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im new to the mod

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in new to arma 2 and the dayz mod (the epoch thing) but are their any suggestions or tips you guys can give? I have around 170 hours on standalone but thought id try this for a while.


read a few guides on the controls as i thought i would be fine but spent my first 35 mins getting killed by zombies while trying to find out what to do.


also are their any ways to melee zombies?

Edited by Jayz1331
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Check the Pinned Topics above your head, there are some Guides.

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I found the biggest thing for me switching from SA to the mod was getting used to the inventory system and it's quirks. Always make sue you have room before adding things to a backpack/vehicle or storage device. I also found the easiest way to really get to know whats going on without being run over by a tank or sniped from 1000m away every 5 minutes is to mess around on a PvE server for a bit and learn the ins and outs of building and whatnot.

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Simple fact is also that not every building is enterable like the SA has.  The loot is pretty much similar but the weapons are far more vast and easier to obtain than the SA.  Also...don't overlook vehicles...they allow you to traverse any map MUCH easier

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Might be an idea to let everyone know what mod your playing DayZ comes in many diffrent flavours

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