deadbolt (DayZ) 10 Posted May 15, 2012 There's honour in everything' date=' even bad things but this guy is just a coward or Judas[/quote']right... there is honor in rape and child molestation... whatever you need to tell yourselfHeh' date=' i played the false savior the other night. i saw some noob running with a flare down the center of the road. so i ended up shooting him in the kneecap. i fired some other shots into the distance. over side chat i asked him if he needed some morphine. i told him i saw the whole thing and i shot the bandit. elaborating that i already took his stuff and hid the body. he was instantly grateful to me. he offered a teamup. i aggreed. He made a lovely bandit trap. running with his little flare. Me shadowing him in the darkness. eliminating any bandits that shot at him. patching him up with what was left over of their supplies. we got to a small town and his use was at an end. now i dont shoot people in the back. i find it cowardly. so i had him turn to face me. apologized coldly and shot him in the face. going on to barricade the building i wanted and continuing my game.[/quote']do you really think getting him to turn around so you can shoot him was any better? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trigger (DayZ) 2 Posted May 15, 2012 yes honestly. what i meant by apologized was i made known my intentions. and gave him a chance to defend himself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deadbolt (DayZ) 10 Posted May 15, 2012 yes honestly. what i meant by apologized was i made known my intentions. and gave him a chance to defend himself.what kind of chance? you took 10 paces in opposite directions, turned and shot? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted May 15, 2012 :( your a bad bad man Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trigger (DayZ) 2 Posted May 15, 2012 we were about 15 feet apart. i moved to face him. said "sorry about this part" shot one in his shoulder. and then one in his face. if you want me to get specific Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thievery 7 Posted July 30, 2012 Sad people haven't yet learned to trust nobody in this game. I play this game with my friend of eight years and I still keep one eye on him (he's very trigger happy.) Kudos to you for taking advantage of it and most of all surviving. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Martyca3839 11 Posted July 30, 2012 Me and 2 buddies are looting med supplies from cherno hospital, since we are nearby, we loot the apartments also while 2 of us loot the inside the third guy keeps watch at the door, he just seen a player enter the apartment across the road. GAME ON. We talked about what he saw as we all get in position, the player is a chic and has an AKM, we wait...and wait... then we wait some more, has this chic disconnected???Oh no wait! Movement on the balcony.With one guy at the front door watching the players door, myself on the second balcony, watching the players door, and the third of our party on the third floor...well you get the idea.I put my M4A3 CCO in my backpack and remove my DMR,upstairs and downstairs M4's are pointing at the door waiting for the blonde chic to appear. As soon as she steps outside we all was beautifull. Blood spurted everywhere, we saw the other players character spin, as the player shit herself the mouse blatanlty moving everywhere. She has no idea what to do, it was a cheap kill, she didnt stand a chance...I loved every minute. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
resistence1993 6 Posted July 30, 2012 d bag your whats wrong with this game banditry is fine the game would be boring without it but betraying someone trust like that is a pathetic thing to do and everyone justifying something like that just because the other person dident expect to get fucked over are the type of people who would say that she deserved to be raped going around wearing that Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Martyca3839 11 Posted July 30, 2012 d bag your whats wrong with this game banditry is fine the game would be boring without it but betraying someone trust like that is a pathetic thing to do and everyone justifying something like that just because the other person dident expect to get fucked over are the type of people who would say that she deserved to be raped going around wearing thatd bag your whats wrong with this game banditry is fine the game would be boring without it but betraying someone trust like that is a pathetic thing to do and everyone justifying something like that just because the other person dident expect to get fucked over are the type of people who would say that she deserved to be raped going around wearing thatwho cares? this is why the game gives you so many options, it lets everyone play however they want, so stop stop bitchin and play how you want :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JDCollie 24 Posted July 30, 2012 It is a sad thing to see a brother lose all honor. Where is the sport?Change your ways I say! Bring back the sport! Regain your honor! Become a legend! I never said the sport has to be fair, nor considerate. The next time you lure a victim walk with him for a while, sit down by a campfire amd share some cooked meat. Share stories about good times, about how you love the taste of cooked meat. You sure love the taste of cooked meat. Mention how it reminds you of the last time you went hiking with a buddy, a shame he went missing. Oh such a shame. Offer him another piece and another and another. It would be rude for him to refuse now wouldn't it? Abrubtly stop the campfire and continue the hike, catch him offguard and force him to surrender his weapons at gunpoint (direct chat helps). Give him 20 seconds to run, let the hunt begin.I'm with this guy. Backstabbing stupid people works, but backstabbing stupid people in merciless and creative ways is much better! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boomstick (DayZ) 41 Posted July 31, 2012 I lured 2 people via side chat to "team up" with me and be "friends" I told them it was going to be okay and i'll share weapons and we'll go on hunting trips together...The first was low on blood and needed help, we meet at Cherno docks and i shot him in the back, taking his beans. he disconnected.The second i said to meet me at the petrol station just outside Cherno, he said he was paranoid, i saw him come down the hill and prone behind a bush. I ran to his flank coming around behind him running right up to his head and bang one shot to the head... I took his NV, GPS, M4 203 etc. he said "sad" in group chat before disconnecting.It felt really good and it was funny at the time. I think i'll start luring more often, perhaps use direct chat against groups of people outside in the wilderness... I'll have to start getting more creative and youtube it :)Em thats not bad at all, quite tame by my standards. Shouldn't of turned their back to you. They deserved to die. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites