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Are most of the melee weapons useless now?

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Used to one shot zombies with almost any axe, now takes 5-10 direct shots to kill. Any other melee weapon takes twice as many strikes to kill. Did something change with the patch?

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All useless, even the fire axe. This game hasn't improved at all in months. Doesn't look good for its future

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Used to one shot zombies with almost any axe, now takes 5-10 direct shots to kill. Any other melee weapon takes twice as many strikes to kill. Did something change with the patch?

They're bugged, It's in the patch log as part of the known issues. It'll be fixed next patch, until then your best bet is to use one handed weapons, they're easier to land headshots with.

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Copy/pasting my old post about this. I understand that it's a side effect, but god damn..


Actually. I don't say this very often buuuuuuuuuut... you and everyone else complaining just really, really suck. 

I even had to rant to my gaming buddy who I DayZ with and I had to tell him the very cold facts. He and everyone else bitchin' just plain sucks.


Since the patch zombies are actually fun to fight. Not only that, having a precision weapon is a must (Bayonet, knife, ect) for indoor combat against zeds. The sheer accuracy of those weapons allows you to get a double strike on a zed. Allows even greater follow up strikes, so a quick 2-3 stabs to the head and the zed is dead baby. And those strikes can be executed in about 1 second, and with great accuracy.


The axe is still king, you just need to aim higher and line the zed up where your going to bring the axe down (Learn the axes swing arc and just aim properly to drop the axe right into the top of their skull) and if it so happens, you beat the god damn zombie to death with it. 


They're fuckin' awesome now. Don't you ruin this with your complaining. I like this, it's nice, I want nice things. People complaining like this is why we can't have nice things.

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the fire axe still one shots if you hit them in the head it is just hard to hit their head when glitch all over the place

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Copy/pasting my old post about this. I understand that it's a side effect, but god damn..


Actually. I don't say this very often buuuuuuuuuut... you and everyone else complaining just really, really suck. 

I even had to rant to my gaming buddy who I DayZ with and I had to tell him the very cold facts. He and everyone else bitchin' just plain sucks.


Since the patch zombies are actually fun to fight. Not only that, having a precision weapon is a must (Bayonet, knife, ect) for indoor combat against zeds. The sheer accuracy of those weapons allows you to get a double strike on a zed. Allows even greater follow up strikes, so a quick 2-3 stabs to the head and the zed is dead baby. And those strikes can be executed in about 1 second, and with great accuracy.


The axe is still king, you just need to aim higher and line the zed up where your going to bring the axe down (Learn the axes swing arc and just aim properly to drop the axe right into the top of their skull) and if it so happens, you beat the god damn zombie to death with it. 


They're fuckin' awesome now. Don't you ruin this with your complaining. I like this, it's nice, I want nice things. People complaining like this is why we can't have nice things.

Actually, I'd prefer to use my fists if the damage were higher. I get sick of trying to find an axe. Just wondering why weapon functionality had changed. 

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Weapons functionality hasn't changed, zombie health has. Their just generally more resilient to melee attacks now


Stabbing weapons are your friend now due to versatility, which is nice, the machete actually has a bit of use, while the axe is still very effective for brute forcing it.

Edited by Daemonkid

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Depends, if you call "needing a few more hits to kill a Zed silently" useless, then maybe.

I for myself wouldn't go so far.

Edited by Ken Bean

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