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How to increase friendlies while maintaining PvP

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This game is meant to be as realistic as possible right? Right.

How many here find it a bit unrealistic that everyone knows how to repair cars, boats, helicopters. And pilot said helicopters or that everyone is an able paramedic ? And what about the fact that everyone is somehow an able engineer ? Or knows how to gut a boar\goat\cow ?

So, players should have to become proficient in these things. Start with small things such as:

- Repair a car before a boat before a heli

- Bandaging and administrating morphine to make those tasks quicker and ultimately being able to transfuse blood

- Gut a goat before being able to gut a cow or a boar


This would not only be more realistic as it would create a need for people with specific skills and give players a chance to roleplay a bit more and would make the game harder and more enjoyable. Bandits can still be bandits but players would think twice before shooting and think (is this guy capable of giving me a blood transfusion?)

I know it may sound gimmicky but at least I'm trying to help.

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I think you should either get some kind of small punishment for killing other players or a reward for cooperating with others.

I know some will say that helping others is enough of a reward, but in the end you get nothing out of it except maybe a loyal friend (or often get betrayed by the person you helped). You even loose important stuff like morphine if you help others.

Player killers however only gain something at the moment. Items and safety.

The only flaw in that is that people might abuse that system to shoot eachother and then heal up again to get as many rewards as possible...

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Most "Bandits" already roam in groups. And many other premade groups, who wouldnt declare themselves as Bandits, also shoot strangers on sight.

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a reward for cooperating with others.

This is so damn funny to read

Yeah, it's totally not rewarding to have:

More pairs of eyes watching their sectors

More guns sending hell down range when shit gets ugly

More backpacks being able to store large amounts of loot

Totally not rewarding enough, might just add some artificial voodoo to it in order to encourage teamwork...sigh

Have you never heard about Teamspeak or Skype?

Or why is it that you kind of people always urge to cooperate with random strangers, like it'd be the ULTIMATE goal in DayZ

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I'm not saying co-op should be the ultimate goal, like being a PvPer isn't as well. I'm just saying that it's not realistic to know how to repair helis and stuff and I'm not saying you absolutely need that one person to do it.

Just small things like if you don't know how to gut a cow you get less pieces of meat from it (so you have at least 1 for youself) that sort of stuff.

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I like the idea a lot, leveling up skills, making you more efficient the more experience you have (but not limited).

Each time you do something, you gain one level.


Butchering Level 0: 1 meat max, from animals larger then bunnies. 0 meats from bunnies.

Butchering Level 5: 2 meat max, 0 meats from bunnies.

Butchering Level 10: 4 meat max, 1 meat from bunnies.

Butchering level 25: Full Meats, like it is now.

Fixing tires/engines/each piece of a vehicle grants one point

Mechanics Level 0: Cant repair complex systems (helicopters), takes 2x parts to repair other items such as cars/bikes/boats

Mechanics level 10: Repair of complex systems allowed with 2x parts, repair of others goes to 1x (cars/bikes/boats)

Mechanics level 20: Repairs like they are currently.

Mechanics level 30: Repairs take 1/2 as much (tires)

Medic Level 0: Bandaids slow down bleeding by 1/2 band aid applied and take 2x as long as they do now to be applied. Two bandaids would stop bleeding. Other items are less effective (Blood bags grant only 1000 Blood, Morphine takes 2 pens to fix a broken leg, 2 pain killers to fix the shakes, epi-pens not effective).

Medic Level 10: Bandaids now work at normal speed, initial band aid slows blood loss by 80%, second band aid stops all blood loss. Blood Bag now heals 4000 Blood, Morphine takes 2 pens to fix a broken bone still, 1 pain killer fixes shakes, epi-pens have a 50% chance to work)

Medic level 25: Bandaids now stop all blood loss with just one, normal speed application. Blood bags give back 8000 blood, all other items work now.

Medic Level 30: Bandaids work in 1/2 the time, blood bags fill full blood, etc.

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I really don't understand why we have to impose a COOP system on the game. It's almost like 80% of the people who play Day Z have never made a friend or played in a community before.

Seriously, get your buds together even if it's just one and play together.

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might just add some artificial voodoo to it in order to encourage teamwork...sigh

Followed by...

Have you never heard about Teamspeak or Skype?

...actually made me laugh.

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No. A level up system does not fit into this game.

I agree, a level system is not suited but training up skills like real life makes sense :x at least you have something more to lose and you have to be more careful and people can depend on you if you are a survivor. If you are a bandit think how tasty that engineer with max skills tears are going to taste..

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a reward for cooperating with others.

This is so damn funny to read

Yeah' date=' it's totally not rewarding to have:

More pairs of eyes watching their sectors

More guns sending hell down range when shit gets ugly

More backpacks being able to store large amounts of loot

Totally not rewarding enough, might just add some artificial voodoo to it in order to encourage teamwork...sigh

Have you never heard about Teamspeak or Skype?

Or why is it that you kind of people always urge to cooperate with random strangers, like it'd be the ULTIMATE goal in DayZ


I think one of the ultimate goals is to give people a reason to not want to shoot others on sight. Even if you're in a big group, maybe that stranger you meet or other group you meet has something that can be beneficial to your group. People would not shoot other people on sight in real life.

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might just add some artificial voodoo to it in order to encourage teamwork...sigh

Followed by...

Have you never heard about Teamspeak or Skype?

...actually made me laugh.

Was that supposed to be a comeback?

3rd party voice software =/= artificial game voodoo that tells you what's wrong or right through out-of-nowhere mechanics

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Personally, I love the idea of progression. It gives you a feeling that you are accomplishing something tangible, even if you die and have to restart. That way, it's not "wasted time".

However, progression should not be related to items, so I'd be in favor of a skill progression. It'd be nice to run across a buddy who's really good at wilderness survival (skinning, cooking, etc...). I don't think you should have talent trees or anything like that. Just have experience towards different tasks, and if anyone puts the time into it, they could eventually max everything.

There could also be simply visual progression. Know all the "character profile" stuff? Those could all be locked at the beginning of your career and unlock as you play the game.

The problem right now though is that progression tracking would not be stable enough to utilize. We already have potential character resets when a patch releases.

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There should be more actual skill involved than just press a button and poof! you repaired a helicopter. I like the America's Army 3 medic system where you actually have to know what treatment to perform based on the observed symptoms.

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A skill is a nice bargaining chip. "I'm a mechanical engineer, let me join you, I can help fix that helicopter." could be more valuable than a possible tin of beans. We see this in movies and I am sure it could work in an anti-game.

Take, um, U-571 as an example. They let the German electrician live in hopes he can help. Yes we know that it turns out poorly as he keeps causing problems until Jake Weber's character crushes his face with a wrench, but forget the movie and think about the reality. I MIT know a few basics about butchering an animal (yay cooking shows) and using a gun and other such things, but repair a helicopter? No.

Maybe we avoid skill level and just have a base profession that makes one aspect of the game easier for that character, and then we have an advantage.

After all, before becoming a survivor, you had to be something. Mechanic? Doctor? Truck driver? Yes it complicates the start of every new character but it gives you that one reason you can use to somehow spare yourself.

Wow this is long. Shutting up now.

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Or knows how to gut a boar\goat\cow ?

If I knew how to gut a cow I am sure I could get more then 8 steaks off it. But if I needed to in real life I think I could get 8 steaks off a cow if needed. :D

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DayZ is progression. It's baked into every aspect of the game. From the second you spawn on the beach, you're leveling up. The beauty of it is that no one had to come up with some arbitrary "skill-up" mechanic to give you a sense of accomplishment.

Ideas like these would completely spoil the uniqueness of the DayZ experience. You want more friendlies? Make more friends. It's a unique challenge in the DayZ environment, but one that is all the more rewarding because of its difficulty.

Put it another way: I don't want to group with you because you spent the morning collecting boar assholes to craft your hunting knife of the asperger's tears. I want to group with you because we trust each other and the game is more fun when you've got my back.

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a reward for cooperating with others.

This is so damn funny to read

Yeah' date=' it's totally not rewarding to have:

More pairs of eyes watching their sectors

More guns sending hell down range when shit gets ugly

More backpacks being able to store large amounts of loot

Totally not rewarding enough, might just add some artificial voodoo to it in order to encourage teamwork...sigh

Have you never heard about Teamspeak or Skype?

Or why is it that you kind of people always urge to cooperate with random strangers, like it'd be the ULTIMATE goal in DayZ


Hey super smug dude, cool post. Too bad the only "artificial vodoo" that allows cooperation is 3rd party voip...So that generally requires associations already made outside the game. Not everyone has a super friends team on ventrillo who love to go trololo newbs and defenseless guys on the beach.

The fact of life in this mod is 95% of people just shoot whoever they come across who isn't in their TS/vent. Griefers, trolls, and people who like to act like asshats have claimed this game for themselves and will shout down anybody who has a different opinion. They are loud and they have rocket's ear.

It IS a deathmatch with zombies for the most part. A paradise for 15 year olds and neckbeards.

Shoulda kept bandit skins and just improved the mechanic.

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Not everyone has a super friends team on ventrillo who love to go trololo newbs and defenseless guys on the beach.

Find a group.

Do something interesting.

You can still find a group now via forums. Yea there should be a way to find groups in-game (tools to help players build survivor cities or whatever). No it wouldn't mean fewer bandits in-game. You'd die just as much if you're running ON roads yelling "ANY FRIENDLIES AROUND???" or walking right up to every other player you see and saying "HI THERE."

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Not everyone has a super friends team on ventrillo who love to go trololo newbs and defenseless guys on the beach.

Find a group.

Do something interesting.

You can still find a group now via forums. Yea there should be a way to find groups in-game (tools to help players build survivor cities or whatever). No it wouldn't mean fewer bandits in-game. You'd die just as much if you're running ON roads yelling "ANY FRIENDLIES AROUND???"

That does nothing to change what this mod has turned into. Deathmatch with zombies. Everyone knows what it is and the ones who like it that way deny it or go on their stupid fucking "tears" herp derp bullshit when people mention it.

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That does nothing to change what this mod has turned into. Deathmatch with zombies. Everyone knows what it is and the ones who like it that way deny it or go on their stupid fucking "tears" herp derp bullshit.

Did you not see the second link I posted? Go help make a survivor city.

There are far better deathmatch games than DayZ, that's not what sandbox PvP is all about. It is about how what you thought you were going to do almost never pans out, and having completely random events shape your play. Figuring out who's in your corner of the world and what they're trying to do, and getting the advantage.

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That does nothing to change what this mod has turned into. Deathmatch with zombies. Everyone knows what it is and the ones who like it that way deny it or go on their stupid fucking "tears" herp derp bullshit.

Did you not see the second link I posted? Go help make a survivor city.

There are far better deathmatch games than DayZ' date=' that's not what sandbox PvP is all about. It is about how what you thought you were going to do almost never pans out, and having completely random events shape your play. Figuring out who's in your corner of the world and what they're trying to do, and getting the advantage.


It doesn't matter what you are doing, because EVERYONE ELSE is shooting on sight or looking for some trololos. You're avoiding or ignoring the point. This game is generally deathmatch/trolling. You can get all deep about the experience or whatever you're trying to do here, but it doesn't matter, like I said, when some shithead is just gonna shoot you for laughs.

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