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[] Bodies Disappearing WAY TOO QUICKLY

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Same here, shot 5 guys that stumbled on our camp, just about had the time to check the loot on two of them (pretty basic gear, felt a bit bad for them) before they all despawned simultaneously.

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Yesterday me and my friends hunting near the Novi Sobor and shoot one man. Then we killed the second. So we can't go to check the loot. We sit and wait and then the bodies dissapeared. Then we killed three more players. All of them have good loot, but we can't take it, because this is certain death. So, i think, that the bodies dissapears too fast.

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I have tried several times to get back to my old body, only to find it has disappeared. Quite annoying considering i had alot of good items with me. The odd ting is that i can still hear the buzzing from bees you hear when a dead body is near and there is no body anywere around.

Also yesterday i saw another survivor getting killed by a zombie, went right up to loot him, but the body was gone.

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Had it happen again a couple of nights ago. Shot a guy, zombies got the kill, his body was gone in 20 seconds. Not long after that, I killed a guy and his body disappeared basically as he hit the ground, but I still got a bandit kill statistic for it. Both times they had NVGs and very decent weapons by the looks of it.


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This is a MAJOR issue and has to fixed ASAP. Cant loot the damn bodies.

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Idk how many times this has happened to me even shot a guy with a DMR and a second later he hits the ground and sinks right there in my scope... So sad :(

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My team and I were taking a jog threw the woods when we noticed a guy in a ghille suit running barley 30 metes parallel with us... We all drop to the ground in hopes that he hasn't seen us yet, and he runs right in front of us. Our dmr sniper jumps up and chases him over a hill, we follow in time to watch him take a quick shot, which lands a head shot. We all watch the body drop, and reports the kill on his debug menu.

It took us less then 15 seconds to jog over to the body, which has already disappeared. Losing an as50 that we'd seen on his back. The fly sounds were there and loud, but no body anywhere to loot.

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just happened to me too on seattle 130 i think

killed a =DNR= RYAN fellow at NW airfield, spent about 30 min circling the corpse to make sure i wasnt being watched because he had clan members online then when i went to loot it it was gone... or is that expecting a bit too much to have bodies stay around for 30min? im still new to this game lol.

Think he only had a CZZ + alice anyway.. but if the despawn time is supposed to be less please let me know so i can base my strategies around that!


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Strange, I've fought with a few players and won, around 40 minutes later my AKM disappeared after I dropped it, so I went back to the body that I killed and I looted his AK74. This has happened a couple of times when a friend died in Berezino to a new player, so I looted up his tools and his AS50 and ran to pusta. We decided to go back to berezino and both the bodies were still there, unlooted.

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Keeps happening to me, really annoying especially since I'm sniping.

Killed a guy 700m+ away, instantly go and run to loot the body as I know no one is around. Get there and I can only hear flies. I was constantly watching where i killed him so I knew it was.

So annoying as he had an L85.

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is it a case of people are alt-f4 ing to try to save there loot? as i had this killed 2 guys and the one with the better weps body was gone within secs. but the other was the normalish time of around 2mins. can alt-f4 ing when killed remove your body?

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is it a case of people are alt-f4 ing to try to save there loot? as i had this killed 2 guys and the one with the better weps body was gone within secs. but the other was the normalish time of around 2mins. can alt-f4 ing when killed remove your body?

No, it can't. But normalish time, two minutes? It's not normal, not even close.

We had this very brief warfare between us (5-man group) and some random people (group of 4 or 5) with very decent looking guns (AS50 etc.)...

We had the upper hand because of the element of surprise, though we were a bit surprised that there was that many people there, as we only saw two of them first. The battle was about 20-30 seconds long. We had one casualty, and all of them died. All the bodies disappeared simultaneously, about 5 to 10 seconds after the battle. Even the body of my friend, which didn't alt-F4.

I'm slightly pissed about this. Lost all the potential loot and my friend's stuff. :/

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This is a MAJOR issue and has to fixed ASAP. Cant loot the damn bodies.

lol @ copy/paste my post :P

2 minutes is normal time? LOL ? It should be till the server restart or at least 1h.

You can despawn dead zombie bodies and bodies of empty survivors and bodies of survivors that hit "respawn". Only after than you despawn loot bodies if the server cant store anymore.

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This also happened to me. Killed two players who ambushed me, when I went over to loot both despawned right in front of my eyes. All I have to show for it is two bandit kills and a loss of 11000 blood.

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I did read somewhere (it may have been this forum) that it seemed to happen at 15 minute intervals on the server. That every 15 minutes the server would wipe all bodies that were around. As such, if you killed someone right at the end of the countdown the body would only last seconds, but if it was at the start you would have almost 15 minutes.

That was the theory anyway. Would love to have confirmation of how it actually works. Or perhaps a bunch of people could somehow figure out an experiment to work it out.

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This happened to me and my buddy last night. We were posted up by the grassy knoll near the civilian hospital in Chernarus, with our sights focused on the corpse of a dead player. A different living player ran by and tried to loot the body we were watching. I shot him with my AK47 and he ran about 10-15 feet before passing out and dying. My partner crawled up to our victim and was about to loot him when the body disappeared the instant he got within looting range. The other body (the one we were guarding) did not disappear, and my partner subsequently looted it without any problems. Wish we could have looted the other guy that we had actually killed for his supplies. I don't know if this is supposed to be a "feature" that stops banditry but I will say straight out that if it is, that it is poorly implemented feature and will absolutely not stop me from shooting people on sight for sport and without hesitation.

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It is annoying.

Killed someone and very often the body disapears before I was able to loot it. I play Sometimes the corps stay for maybee 20 minutes, but often they disapear in less minutes, some in a few seconds. Seems to be no constant time. I also watch livestreams of 1.7.2 and there corpse disapear also very often much too fast.

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As many others have already said, this has happened to me as well in the past few days. At first I didn't think much of it, but as the issue persisted I began to see the pattern. I'm glad there's already a report for this, as it definitely needs addressing.

I did read somewhere (it may have been this forum) that it seemed to happen at 15 minute intervals on the server. That every 15 minutes the server would wipe all bodies that were around. As such, if you killed someone right at the end of the countdown the body would only last seconds, but if it was at the start you would have almost 15 minutes.

That was the theory anyway. Would love to have confirmation of how it actually works. Or perhaps a bunch of people could somehow figure out an experiment to work it out.

That could also depend on the server's refresh rate: If a server refreshes on a basis of five minutes, then you would only have five minutes instead of fifteen as the case may be on another server. This is something worth looking into.

Edited by McSlaughter

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I did read somewhere (it may have been this forum) that it seemed to happen at 15 minute intervals on the server. That every 15 minutes the server would wipe all bodies that were around. As such, if you killed someone right at the end of the countdown the body would only last seconds, but if it was at the start you would have almost 15 minutes.

That was the theory anyway. Would love to have confirmation of how it actually works. Or perhaps a bunch of people could somehow figure out an experiment to work it out.

I did read somewhere (it may have been this forum) that it seemed to happen at 15 minute intervals on the server. That every 15 minutes the server would wipe all bodies that were around. As such, if you killed someone right at the end of the countdown the body would only last seconds, but if it was at the start you would have almost 15 minutes.

That was the theory anyway. Would love to have confirmation of how it actually works. Or perhaps a bunch of people could somehow figure out an experiment to work it out.

Zombies corpse always disapears after a steady amount of time. I think it is 5 minutes. So if you kill a bunch of zombies and watch them they will disapear one after another in the order you shot them. I can't imagine they use another system on player corpse.

Edited by Kjell Bjarne

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Had something similar:

Walk upon two player's bodies early this morning (i believe dead for at least 40 minutes, as we were on the area for a while and hear nothing... but i can be wrong :P)

I started to loot one who had a map a was going to pick it up when a zombies attacked me and force me to move for safety. I came back 2 minutes later and the body wasn't there anymore. There was another body there i didn"t see the first time, started to loot and it disappear while i was looting.

I guess he was dead for too long and the "disappear timer" restarted once i started to loot... just guessing...

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It is completly bugged. Some corpse disapear in seconds, some lasts for hours. Found my body that I have suizied more than an hour before.

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