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Realised I miss one of the mosted hated "feature"

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I genuinely miss the banter, the baiting, and the calling out for help you would get in sidechat global text. 


You could ask for morphine, a trade of weapons, a magazine, or a fight. You could troll players, get people to head into towns. It was glorious. The downside was people could bitch and moan after they got killed... and argue for hours with each other. Also the side text would always be there on your screen.


It would be nice if it was like the hotbar.. you could make it appear or disappear with the push of a button. If you needed a device (like walkie talkie or maybe a "smart phone") that was readily available before you could sidechat text, and you must be alive in game to use it, that would be a good addition. Limiting people to number of uses per minute, or similar, like a cooling off period would be nice as well. 


All of this would be great. But I can wait until final release/beta for things like this if I must. I just really hope it does not take a modder to do it :)

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Side chat was utterly hilarious.Nokia-Instant-Community.jpg


Hope it makes its way in some shape or form in the future perhaps finding something like this allows you to talk in side chat no voice.


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i just hope that this isnt brought back, and i dont imagine it will be, seems to be an idea thats against where the game is going

Edited by qww
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Side chat was awesome and I like the ideas that you could disable them or be out of luck if your walkie talkie batteries run out. Maybe it would even lift the spirit of some mass murderers and they would find some other creative way to torture their victims then outright Kos them :)

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We should spawn with a radio in the place of the flashlight.

The radio should work as a side chat with global coverage.

Beans for you sir.

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Never played the mod, but the idea of having a server wide text feature when using a walkie talkie is a brilliant idea. It will finally give it a use.

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Maybe everyone should start with a radio but no battery to use it

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I feel like side chat should be available only if you have a walkie talkie which is on and lets say you get ~50 sent messages per battery. Otherwise you're restricted to direct chat only (or if you don't want to deal with side chat just turn it off / throw it away).


While listening only battery would still drain, slowly however.


Such a limit would prevent spamming and messages would only be sent if necessary (unless someone stockpiled on batteries). So the side chat would be actually useful - not a spamfest.

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