grow up and stay on topic.

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We speak English on this forum' date=' not Latin, etymology is not an argument for the incorrect use of a word. These words have clear, dictionary defined uses.


You are suggesting that two players are voluntarily joined for the purpose of reproducing. That is matrimony even if there is no wedding ceremony. I'm sorry if you disagree with my usage, but that doesn't make you correct.

FFS why are you still arguing semantics when my point was clearly that your idea will not fly unless you introduce NPCs to mate with. And even then, it is not very interesting as a game mechanic to me.

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I change enough diapers in real life, thank you very much.

I wouldn't mind having dogs in Dayz , maybe a pack of wild aggressive dogs on each server, and 2-3 you could befriend?

What this game really needs though, is more bicycles. Many many more.

Something like fifty per server would be a good start.

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Haha' date=' sorry, but you're arguing with the wrong person about this - (i.e. an English graduate)

Matrimony - the state or ceremony of being married; marriage.

What you are thinking about, in terms of motherhood, is 'maternity'.


Matrimony from the Latin Mater (Mother) + Monium (state or condition)

Congratulations on your English degree.

Good going Bo0G, you've insulted this mans ego

Lets just turn this into The Sims Online, since that game never quite made it.

ApeToe, the moderator has already warned you for your behaviour. The only reason you are here on this thread is because you are sore for being knocked down for making silly and uninformed comments on the AS50/M107 thread. Grow up and stay on topic.

I was never warned LOL.

The reason I'm here is because I like to read suggestions such as this and the aforementioned thread ^^^

This idea is dogshit, just like the last you supported. Do you even play DayZ or do you just make gigantic worthless suggestions to start controversy, then bash everyone who disagrees with said dogshit ideas??

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I change enough diapers in real life' date=' thank you very much.

I wouldn't mind having dogs in Dayz , maybe a pack of wild aggressive dogs on each server, and 2-3 you could befriend?

What this game really needs though, is more bicycles. Many many more.

Something like fifty per server would be a good start.


Did you even read the original post?

Haha' date=' sorry, but you're arguing with the wrong person about this - (i.e. an English graduate)

Matrimony - the state or ceremony of being married; marriage.

What you are thinking about, in terms of motherhood, is 'maternity'.


Matrimony from the Latin Mater (Mother) + Monium (state or condition)

Congratulations on your English degree.

Good going Bo0G, you've insulted this mans ego

Lets just turn this into The Sims Online, since that game never quite made it.

ApeToe, the moderator has already warned you for your behaviour. The only reason you are here on this thread is because you are sore for being knocked down for making silly and uninformed comments on the AS50/M107 thread. Grow up and stay on topic.

I was never warned LOL.

The reason I'm here is because I like to read suggestions such as this and the aforementioned thread ^^^

This idea is dogshit, just like the last you supported. Do you even play DayZ or do you just make gigantic worthless suggestions to start controversy, then bash everyone who disagrees with said dogshit ideas??

You are obviously not intelligent enough to see the worth behind the idea, and cannot see beyond PVP in a post-apocalypse scenario, I think that speaks volumes about you. The last idea I supported was the simple but excellent idea of female zombies, and if you think that is 'dogshit' (by the way the moderators already don't like you, so using language like that won't help), then again, it says a lot about your mentality. If you have no constructive criticism about what is clearly an essential idea to any apocalypse survival scenario, then you'd do yourself a favour by not saying anything.

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+1 I just like the idea of a goal,A.I. keeping a character alive for a week.

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I change enough diapers in real life' date=' thank you very much.

I wouldn't mind having dogs in Dayz , maybe a pack of wild aggressive dogs on each server, and 2-3 you could befriend?

What this game really needs though, is more bicycles. Many many more.

Something like fifty per server would be a good start.


Did you even read the original post?

Yes, I own The Sims and if I want to involve myself in some roleplayed sexy time with a 'female' I'll be sure to play that.

That being said, premarital sex is against my religion and I will never endorse it in real life nor a video game.

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I change enough diapers in real life' date=' thank you very much.

I wouldn't mind having dogs in Dayz , maybe a pack of wild aggressive dogs on each server, and 2-3 you could befriend?

What this game really needs though, is more bicycles. Many many more.

Something like fifty per server would be a good start.


Did you even read the original post?

I did. I'm aware that you aren't talking about actual ingame babies, I was just making a joke. Obviously, it fell flat.

I'll leave you guys to you semantics now.


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That being said' date=' premarital sex is against my religion and I will never endorse it in real life nor a video game.


You could have just told me you were irrational in the first post and saved me a lot of time.

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That being said' date=' premarital sex is against my religion and I will never endorse it in real life nor a video game.


You could have just told me you were irrational in the first post and saved me a lot of time.

Are you bashing Christianity?

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I change enough diapers in real life' date=' thank you very much.

I wouldn't mind having dogs in Dayz , maybe a pack of wild aggressive dogs on each server, and 2-3 you could befriend?

What this game really needs though, is more bicycles. Many many more.

Something like fifty per server would be a good start.


Did you even read the original post?

I did. I'm aware that you aren't talking about actual ingame babies, I was just making a joke. Obviously, it fell flat.

I'll leave you guys to you semantics now.


Jokes are fine, i'm just very tired of people being completely unable to stay on topic or provide constructive criticism without 'flaming'. The joke might have been better received had you said something on point first...

Even, something as basic as 'I'm so sick of real life babies that I specifically enjoy the absence of even their suggestion in this mod'. That would have been constructive.

That being said' date=' premarital sex is against my religion and I will never endorse it in real life nor a video game.


You could have just told me you were irrational in the first post and saved me a lot of time.

Are you bashing Christianity?

I'm bashing your inability to both stay on topic without bringing irrelevant concepts into it, and your hypocrisy. You are the worst Christian I have met on this forum, albeit the first. You do realise that Christ said that each law of god was as important as the other, and should not be transgressed in the slightest? Well, you are obviously thick full of nonsense, as if you do not condone pre-marital sex in a game, then why do you condone murder? i.e. PvP? And also fail to adhere to the teaching of love thy neighbour and thy enemy?

Looks like a bullshitter was just caught red handed.

Callaghan out.

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I change enough diapers in real life' date=' thank you very much.

I wouldn't mind having dogs in Dayz , maybe a pack of wild aggressive dogs on each server, and 2-3 you could befriend?

What this game really needs though, is more bicycles. Many many more.

Something like fifty per server would be a good start.


Did you even read the original post?

I did. I'm aware that you aren't talking about actual ingame babies, I was just making a joke. Obviously, it fell flat.

I'll leave you guys to you semantics now.


Jokes are fine, i'm just very tired of people being completely unable to stay on topic or provide constructive criticism without 'flaming'. The joke might have been better received had you said something on point first...

Even, something as basic as 'I'm so sick of real life babies that I specifically enjoy the absence of even their suggestion in this mod'. That would have been constructive.

That being said' date=' premarital sex is against my religion and I will never endorse it in real life nor a video game.


You could have just told me you were irrational in the first post and saved me a lot of time.

Are you bashing Christianity?

I'm bashing your inability to both stay on topic without bringing irrelevant concepts into it, and your hypocrisy. You are the worst Christian I have met on this forum, albeit the first. You do realise that Christ said that each law of god was as important as the other, and should not be transgressed in the slightest? Well, you are obviously thick full of nonsense, as if you do not condone pre-marital sex in a game, then why do you condone murder? i.e. PvP? And also fail to adhere to the teaching of love thy neighbour and thy enemy?

Looks like a bullshitter was just caught red handed.

Callaghan out.

I've never murdered a person in game yet, I'm a survivor not a bandit. Way to go, putting words into my mouth.

ApeToe, out.

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I change enough diapers in real life' date=' thank you very much.

I wouldn't mind having dogs in Dayz , maybe a pack of wild aggressive dogs on each server, and 2-3 you could befriend?

What this game really needs though, is more bicycles. Many many more.

Something like fifty per server would be a good start.


Did you even read the original post?

I did. I'm aware that you aren't talking about actual ingame babies, I was just making a joke. Obviously, it fell flat.

I'll leave you guys to you semantics now.


Jokes are fine, i'm just very tired of people being completely unable to stay on topic or provide constructive criticism without 'flaming'. The joke might have been better received had you said something on point first...

Even, something as basic as 'I'm so sick of real life babies that I specifically enjoy the absence of even their suggestion in this mod'. That would have been constructive.

That being said' date=' premarital sex is against my religion and I will never endorse it in real life nor a video game.


You could have just told me you were irrational in the first post and saved me a lot of time.

Are you bashing Christianity?

I'm bashing your inability to both stay on topic without bringing irrelevant concepts into it, and your hypocrisy. You are the worst Christian I have met on this forum, albeit the first. You do realise that Christ said that each law of god was as important as the other, and should not be transgressed in the slightest? Well, you are obviously thick full of nonsense, as if you do not condone pre-marital sex in a game, then why do you condone murder? i.e. PvP? And also fail to adhere to the teaching of love thy neighbour and thy enemy?

Looks like a bullshitter was just caught red handed.

Callaghan out.

I've never murdered a person in game yet, I'm a survivor not a bandit. Way to go, putting words into my mouth.

ApeToe, out.

It doesn't matter, you condone PvP, i.e. simulated murder, and bash people who are against it. My point stands.

Btw i'm closing and restarting this thread because it has been swamped with mindless chatter that is neither on topic, nor interesting in any way for anyone who came here to read and discuss the suggestion, largely by one individual who has a problem with me for pointing out a poorly informed comment he posted on another thread, and is unable to discuss things without having his ego hurt. Sorry to all those who actually contributed something positive, but i'm not going to allow one of my posts to degenerate into a flame war.

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