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What stage of post apocalypse is dayz at

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We have never been told when dayz takes place or even if zombies are resurrected dead or just infected rabid humans. All we know its a post apocalyptic setting.

Its hard to tell by the surroundings, as houses made out of wood are still in good shape, but cars are completely rusted.

What do you see as a post apocalypse? To me its the movie "the road". I would love to see dayz at this stage. Lack of food, clean water. To me, 5 bullets in my sks should mean surviving another week or not, and to find a full clip would be a commodity. Acquiring cars and/or helicopters should take hours and hours, not 30 min of server hopping. I would like to die from starvation or zombies for once, and not always other players

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We have never been told ... if zombies are resurrected dead or just infected rabid humans. All we know its a post apocalyptic setting.


Yes, we have. Dean has said pretty unequivocally that they're infected human beings, not the undead.


However, no, we don't know the sequence of events. Which is essential in my opinion.


If you want The Road - The Game, try DayZ 2017 [sic?] mod. I don't really expect DayZ to be like The Road.


You're crossing a great many issues toward the end of your post.

Edited by Katana67

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I'd say it's probably a good year or two into the apocalypse, and that the Chernarus population was a bunch of rednecks that collected rusted cars on cinder blocks.


They have said that the 'zombies' are actually infected humans though, not really undead.

Edited by Amias Free

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So if they are not dead, that means they arent zombies, therefore the "Z" needs to be removed from the title of the game

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To me its the movie "the road". 

I agree with you that this would be the most immersive setting for the game. Certainly the most post-apocalyptic with the game features that this should really have (like cannibalism!). Never tried DayZ 2013 but I agree with OP that we should at least have some kind of clarity given maybe in the splash screen about when this is set (obviously when the game is finished [this isn't a priority])

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So if they are not dead, that means they arent zombies, therefore the "Z" needs to be removed from the title of the game

It's DayZ, therefore meaning Day Zero.

Thanks Caboose. :P

Edited by Zedertone

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It's DayZ, therefore meaning Day Zed, which means Day 10. That Z has nothing to do with Zombie, atleast I don't think.

Day Zero. 

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So if they are not dead, that means they arent zombies, therefore the "Z" needs to be removed from the title of the game


Either way, zombie is semantic. It doesn't solely apply to the undead.

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Either way, zombie is semantic. It doesn't solely apply to the undead.

Exactly.  I wake up, I'm a zombie until I get my morning coffee :D

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So if they are not dead, that means they arent zombies, therefore the "Z" needs to be removed from the title of the game


I understand that this doesn't agree with the original Haitian term "zombie" meaning a corpse which has been animated by voodoo but I the word zombie hasn't kept this original meaning in popular culture at all. Plenty of zombie movies call them zombies when they are in fact infected people. And if there was an actual virus/infection that could do this in real life, I reckon you can count on people referring to them as zombies (Hollywood has been preping them for half a century this way).

Edited by tatchell

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So if they are not dead, that means they arent zombies, therefore the "Z" needs to be removed from the title of the game

As I mentioned to another poster below, the Z  stands for zero, not zombie.  Day Zero

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As I mentioned to another poster below, the Z  stands for zero, not zombie.  Day Zero

I do believe you and it does make more sense, but from a quick google search I can't find where that's confirmed. Do you mind giving us a link to where this is clarified just to clear any doubt amongst those who might think otherwise?

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Oops i was way off on the title. Thanks for clearing that up. So we have established they are living breathing infected humans, in a zombified state.

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Even the Original Zombies were not in fact undead, simply people who's deaths were faked and brainwashed into being slaves.  But 'I put a fake death serum in your brother's food, waited for you to bury him, dug him up, and kept him in a drugged state and brainwashed him' doesn't quite sound as badass as 'I killed him with a curse and raised him from the dead to be my eternal slave.'  Until you think about it and the exact dosages and extracts needed to make the fake death drug.  That's pretty badass in it's own right, but badass in the sense that 'I need to shoot you in the face soon as I see you and not eat/drink anything you give me.'

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From what I can tell, the game takes place I'd say maybe 6-12 months after the initial outbreak. Maybe even a year to 2 years with the obvious lack of military.

Edited by mullraugh
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It's whatever you want it to be, use your imagination.


I also don't know how or why having a defined set of circumstances/date/story line affects your game play in any way shape or form.

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It's whatever you want it to be, use your imagination.

I also don't know how or why having a defined set of circumstances/date/story line affects your game play in any way shape or form.

The date and time this takes place not only has an effect on how you or I play, it has an effect on the game itself.

First few weeks of an outbreak, stores would still have food, there would be plenty of fuel left. Heaps of bullets could be found in gun stores etc

Year in and stores would be empty only a hidden can or two might be found, most abandoned cars would have been syphoned.

Two years in, some people would be reduced to cannibalism and only larger communities or groups would have some fuel and bullets left

Ones the world stops, so does the production of goods. Take a look at the size of your neighbourhood compared to amount of shops there are. Without fridges all food will rot.

So you see it makes hell of a difference.

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The timeline question has been raised over and over again, if you dig through the posts for SA and the mod before that.

The mod was pretty much consistent, as none of the evidence contradicted itself.

SA is another story. The cars are rusted and completely ruined, something that takes years, I can attest to that from personal experience. And yet there is plenty of fresh fruit, much of it tropical and thus foreign to the region, which wouldn't last a week without refrigeration. The only conclusion we can make with certainty is that it doesn't make sense, and isn't really meant to b

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The timeline question has been raised over and over again, if you dig through the posts for SA and the mod before that.

The mod was pretty much consistent, as none of the evidence contradicted itself.

SA is another story. The cars are rusted and completely ruined, something that takes years, I can attest to that from personal experience. And yet there is plenty of fresh fruit, much of it tropical and thus foreign to the region, which wouldn't last a week without refrigeration. The only conclusion we can make with certainty is that it doesn't make sense, and isn't really meant to b

That's probably why the devs tend to not give a story line or any info, but on the other hand they brag about making dayz authentic, authentic to what?

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I have no clue how far in in an apocalypse DayZ is but i'd like to see not just infected humans but also some creatures who where humans and died first when the apocalypse started. i don't want a super-monster-zombie but maybe some zeds without limbs the head open maybe without a jaw! what also could be cool is maybe if youd sometime see a humanbeeing sitting on the ground and you'd first think it's a survivor but if you come closer you'll se them putting a gun to theyre head and suiciding mybe saying:"i'm done with this cruel world". Offcource those kind of events should be realy rare! :)

sorry for my bad english by the way!

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The rusted cars could be explained as simply poor maintenance of old vehicles (Cold War Era) in a coastal area (salt spray helps to speed up rust) that's also a poor country.  And of course there's always the 'placeholder' argument, that they had rusty burned out car models left over from Arma2 and simply reused them till the artists get done with the more important (or easier to do) things.  I would personally guess that we are no more than a year past 'Z Day' so to speak, and no earlier than a week after Z Day, with Z day being the day that all humans who are not immune are either dead or infected.  Yes that's kinda ambiguous but so be it.  I'm sure we'll know more as the lore itself is fleshed out and added to the game.  Then again, 'It's Your Story', if thinking the infected are Walking Dead helps you cope with the apocalypse and all the things you've had to do to survive so be it.

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The rusted cars could be explained as simply poor maintenance of old vehicles (Cold War Era) in a coastal area (salt spray helps to speed up rust) that's also a poor country. And of course there's always the 'placeholder' argument, that they had rusty burned out car models left over from Arma2 and simply reused them till the artists get done with the more important (or easier to do) things. I would personally guess that we are no more than a year past 'Z Day' so to speak, and no earlier than a week after Z Day, with Z day being the day that all humans who are not immune are either dead or infected. Yes that's kinda ambiguous but so be it. I'm sure we'll know more as the lore itself is fleshed out and added to the game. Then again, 'It's Your Story', if thinking the infected are Walking Dead helps you cope with the apocalypse and all the things you've had to do to survive so be it.

Sure, you make that argument, but it's still extremely tenuous, especially in regards to the poor maintenance. That every car was in the same near-death rust-bucket state approaches absurdity. Look, for instance, at Havana. Cold War era cars, poor country, coastal. But you'll find plenty of well maintained cars.

But it's more than that. All upholstery, if my memory serves, is absent from the cars as well, something that takes a fair bit of time, even with exposure to the elements. We're talking nylon or polyester, each of which can take decades to decompose.

As for the Arma 2 model theory, there are a ton of models in Arma 2 that aren't so rusted, and indeed, those used most by DayZ, even as static art assets (crashes, etc) still had paint, and so on.

So... I'm just going to stick with the idea that it doesn't and won't make sense. Rationalizing it doesn't work at the moment, unless you're going to throw probability right out the window.

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Early Alpha stage


Edited by Alsmir
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