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[] Bodies Disappearing WAY TOO QUICKLY

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Date/Time: 6:00 PM PST - 6/25/12

What happened: My TS group and I, [DzT], were raiding stary sobor from the north when we got assaulted by a group in town (3 players). After an extensive snipe fest and firefight we went to loot the bodies, they LITERALLY disappear within minutes under the ground and the fly sound lingers for a long amount of time.

Where you were: Stary Sobor

What you were doing: Looting

*Current installed version: with latest BETA

*Server(s) you were on: Atlanta 23

*Your system specs: i7 920 @ 2.67ghz, 12gb ddr3 ram, gtx 560ti, Windows 7 64-bit

*Timeline of events before/after error: FIrefight, bodies disappear REALLY QUICK

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I have had this happen while I was pressing g to loot a corpse. The body went poof right in front of my eyes. The guy had only been dead for maybe 4 minutes tops. Seems to happen consistently to all bodies.

I know there is a bug with animal bodies disappearing to fast perhaps this is related?

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alt+f4 when u die and body dissapears

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alt+f4 when u die and body dissapears

No, in our case we made sure the group we killed didn't disconnect (those guys even congratulated us for the ambush), so it's definetly not that.

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I just experienced the same thing, I respawned and ran back to my body on a server with 3 people and when I got back to the location where I died there was no body, only the flies.

The body disappeared in literally a few minutes! :huh::(

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Body dissapeared right after i got 1 bandit kill counter.

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Same thing happened to me when I killed a bandit just outside of elektro. The body disappeared after 2-3 minutes.

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It seems like the check to dispose of corpses happens globally on the server every 15 minutes, instead of 15 minutes after the person is killed. I killed one person on the NEAF, and watched his corpse for 10 minutes before someone tried to loot the body. Dispatched him before he got to the corpse, saw someone log in at the control tower and die on the ground, obviously trying to escape death on another server. I waited another two minutes and then all three bodies disappeared simultaneously. I've seen it happen many times since the patch, and on other people's streams too.

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This is a MAJOR issue and has to fixed ASAP. Cant loot the damn bodies.

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bump, this happened to me as well, except it was combined with a teleportation glitch that moved me into the sky when i logged back in after dinner, fell and died, lost some really good shit including NVG...ran back to my corpse as my friend was watching it, he couldn't loot my gear off and then before I even got there it poofed, wasn't even more than 2-3 minutes...

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Had this too, running to berizino with a friend, he accidently htis respawn instead of options LOOOL, He manages to run back to his corpse that im watching. As he gets here (within 5 minutes) it just vanishes.

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Can confirm this aswell, killed some idiot who D/Ced to despawn zombies he'd aggro'd. He logged back in, I killed him and then he de-spawned instantly.

I died later and friends said my body dissapeared before it even hit the floor.

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bump until fixed. I need that loot

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Everytime this have happend to me the person have disconnected from the server. Everytime it have disapeared infront of me i have checked who is online and the people are always gone from the server. Like for a few minutes ago a killed a guy in nw airfield real nice shoot 700m. He had an m4sd nvg coyote ranger bag etc. His name was Tony so its easy to remember. Then we got to his body 3min after it was gone and i checked who was online and he wasnt online

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Had this happen to a freind. We were in a forest north of Cherno and 2 players ran across us and killed 2 out of 4 of our team by ambushing us.

We managed to kill them and then looted theirs and ours bodies, recovering weapons to give back. No later than 2 minutes after my first friend died, (He did not disconnect he just re-spawned immediately and met us up pretty quickly) His body de-spawned, but we were lucky to get vital equipment back....

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Same here.

Friend was shot down, I killed the bandit, looked after my friend (about 10 meters away) then jump over a fence, search for the dead bandit body, hear the flies, but didn't see a body...

Definitely under 3 min. !

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My friend died but his body never disappeared for me but it was gone for him when he got back. (but I could still see it)

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I thought it was if you force respawn a few times after dying to get a better respawn, your old body dissapears.

We killed some guy with good gear earlier from a distance, his body was gone when we got there and we could see him respawning in/out of the game. There are two more situations I have been in that back this up:

1. We were driving an ATV with red engine, I hit a bush and it exploded killing both of us. I respawned a couple of times to get a closer position but he didnt, when another friend got to our bodies, mine was gone and he was still there.

2. Me and a pal died after he accidently shot me and we were swarmed by zombies on the coast road. Luckily, I spawned about 100m away from where we died. We drove up and down the coast in our car and if I recall correctly 2-3 hours later my body was still laying in the middle of the road and lootable.

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might be a lil offtop but a goats body dissapered after a few seconds i shot it, i couldnt even get the meat :

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Me and a group of three other guys were raiding Stary. We were being shot at so we hid in a long house to take out the zeds and get a position on our sniper. When the ghillie suited ass came in he took out one of us, but promptly got his face filled with led. Literally seconds later his body disappeared into the ground.

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