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Infinite Mosin Ammo

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ok ...i feel like the trolls telling me to stop whining are missing the poiint. i didnt post this to rage. i posted this to move foward and narrow down what the problem is. one person who was critical of my post did however make a good point. i never thought of the fact that the mosin has no clip. so its important for the devs to figure out how someone might do this without a mag or how the ammo stack might get bugged. notice that another poster confirmed that they found a mosin on someone that the bullets loaded in it didnt deplete. you can call me a noob all you want... but i know that i get about 3 kills (bandits) for every death i have... i would say i moved a little past noob stage. I have been killed like 40 times in this game and i didnt whine about hacks. beacuse the other times were not suspicious.

Edited by hexrain

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