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Svetlojarsk and Elektrozavodosk

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Elektro city feels like a place people go to deliberately get into a pvp fight with other armed bandits. Its almost become an isolated battlefield that people go to troll newspawns and fuck up somebodys day. Why is Svet not like elktro even though it is also a city with its own respawn points. Both are cities spawn military grade loot and are close to the coast so why are they so different?

Edited by Pokerguy10

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Aren't the spawns closer to Berezino? Svetlojarsk is up further than Berezino near that bay.

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Probably because of elektros reputation. Most of those seeking fights go towards elektro.


Those who aren't as deathmatch-happy go north or inlands.

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Both cities have respawn points directly INSIDE the borders of the town, berezion is a rather sparse and spread out town whereas GUBA and ELEKTRO are both densely built areas with respawn points inside the city

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Svetlojarsk drops fps like rain... It isnt that bad in elektro... And second is the snipers perch... The hills surrounding elektro are in view of high traffic areas(firestations, school, high traffic roads etc) if you can get in one of those red or green houses by the police station with 1 or 2 people... Its almost impossible to get you guys out

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