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Does Gunfire produce a flash of light?

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Hello all


Evening at Berezino, I heard multiple Gunfire close to me. Mosin, SkS and M4. So i sneaked my way through the town, trying to find out who was shooting at whom.

I came very close to one of the shooters position, maybe the House next to me, maybe the house on the other side of the street. Heard gunfire again so i decided to take a closer look at all the windows, expected to see a flash of light each time a gun has been shot. But i couldnt see anything.


This was when i lost connection to the server, hoooray <_< <_< <_<


But the question still remains: Does Gunfire produce a flash of light?


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Some smoke particles for sure but not sure on muzzle flash

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it does make a muzzle flash and some smoke around the gun

Edited by DMentMan
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Thanks for your answers.

Sadly, another reason why playing at night becomes less attractive to me. Even though i used to like nighttime.

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Yes, confirmed. 


I killed a guy in pitch black the other night and the 3 shots I took each lit up the hanger we were in similar to a flashlight.

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Okay,okay. So there is a this flash when a gun is fired.

Are u sure it lit up the hangar or was it just a colorful muzzle?

Bullet tracers are already in. Next time i play, iam going to find out if any bullet creates, or random tracer or every fifth or fourth bullet.

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