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What are the use for horizontal mil dots?

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Usually used to lead the target when they're moving left to right in your scope. You get a feel for how many mils to hold over based off the distance. The mil dots are sort of a "ruler". If it was just a straight line with no mildots, it might be harder to judge how much you're leading the target. Where as if you lead half a mil (halfway to a mildot) you can get a feel where your bullet will land and adjust from there.


Also helps with holding over a target for windage but there is no windage in the mod to worry about.

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Wind changes, can be more convenient to hold off than dial it in

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For Dayz, leading a moving target and for ranging. Just like the vertical mil dots, you can use the horizontal to guesstimate range if the baddie is prone and you are looking at him from the side.

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