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When there are only 2 players on the server...

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"Man, you know how it is, I had to try!"


that motherfucker...

kept. it. real.



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..and the 2 of you cross paths, what do you do? 


Do you shoot them, or let them pass? Lets toss aside the, "well if I felt threatened.." as we all know its shoot to kill for most in those scenarios. 


But what do you do?, when its just a few players.. 2-3 max. and you dont need to shoot them, but you could.


I was playing earlier.. server restarted. So I rejoin, and continue my trek from the NWAF to Balota. Shortly after rejoining I get to the Pavlova Military Base. I hit "P" thinking the server has refilled again but its just myself and 1 other player. Then literally 10 seconds later I see him dash across the forest and into the barracks in front of me. Now I had myself an easy kill, no problem. He had no idea I was there, with 2 on the server he was carefree as a bird. But I thought, "Well, if that was me.. I would either think hacker or not want to play this game from my horrible luck after being shot like that." So I decided to let him go.. and it felt really empty. I mean I was on a mission, so he was far less important. Time was of the essence for me, so I just let him go. Not my style, to not at least talk to him or do something. But I guess in the end Im glad as if that was me, I would have wanted the same in return. Just let me pass if you have better things to do ;)



Depends where you are and what they carry;

airfields, cities and the MB's are shoot on sight instantly.

Guns and melee weapons are instashots instantly.

I have a trigger finger if i see someone with a large backpack because they can hide a weapon in it.

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if you let him go, he either doubles back on you or spots you and gets you instead.


killing him means he is respawning kilometers away.


which option keeps you alive


also there is the just leave him alone option but fuck that shit

LOL.. ;)


It was a judgement call based partly on where he had been.. I could tell pretty quickly that he had been on a Cherno-Balota-PavlovaMilBase trek, and since that was opposite of where I was heading I knew I should be safe letting him pass. Of course I never even let him see me, no chance, so that there was little threat of him doubling back.


Depends where you are and what they carry;

airfields, cities and the MB's are shoot on sight instantly.

Guns and melee weapons are instashots instantly.

I have a trigger finger if i see someone with a large backpack because they can hide a weapon in it.

I was there once.. for quite a while. But Ive found lately that I find everything I need really quickly, no need for gear really.. loot seems over abundant. So everytime I see someone my only care is interaction. And since this guy was more of an obstacle in my way then an attraction at the time, I figured the safest route for me would be to go around him, not let him see me, and move on my way.


I guess this really comes down to my experience? and rarely feeling "threatened" at the sight of another player. So far, recently at least, I seem to spot them and they never see me unless I intend for them too. So feeling like an armed player needs to be "taken out" to save myself is not something Ive gone through lately. But I know what you mean 

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I'm usually on the receiving end of these situations, only once did I run into a guy at the NWAF who wasn't a total prick, we exchanged a few words, offered each other a few bits and bob's and went our separate ways. If only more people were like minded in 1 on 1 encounters.

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Ugh I'm always paranoid Im going to come across that one other player and die...

Edited by Zombriii

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Generally If I'm on a low population server It's because I'm hunting server hoppers, they're by far the easiest way to find a long range scope... sit at an airfield, watch the server list for someone logging in and listen very carefully, then teach them that server hopping isn't as safe of a way to gear up as they previously believed. I find it amusing how many people log in right in the ATC tower, surely they can't think that's wise, right?


So, chances are if we bump into each other on a server with only 2 people on it, I'm going to put a few rounds in you I'm afraid.

Edited by TheScruffyBandit

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The only time I've met a friendly player on a low-pop server is when a server hopper logged next to me in the prison at Balota airfield and I decided not to shoot him. 

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Fire in the air and then chuckle to myself as the other guy shits his pants...

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The last two times I've joined a server with me and one other person, I got axed to death (or attempted to)


once at Balota airfield's ATC after a restart left my group in all sorts of dangerous positions, i'd logged back on and turned to see a guy running at me with an axe on the upper railings, I literally just sidestepped him and he ran right off the edge and died, he definitely did not get laughed at over voice chat >.>


second one was in berezino's blue medical building, I was geared and someone came in and tried to axe me AGAIN, but the room was too small for his axe to connect, i ran outside and readied my weapon but wasn't expecting him to also have a gun (why'd he axe me if he had a perfectly good rifle?) and an unlucky shot broke my leg straight away, so i was out for the count.


So i generally shoot the other guy, more to avoid the above happening. Bit of an endless cycle i suppose, one day i'll stop ;)

Edited by TheWalrusNet

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Oh well I was running in Elektro today, had only my fireaxe.


I stumble on a guy and say "Hey man". I assume he had no mic because he wasn't speaking at all. He was kind of affraid that I have my axe in the hands so he stayed at distance, everytime I came 1 step closer he went 2 steps back. Finally I see he picks up his shotgun and I say "You want to shoot me? All I got is the axe and the helm man" So then I went third-person and hid myself behind a building. I see him starting to move and searching for me, I showed myself once, he went in my direction. Then I showed him that I went inside a house and just stayed in a corner. The dude searches the house, runs outside and sees me in the corner. I run out, he shoots at me but misses both times with his shotgun, it took me 2 hits with an fireaxe. "Now you are dead yourself, say hello to my Axe" - I said and looted his body. It was a "Friendly Only" server :( I didn't wanted to kill him btw.

Edited by MetapoliC
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I remember being on a 4 man server at the north west airfield, looted one prison then noticed zombies chasing something over the airstrip. I left the prison and camped a tree next to the prison, about 10 metres from the door. I wait for a few mins then lo and behold, the other 3 people on the server turn up as an heavily armed group. I had a clear shot on them as they messed about in front of the door. One even looked at me directly (I still wonder why I didn't shoot, I had the crosshairs on his gas masked face) they then went inside and I went to ground to ensure survival, my god I had such an adrenaline rush, I literally stayed prone for 5 mins before moving out, a true highlight for me.

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Up until a few days ago, I would have shot him down without a second thought. My mission, he was impeding my progress, BOOM. No question.


Was playing Breaking Point mod the other day, though, and I was a total noob freshie. Think I had been in game all of about 30 minutes maybe, on Thirsk with no idea where I was or where I was going. Looting an abandoned car on a road, all of a sudden I hear a voice in direct, and just about shit myself. Another freshie, but he had an axe. (I had a loaded 700 but only had 5 rounds, but not equipped.) He put the axe down and made small talk, and I kept up the small talk. We went to a construction site, looted and went our separate ways. 


Dunno why I didn't kill him. He definitely got the drop on me, but didn't kill me...generally I think, too bad for you, because I am gonna kill you now, otherwise in that situation. Something made me hold back.

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I've been trying to change my ways. At the start I was always KoS but lately I've been seeing more and more nice people. If someone mics up and we chat then I am not going to threaten them. Heck I even usually share my loot.


If I saw this random guy and he didn't see me I'm not sure what I would do. 


Although if he's looting military building then he's probably gearing up for a fight so I wouldn't feel bad about killing him. It's all about location I suppose

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Came across this situation just the other day, not only once but twice  in one day on the same hardcore server.


1) the individual saw me first from behind said "HI" had my shot gun drawn and turned around. I asked him to drop his weapon he did (shot gun) I asked him who else he was with he said "no one" but heard him talking to someone else he told me it was a friend on Skype. I didn't believe him and shot him point blank. I looked to see who else was on the server and I was the only one, oh well tough luck.


2) the second individual I meet  was in the police station in Elektro again i had my shot gun already drawn saw him first told him to drop his weapon he told me he didn't have any I told him I can see his weapon on his back than he told me he had no ammo. He dropped his mosin and m4 ammo then i persided to give him some buckshots!!


Felt kinda sad for the second individual for about 5 seconds, tough love I guess

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Came across this situation just the other day, not only once but twice  in one day on the same hardcore server.


1) the individual saw me first from behind said "HI" had my shot gun drawn and turned around. I asked him to drop his weapon he did (shot gun) I asked him who else he was with he said "no one" but heard him talking to someone else he told me it was a friend on Skype. I didn't believe him and shot him point blank. I looked to see who else was on the server and I was the only one, oh well tough luck.


2) the second individual I meet  was in the police station in Elektro again i had my shot gun already drawn saw him first told him to drop his weapon he told me he didn't have any I told him I can see his weapon on his back than he told me he had no ammo. He dropped his mosin and m4 ammo then i persided to give him some buckshots!!


Felt kinda sad for the second individual for about 5 seconds, tough love I guess

I kinda wish the first guy shot you :(

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