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Your most frustrating moments.

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Desyncing, then rubber banding back to where you stared, and having "My clothes are damp with blood" on the screen, and a zombie clawing your nutsack off. 10/10 - would rage again.




Trying to outrun re-spawning zombies as the melee damage has been nerved is bad enough as a slight slope slows you, but not the zombies down to a walk.


And then you get rubber banded/desynced back into their midst just when you think you've got away.


You get clawed twice and everything on you is ruined, but a zombie can take fire axe to the head times 3...

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I finally got a weapon! and was on my way to another town and spotted a deer stand. I climbed the ladder to find nothing inside of it....started to climb down and glitched out missing the ladder to fall 5 feet to my death.

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The game Dayz'd me.

Fully geard and bored out of my mind running on the server on like 2AM.

So 1-3 ppl online so when i founs a engraved 1911 i try to kill some time shooting zombie's.

Having no mag is a pain and since server was so empty i whent looting firehouse in electro.

loot loot done climing down from the roof and double tap to sprint to a next loot spot.

And sudden rubberbanding, than back on the roof still running....

Wel take a wild guess what happened, tip i'm not a bird

Edited by (DD)DutchB4k

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Unconscious because of blood loss, or being hit in the legs?

I never even bled, it was just the shovel hitting my legs

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That would be last night... casual run to Balota from NE to shop for a LRS - as you do - quiet server but Zeds all over, no firearm at that point so bayonet/fist fighting, get hit several time, bleeding, cant get away from them but worse, desync all over and bandages wont trigger "use" in the inventory!! Managed to run to Bolata into a two story, and log off, bandage on respawn and back to the tents... more Zeds, more fighting/bleeding, "you are dead".. Extremely frustrating!! Spawned back at Berenzino and decided to give it another go which went without a hitch this time! Fuly kitted out now ready to get some action at NWAF/NEAF :D

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"I'll just carefully walk down these 4 steps as I exit this storage building..." YOU ARE DEAD :)


Seriously, stairs can be rough lol

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Just last week I decided to do a solo trek all around the map on hardcore.


I spent 5 hours going up and down the map eventually wanting to make myself wind up north of the NWAF.


It was getting late so I called it at that (I was only at stary (coming from berezino)). I decided to pick up the pace the next day and got to the small military camp near Vybor in the hopes of getting a hunting backpack as I was all out of space.


During the course of my adventures I had picked up 5 Saline Bag IV's and enough morphine/epinephrine I could become a walking hospital so decided that was the role I was going to play if I came across anyone. I was fully stocked so I was dropping/eating food just to save space.


I scanned the whole base minus 1 last barracks. I had my gun out (but not aimed) in case I needed to deal with any surprises.Opened the door and there it was - a moment of sheer terror developed due to a crouched geared maniac. My buttcheeks clenched with the force of an atom bomb. Bang - Fractured arm, massive bloodloss. Split second and before I could even have a last ditch attempt at saying "i'm friendly" I dropped to the ground.


Really puts me off travelling for so long to lose my shit.


If you are reading this "crouched in the barracks watching the door" guy, I hate you.

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The only thing that upsets me is when I "think" I am playing smart and end up getting kos blind sided. I was at the edge of a little town inland (forgot the name) and spent a good 15 min scoping it out and making sure there was no movement. Spent another 5 or so minutes cautiously moving from house to house around the backsides, always avoiding moving into the center areas or main road. And then, just when I thought I was pretty safe, I ran from a set of garages to the backside of a burned out 5-ton truck when I hear the shot and my screen goes black and white. Before I could turn, or duck behind the truck, the next shot rings out..."you are dead." 


When something like that happens I spend the next 30 minutes questioning what happened? How did he see me? Was he following me from the beginning? What could I have done to be more cautious? That's what aggravating, the wondering why someone got the drop on you and was he being as cautious as I was, or just happen to get lucky and see me? 

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This youtube video shows my most frustrating moment on DayZ. Me and a friend had tried to make friendly contact with this guy and his friend. They shot at us as per usual  :rolleyes: so we killed this guys friend and hunted for the other person we'd seen. Then this happened. He then proceeded to sneak after me using his new found perk and shot my twice in the chest with a blaze 95. I survived with no penetration to my body however (?) due to wearing an assault vest (swear I should've died). I'm not even mad about the glitch, just mad that I didn't shoot him the moment I saw him!


Edited by falcon1439

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DeSync is the only thing I can't stand and I can't seem to get away from it. :-( 

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I found myself a wonderful blaze painted green and decided to shoot some day z skeet. It took killing 3 people who didn't want to skeet with me til I found a hardy and willing volunteer. I offered him any of the multiple weapons sitting on top of the tec building in svetlo if he could make a short run down the street with me taking my 2 blaze shots at him. I would only take 2 shots and if he survived I would gear him up. He seemed game and started stripping off the gear he had to make the run when some "Hero" snuck up on me and shot me in the back of the head with a shotgun. I was very sad and now I can't find a blaze to get a rousing game of day z skeet going again :<

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walked up to a killer at an airfeild, he was looking down at a body, i stood right in front of him, tried to pull my gun out, went back on my back, repeated about 5 times, then he looked up, nearly killing me, but i managed to get out bleeding with all ruined bandages.

Edited by over9000nukez
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talked up to a killed at an airfeild, he was looking down at a body, i stood right in front of him, tried to pull my gun out, went back on my back, repeated about 5 times, then he looked up.

That horrible bug killed me once as well

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tried to pull my gun out, went back on my back, repeated about 5 times, then he looked up, nearly killing me, but i managed to get out bleeding with all ruined bandages.

This seems to happen to me all the time now, but with zeds. I usually try to use my axe as sometimes I can hit them on the head when they aren't looking but usually as soon as I creep up close and take that swing, more zeds seems to either get aggro'ed or just happen to be in strategically an eyesight away from the zed I killed. Theres usually more than one that comes because the one that saw me or got aggro'ed would, of course, run past all his friends and they all come running after me. In a frenzied panic of trying to reach for a gun or switch from axe to gun (any gun, you name it) whilst running, I would casually slow down to walk like nothing is happening, pulling it out and end up putting away my weapon everytime, including suddenly going prone like I needed to. And at no point did I press the prone button. By the time I could use it I'm nearing death, items ruined and bleeding profusely up to the point there's no colour. I died many times either from that slow walk or proning where the zeds would hit me like a bitch, or the blood loss after getting away from zeds trying to patch myself up only to find rags/bandages are ruined. And thats after finding a nice spot to patch myself instead of in plain sight. Makes me angry.

Rubberbanding is another, and now i refuse to even climb up onto anything unless it has stairs. But then I refuse to stay too close to walls or edges of rooms as they tend to put me outside the wall and .... You are dead.

I don't know if it's a glitch or what, but going from prone to crouch or crouch to stand sometimes puts me about a meter to my rightand sometime a meter in front. I can be in a single storey house doing some looting doing that prone/crouch thing when suddenly I find myself outside and for the most part, appearing magically in front or close to a zed that I was prone/crouching trying not to be seen by said zed. This goes with the rubberbanding too, when this happens I am instantly dead if I'm on a second floor close to walls and stairs.

Oh another thing that frustrates me is things going missing when I put them on the floor. I applaud the devs for fixing the issue with ammo going missing but now even my backpack could dissapear just because I spotted a better one to swap with. Its not often, I know, but how often is your backpack not ever full of goodies? I find that this happens with anything really nowadays in houses although its not often, but it does happen. Once or twice I could find it outside of the house, and its hard to find it because you would think that it is more likely just outside the walls but its not the case. More often it just dissapears.

Edited by MatchSticks

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Are we all agreeing that zombie through walls, fall damage problem and zombie hit targets are massively frustrating?

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Only time I've been frustrated was when I used to play on Experimental. With only two hardcore servers it was pretty much 'hunger games' 24/7. All places on 9km radius from the coast being looted to bare minimum. And most freshspawn ending up running amok trying to beat down every single survivor they see.


Then I stopped playing experimental and moved back to playing on stable. Now the frustration is mainly concentrated on looting. Spending a good hour trying to find a burlap sack to build a courier bag after you've found a good dozen or so of rope and sticks is enough to make a man scream.

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