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Change the walk up hills!

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Agreed, it's really annoying when you hit the slightest incline and the animation changes to a walk, it's expected on steep inclines but it's pretty ridiculous a lot of the time.




Off and response:


stanima lovers: atm svetlo -> NWAF around 10Km in a straight line. I can make it 45-30 min depends on mood and navigation. How long should it take guys ? 2-4 hours like in reality ?


player1: Hey i played Dayz 4 hours last night

player2: Cooool how was it?

player1: run, walk, rest, run, walk, rest... but finally i made it to the Airport

player2: Cool i will go there next month we should team up and survive Yaaaay!


It's just me, but i think stanima has no place in a computer game. With a serious stanima model you only punish casual players. DayZ is a time consuming game right now far enough for me.

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It's just me, but i think stanima has no place in a computer game. With a serious stanima model you only punish casual players. DayZ is a time consuming game right now far enough for me.


It's not a punishment for anyone, it's enforcement of rational gameplay. Soon there will be vehicles, including simple things like bicycles which will allow you traverse distances without having to sprint everywhere. As for your example, I think there's nothing wrong with that, travelling across significant distances should be an undertaking not a casual jaunt. If you want to do it much faster invest time in getting another mode of transport, until then you can roflsprint but it won't be forever.

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 If you want to do it much faster invest time in getting another mode of transport, until then you can roflsprint but it won't be forever.


 How much (more) time would satisfy you and your rational gameplay enforcement ?

Edited by amikron

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It's just me, but i think stanima has no place in a computer game. With a serious stanima model you only punish casual players. DayZ is a time consuming game right now far enough for me.

It definitely has if done right and has nothing to do with casual players (at least in this kind of game). It stops players from doing bullshit like sprinting all the time or running aross the map like mad. You are not supposed to sprint from Svetlojarsk to the Airfield in a straight line. You are supposed to slowly make your path west while playing and surviving while doing so.


Casual players will take longer for this than people who put a lot of effort into it but they won't be punished. Less effort - less reward. You can still play the game just fine because its not about getting those rewards, let alone getting those rewards as quickly as possible. A player who demands to get full power for minor effort and cries when others put time/effort into something and are rewarded for it is not a casual player but a prick.

Edited by Evil Minion
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 How much (more) time would satisfy you and your rational gameplay enforcement ?


I think travel times should roughly correspond with what a fit person can do in reality, similarly vehicles should represent speeds that they can realistically acquire.

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Is there a topic where we can continue the discussion about stanima? I couldn't find one.

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You shouldn't be able to sprint as in run like you do on flat surface, but there should be a separate animation for sprinting hills and steep hills. Even for walking hills and steep hills.


You are not supposed to sprint from Svetlojarsk to the Airfield in a straight line. You are supposed to slowly make your path west while playing and surviving while doing so.


This is seriously one of the things in DayZ that piss me off but no one seems to agree. On top of it being just plain boring, sprinting in a straight line to something is unrealistic.

Edited by Sutinen

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Is there a topic where we can continue the discussion about stanima? I couldn't find one.


Ha, maybe not yet, I'm sure there will be plenty when it shows up in the "what we're working on" in the Dev Update Statuses. :)

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Is there a topic where we can continue the discussion about stanima? I couldn't find one.

You will find a link where you should look if you are about to start a new topic.

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Have you ever tried walking up a hill in real life? There is no flipping way that you can run around up and down a hill with a backpack full of crap. It hurts like hell just to walk up a flight of stairs with a backpack on, let alone a mountain. Go on a hike someday and you will see what I mean.

as a highschool student with classes on multiple floors, this statement is false.

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I've seen it suggested elsewhere, but running up a hill should account for inertia. For instance, in the "go outside and run up a hill with a thousand-pound backpack" examples, if you started running on flat terrain and you run to the base of a hill, you don't jerk to a sudden leisurely pace. Your inertia carries you up a short distance and you gradually slow down.


Running along flat terrain and coming across a slight, small incline similarly does not cause you to suddenly slow to a leisurely stroll.


And I have scrambled up and down hills while loaded with 60+ pounds of gear. It's not fun, it's not ideal, but it is doable.

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I've seen it suggested elsewhere, but running up a hill should account for inertia. For instance, in the "go outside and run up a hill with a thousand-pound backpack" examples, if you started running on flat terrain and you run to the base of a hill, you don't jerk to a sudden leisurely pace. Your inertia carries you up a short distance and you gradually slow down.


Running along flat terrain and coming across a slight, small incline similarly does not cause you to suddenly slow to a leisurely stroll.


And I have scrambled up and down hills while loaded with 60+ pounds of gear. It's not fun, it's not ideal, but it is doable.


First off, it is a game and not real life. 


Second, Arma 2 and dayz mod are more realistic than the SA, and while you cannot sprint up hills (obviously) you can ATLEAST move a decent pace up them at a reasonable angle, just like you would be able to in real life (if you want to bring in the IRL argument). In the SA, you cannot even exercise momentum even at a relatively realistic angle. Your character will walk as slow as possible until you're practically moving at a 90 degree angle on the hill, which results in just walking on the side of it then results in the speed change, which is counter productive.


Also the way your character moves up the hill he's basically defying gravity, so it looks like an unfinished mechanic. I wouldn't mind if the current walk speed did not change while climbing straight up a hill but the devs should atleast tweak the angle a bit so you can atleast cover some ground while getting over the hill, rather than having to run around it. You're way too vulnerable climbing directly up the hill.


This is also why your character gets stuck on the smallest shit like small hills in woods and just ridiculously small inclines because there's no split in character movement. 


And stairs, don't even get me started on stairs..............speed needs to be increased while moving up stairs slightly..

Edited by Borges

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They should make climbing hills easier but make it more treacherous, such as implementing the possibility of twisting your ankle, etc

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They should make climbing hills easier but make it more treacherous, such as implementing the possibility of twisting your ankle, etc

I can see this becoming a buggy nightmare like with leg breaks.


Oh god, and the thread spam on the RFF page...


"L: NWAF N: Twisted Ankle"


Multiplied by 500.

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