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My Most Satisfying Kill

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Yesterday, at my favourite location in Solnichniy, on top of the water tower, I logged in to see a LRS sniper (with no trousers) happily looting his own dupe. Needless to say I sprayed a few M4 rounds into him. I hope he saw my UN Beret before I shot him.


I've had some great moments in the 300 hours I've played, but, to catch a duper in the act and killing them was by far the most satisfying.



Edited by KSLI
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mine was a 1000m +/- 25m snipe which koed my brother, was sort of set up as i was actually trying to hit the zombie following him, after around 15 shots to try hit the moving zombie i managed to hit my brother (completely by accident) and dropped him to the floor, was hilarious:D

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My most satisfying kill was the time an assassin was hired to kill me (I was paid to lose a boxing match but instead I won).

I tried to flee because I knew my life was in danger at that time but I forgot my fathers watch! This watch was quite dear to me because he smuggled it in his own arse all the way from Vietnam.


Anyway, after checking my appartment and after being sure that it was safe I went inside and got my watch.

However there was a full automatic weapon laying on the stove in my kitchen! This scared the sh*t out of me!

The funny part is that my assassin was waiting in my appartment to kill me but he had to take a dump. He never heard me coming in and that was his mistake.


I shot him multiple times with his own weapon and he died on my toilet.


After this I left the state on my bike with my girlfriend and my fathers watch.


Morale of the story, never take a shit on someone else his toilet!

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Mine was in the mod with a fishing rod. This kid shot at me trying to kos me, then he couldn't hit me, then he got hit by a zombie and was bleeding and told me to stay away whilst he bandaged himself telling me he's bandage me so I ran over and started wacking him with the fishing rod, he got out his gun and shot me and broke my leg but I rolled behind a tree as the zeds started eating him. I was laughing my ass off the whole time - that was the funniest thing I think as well.

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The joy of Dayz, I log in and I'm a fresh spawn at the beach. Someone else had the last laugh...........

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This one time I crawled up behind a sniper, hand cuffed him, and then fed him bleach. 

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