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Audio Diary System - Campfire Stories - Voice Command Tree

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So there is no log system but how about a system logs our journey and tells stories when we sat down and activate. 


Logging important things like i walked in city named bla bla bla.  Killed 5 zombies found weapon Blabla.    


maybe some artistic telling would be better. Adds some comments and jokes maybe. P.S. Learning from books like little stories about cherno history or myths. 


Only thing devs need gonna be a one more programmer and nice sound actors. About 25-30 sound actors will be enough for realistic random feeling. 



options we should have


--- Tell your story 

--- Tell a joke

--- Tell ( heroic, dramatic, moral etc etc ) story from books




--- Sing a song (with guitar or  Balalaika ( russian folk insturment ) 



And thats gonna give us a question our characters accent ? we are native of this town or foreigner ? i say how about a random. After we respawn our character's voice and accent should change. 




for a last thing we should get a voice command tree like battlefield series. When we press it we should get options like follow me - Are you Friendly ? - yes - No - I need help - Stay Here etc etc.


That would help ppl  has bad microphone or bad accent. Thx for reading plz leave comment :) 

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These are some really cool/unique ideas, keep up the good work

Also maybe ghost/scary stories ( not sure if you meant that in myths)

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thx :) yes some scary stories maybe some character background stories 

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