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Base buildings needs to come.. Fast.

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This is the main thing developers should focus on right now, not throwing mechanics.

High populated servers was a big plus, but being able to build a base is the most important aspect.

The reason people KoS is cus they're bored of the same repetitive game, and what they do to create some tense is killing.

Base building would keep those guys busy



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Have you been taking a look at the DevBlogs at all? Persistent objects are confirmed to be coming up next (and quite soon).

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Yeah I agree, building a base would give a lot of people something to do other than KoS 

Edited by ThatBritshGuy

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No it doesn't.

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I agree that there is nothing to do in the game and I think bases are gonna be a great addition, but I think zombies are what the devs should be paying attention to the most. The zombies atm are a joke, yet this is a zombie game. That is a very bug issue.

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Persistent Objects isn't base building. It is a separate mechanic, PO will come in this yearly quarter, proper mechanics for base construction won't be around until the next quarter at the very least.

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This is the main thing developers should focus on right now, not throwing mechanics.

High populated servers was a big plus, but being able to build a base is the most important aspect.

The reason people KoS is cus they're bored of the same repetitive game, and what they do to create some tense is killing.

Base building would keep those guys busy


Meh. Base building just doesn't fit in this game.


It was awesome in Arma 2 MP though.

Edited by chrismgtis

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Persistent objects... I'm not sure that I would say that persistent objects and base building is quite the same thing, even though base building relies on objects being persistent.

Saying base building when it would actually (not saying that it will be, just a theoretical scenario) be barricading a window and a door - might rub some people the wrong way, due to expectations.

Not complaining, just pointing out that there's a difference and I don't think people should let their imaginations run wild quite yet. Unless they choose to implement: barricading, building, crafting of materials, persistent storage and god knows what else at the same time. I hope though that I'm wrong when I'm being sceptical about persistent objects = base building.

Edited by LeChat

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I agree with the op.


#1 focus should be fixing the crappy gunplay


#2. base building aka giving people something to care about in game.


Defending and raiding bases should be a big thing in dayz.

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Meh. Base building just doesn't fit in this game.


It was awesome in Arma 2 MP though.


Too bad you think that, because it's coming in.


Guys, watch the roadmap, he explains persistent objects and base building and says roughly when they're both being released.

Edited by Hopix

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Meh. Base building just doesn't fit in this game.


It was awesome in Arma 2 MP though.


I really don't see how it does not.


Sure initially it would be more of a single person survival game but once people band together I would imagine they would build bases and encampments away from danger.


Factions would form on servers and people will pick sides.

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This is the main thing developers should focus on right now, not throwing mechanics.


maybe the main thing for you, but alot of people would say the main thing is vehicles, another would say performance and stability. Everybody has different wants and expectations of this game, but the devs will realise what is best, when they think it is right.

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There are many things that should be (and eventually WILL be) implemented that can be considered important, but, in my opinion, there are a few things that should take precedence (in no particular order): 1.) zombie mechanics, such as speed, interaction with the environment (i.e. ghosting through walls), damage, numbers, interaction with players and other zombies, etc.; 2.) loot spawn locations & levels (where items spawn and how often); 3.) item interaction (many items that you can find & loot are essentially useless at the moment because they do nothing except take up inventory space); 4.) hunting & cooking interaction (more animals besides invincible rabbits that you can kill and prepare to eat); there are of course many other things that would be good to implement, but I think these few things would make a huge difference in how people currently play the game, and would allow for more diverse gameplay while we wait for more to be implemented, and encourage less people-hunting and more cooperation early on. Of course, the devs ARE already considering all of these things and working on most (if not all) of them, and, as monolith1985 said:


alot of people would say the main thing is vehicles, another would say performance and stability. Everybody has different wants and expectations of this game, but the devs will realise what is best, when they think it is right.



However, as I said, in my opinion these few changes/additions would greatly change how people experience the game currently and allow people to enjoy the game more as they wait for more progress to be made. Of course, not being a dev, I can't really speak to how making these changes currently would affect development on their end, e.g. making it more difficult for them, but I think a lot of people would enjoy them, and it might encourage more people to check the game out.

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Cant wait for the QQ threads "I got KoS'd building my BASE! Remove KoS !!!11!111!!"

I'm so looking forward to finding someone building a great base, waiting till just before they finish it and then sniping them and taking it as my own.

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