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Kickass PC setup and weird performance

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Hey guys,

I have an insane setup that I spent a lot of money on and yet I'm still getting screen tearing and graphical glitches. I build my own systems so I really know the ins and outs of my system so I'm wondering why I can lay Battlefield 4 on ultra with a consistent FPS if no less than 70 but suffer much lower FPS performance in DayZ?

My setup


OS: Windows 8.1 x64

Main board: Asus P9X79 Deluxe

CPU: I7 3830K @ 4.5

Cooler: Swiftech H320 liquid cooled closed loop

OS Drive: Mushkin 240Gb SSD

Storage Drives: Velociraptor 500Gb x 2 RAID 0

Memory: Kingston HyperX 24Gb. (6x4Gb)

PSU: Cooler Master silent pro 1000W

Video cards: Gigabyte GTX 760 4Gb x 2 SLI

Case: Corsair Obsidian 800D

Monitor: BenQ XL2420Z 120 Hz gaming monitor 24"

Speakers: logitech 5.1 Surround

Edited by pabloottawa

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is this a honest question or did you only want to show off your system? i mean, thats ok, its just nothing for the troubleshooting section. surely you dont expect your case or sound system to have an impact on the game performance?


as a tech-savvy person, you surely are aware that the game engine is not really good at utilizing multiple gpu cores, that it only can address 2gb of memory and that its fairly unoptimized in its current, alpha state..


so congratulations, you really have a "kickass" system. please post pictures and benchmarks too - just do it in off-topic or gallery subforum

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It's an honest question and as for showing off, well, maybe you're interpreting it that way (don't really care). And although I am tech savvy, I'm not a specs monger so I'd didn't know the graphics engine was this limited. It's not like anyone tells you this the instant you buy the game.

Anyways, can anyone with a similar SLI setup chime in with their advice

Cheers and thanks

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Hey guys,

I have an insane setup that I spent a lot of money on and yet I'm still getting screen tearing and graphical glitches. I build my own systems so I really know the ins and outs of my system so I'm wondering why I can lay Battlefield 4 on ultra with a consistent FPS if no less than 70 but suffer much lower FPS performance in DayZ?


Battlefield..."2km² battlezone" ( not really open world imo )  with low detailing considering buildings ( let them make a 1:1 copy of Chernarus and it will run as bad as it does now )...DayZ: huge map with tons of enterable houses and AI ( consumes a lot of power ) and it's alpha but i don't think it will become better than the other engines since it shares the same genes..

Edited by Enforcer

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You can enable SLI via Nvidia Inspector, ArmA 3 profiles works great with DayZ, also, you can tweak the launch options and ini files.

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SLI was the first thing I checked. I always enable it in Nvidia Control Panel. Also, since it's a 120Hz monitor there should be no screen tearing so I'm a bit confused as to why this is happening.

Enforcer, yeah I get that it is a huge world and the view distance is quite far. Still though, if DayZ supports SLI, should t this be a non issue with *2* 4Gb 760s?

I know it's still in alpha so I'm guessing they have not tweaked the engine enough to take full advantage of 2 cards and a 4.5 processor.

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One thing is enabling SLI in Nvidia Control Panel and another one is forcing DayZ to use Arma 3 SLI bits via drivers, if you don't do this, the game will only use one of your GPUs, even with SLI activated in NCP. The only way that I know to do this is using Nvidia Inspector (http://www.guru3d.com/files_details/nvidia_inspector_download.html), creating a new profile for DayZ and use Arma 3 SLI compatibility bits. 

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SLI was the first thing I checked. I always enable it in Nvidia Control Panel. Also, since it's a 120Hz monitor there should be no screen tearing so I'm a bit confused as to why this is happening.

Enforcer, yeah I get that it is a huge world and the view distance is quite far. Still though, if DayZ supports SLI, should t this be a non issue with *2* 4Gb 760s?

I know it's still in alpha so I'm guessing they have not tweaked the engine enough to take full advantage of 2 cards and a 4.5 processor.


This game will never run decent frames compared to others. All arma games suffer from the same problem and still have terrible frames in comparison to AAA titles. Don't let all the fanboys try and give you reasons, it's engine based problems. Expect similar performance, perhaps worst as they add more and more stuff. But the game is fun as hell and worth the FPS problem imo. I hope they figure it out someday, but it hasn't happen yet.

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The issue is with the optimization of the game engine, no it doesn't go into details when you buy the game but there is a big warning that says DO NOT BUY THIS GAME YET, IT ISN'T READY (or words to that effect).  I think that nearly everyone gets these problems to one extent or another (at least, the vast amount of similar posts in the forum would indicate that.)


It is possible to tweak your settings to improve performance but I still very much doubt that you will get what you are looking for until a lot more optimization work is done in the future.

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You know what I don't like about the development of this game?

It's the fact that in the last patch there were way more important things to fix (like graphical glitching and performance) and instead we got silly little things like, we can see our own breath and all servers now force night time play.

The real problems should be fixed before the development goes any further, otherwise they will end up with a collosal cluster fxxk much like BF4. Too many bells and whistles but the core of the game is too broken to fix.

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You know what I don't like about the development of this game?

It's the fact that in the last patch there were way more important things to fix (like graphical glitching and performance) and instead we got silly little things like, we can see our own breath and all servers now force night time play.

The real problems should be fixed before the development goes any further, otherwise they will end up with a collosal cluster fxxk much like BF4. Too many bells and whistles but the core of the game is too broken to fix.

The rendering side of the engine is really dated (started out as DX7) and has had stuff tacked onto it for years. You can see this by how beautiful some aspects of the game look compared to how basic some others are.

Other (more modern) engines have no trouble pushing more poly's while maintaing a more fluid experience, making use of newer (more efficient) CPU instruction sets and DX11+ features to push visual fidelity, albeit in a more confined and controlled environment.


The devs have started work to seperate the render from the sim, but this is no small task so I'd imagine will take a while. read more here: http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/


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Thanks for the reply spudgun. One thing I've heard about the development of a game as complex as this is that the development teams are separate i.e. one side does graphics, the other does coding, another does implimentation. I'm betting that this is how many of today's games are developed. I just hope that there's more communication between the teams than there has been in the past with other games. That said there is the disclaimer that this game is still in its alpha phase of testing which I think is very smart on their part. I see nothing but great things ahead for Dayz but I really hope they don't cave to the temptation of fast money. It's the last thing this game needs (another COD like franchise).

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You can enable SLI via Nvidia Inspector, ArmA 3 profiles works great with DayZ, also, you can tweak the launch options and ini files.



Thanks Jon,


Question for you. Do I have to keep the Nvidia Inspector Profile window up on the desktop in order to keep the profile settings? Asking because when I click apply and then close the window and reopen it it goes back to global default.

Edited by pabloottawa

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Once you hit the apply changes buttom the profile saves and you can close the program, it always shows the global default profile on startup and you won't have to make any other changes unless you want to. I hope it works for you, it made a huge difference for me.

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Well things seem to look better.... I forgot to check if there is still screen tearing so I'll look out for that later. Care to shre your PC specs?

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i7 [email protected]

SLI 2xGTX580 1.5MB


I'm getting solid 50s fps at the forest (at some remote parts of the map it can go to 70s), 30-45 at small/mid towns and it can drop to 20s on larger cities.

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Very interesting..... I'll check what I'm getting. I don't expect the numbers to be as good as they are in BF4 (70-120fps) but hopefully I can get slightly higher numbers.

Cheers and thank you everyone for your advice.

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Very interesting..... I'll check what I'm getting. I don't expect the numbers to be as good as they are in BF4 (70-120fps) but hopefully I can get slightly higher numbers.

Cheers and thank you everyone for your advice.


The performance in this game won't improve much if you enable SLI. In cities I get similar performance to JonEllisDee above (90+ in forests, 40-ish in small towns, low-mid 20s in large cities), and I have a significantly more powerful setup (4770k @ 4.5GHz, 2x 780Ti). If it uses the same rendering method as the mod, then your CPU is more of an issue in towns. The fact that it renders buildings that aren't in your line of sight doesn't help either.


In other words, nobody gets good performance in cities in this game. If they say they do, they're lying.

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It's an honest question and as for showing off, well, maybe you're interpreting it that way (don't really care). And although I am tech savvy, I'm not a specs monger so I'd didn't know the graphics engine was this limited. It's not like anyone tells you this the instant you buy the game.

Anyways, can anyone with a similar SLI setup chime in with their advice

Cheers and thanks

Keep in mind DayZ does NOT utilize Multi-Core, Hyperthreading, or Multi-GPU, whereas Battlefield 4 does. As an example, I can run BF4 with every setting maxed on any map and pull 130-180 FPS. DayZ, however, I can only get 50-70 normally while dropping into the 40's in cities. The build is good but don't let DayZ be the ruling for its performance. Give the game a few months and by that time, the graphic engine will have been redone and it will provide the missing support that I listed above.

Edited by Shadow134
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Thanks to all for the replies, much appreciated. During the past few months, I learned that there are settings that can be changed in the dayz.cfg file as well as the tweaks provided through youtube to force SLI using Nvidia Inspector. I also think that editing the launch parameters using Steam helped as well. My FPS still drops to below 30 in towns and cities but it can go as high as 120 when at an airfield or out in the open. For those who are interested, here are the two videos I used to get decent performance from the game and be able to use both cards.




Cheers  :)

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